1. Signup for CloudSigma
  2. Ensure you are using a recent JDK 6
  3. Setup your project to include cloudsigma-zrh
    • Get the dependency org.apache.jclouds.provider/cloudsigma-zrh using jclouds Installation.
  4. Start coding
// get a context with ibm that offers the portable ComputeService api
ComputeServiceContext context = ContextBuilder.newBuilder("cloudsigma-zrh")
                      .credentials(email, password)
                      .modules(ImmutableSet.<Module> of(new Log4JLoggingModule(),
                                                        new SshjSshClientModule()))

// run a couple nodes accessible via group webserver
nodes = context.getComputeService().client.runNodesInGroup("webserver", 2);

// While the portable context is easier, you can always perform the same commands manually,
// using the provider-specific context.
CloudSigmaClient client = CloudSigmaClient.class.cast(context.getProviderSpecificContext().getApi());

// clone a drive from another drive
DriveInfo drive = client.cloneDrive("source-id", "name", size(sizeInBytesYesBytes));

// Note you'll have to block until the drive has no exclusive lock before starting your server.  Here's how I do it:
boolean success =  new RetryablePredicate<DriveInfo>(Predicates.not(new DriveClaimed(client)), maxDriveImageTime, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS).apply(drive);

// After your boot disk is up, you can create a server with it as below. Names needn't be unique.:
Server toCreate = Servers.small(name, drive.getUuid(),defaultVncPassword).mem(ramMB).cpu(mhz).build();
ServerInfo newServer = client.createServer(toCreate);

// release resources
  1. Run on CloudSigma