Interface GlobalPodApi

  • public interface GlobalPodApi
    Provides synchronous access to CloudStack Pod features available to Global Admin users.
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • listPods

        Set<Pod> listPods​(ListPodsOptions... options)
        Lists pods
        options - if present, how to constrain the list.
        pods matching query, or empty set, if no pods are found
      • getPod

        Pod getPod​(@QueryParam("id")
                   String id)
        get a specific pod by id
        id - pod to get
        pod or null if not found
      • createPod

        Pod createPod​(@QueryParam("name")
                      String name,
                      String zoneId,
                      String startIp,
                      String endIp,
                      String gateway,
                      String netmask,
                      CreatePodOptions... createPodOptions)
        Creates a new Pod.
        name - the name of the Pod
        zoneId - the Zone ID in which the Pod will be created
        startIp - the starting IP address for the Pod
        endIp - the ending IP address for the Pod
        gateway - the gateway for the Pod
        netmask - the netmask for the Pod
        createPodOptions - optional arguments
        the new Pod
      • createPod

        Pod createPod​(@QueryParam("name")
                      String name,
                      String zoneId,
                      String startIp,
                      String gateway,
                      String netmask,
                      CreatePodOptions... createPodOptions)
        Creates a new Pod.
        name - the name of the Pod
        zoneId - the Zone ID in which the Pod will be created
        startIp - the starting IP address for the Pod
        gateway - the gateway for the Pod
        netmask - the netmask for the Pod
        createPodOptions - optional arguments
        the new Pod
      • deletePod

        void deletePod​(@QueryParam("id")
                       String id)
        Deletes a Pod.
        id - the ID of the Pod
      • updatePod

        Pod updatePod​(@QueryParam("id")
                      String id,
                      UpdatePodOptions... updatePodOptions)
        Updates a Pod.
        id - the ID of the Pod
        updatePodOptions - optional arguments
        the updated pod