using jclouds Installation.import org.jclouds.blobstore.*;
import org.jclouds.ContextBuilder;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.domain.*;
import org.jclouds.azureblob.*;
String storageAccountName = "<Your storage account name>";
String storageAccountKey = "<Your storage account primary access key>";
String containerName = "<Your container name>";
String blobFullyQualifiedFileName = "<Fully qualified filename>";
String blobName = "<Your blob name>";
// Get a context with amazon that offers the portable BlobStore api
BlobStoreContext context = ContextBuilder.newBuilder("azureblob")
.credentials(storageAccountName, storageAccountKey)
// Access the BlobStore
BlobStore blobStore = context.getBlobStore();
// Create a Container
blobStore.createContainerInLocation(null, containerName);
// Create a blob.
ByteSource payload = Files.asByteSource(new File(blobFullyQualifiedFileName));
Blob blob = context.getBlobStore().blobBuilder(blobName)
.payload(payload) // or InputStream
// Upload the Blob
blobStore.putBlob(containerName, blob);
// When you need access to azureblob-specific features, use the provider-specific context
AzureBlobClient azureBlobClient = context.unwrapApi(AzureBlobClient.class);
Object object = azureBlobClient.getBlobProperties(containerName, blobName);
System.out.println("Object: " + object);
To use Azure Active Directory with Azure Blob storage, follow these steps:
az ad app create --display-name <name> --password <password>
az ad sp create --id <Application-id>
az role assignment create --role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" --assignee <service principal ID>
az account show
In step 2, note the Azure Application ID returned. It will be used to create the service principal. In step 3, note the service principal ID returned – it is required in step 4 to assign the role so that the service principal can access the storage account.
Now you can use Azure Blob using Azure AD authentication. The required properties are:
jclouds.identity=<service principal ID>
jclouds.credential=<service principal password>
jclouds.azureblob.tenantId=<tenant ID>
jclouds.azureblob.account=<Azure Blob storage account>