Interface StaticLargeObjectApi

  • @Beta
    public interface StaticLargeObjectApi
    Provides access to the OpenStack Object Storage (Swift) Static Large Object API features.

    This API is new to jclouds and hence is in Beta. That means we need people to use it and give us feedback. Based on that feedback, minor changes to the interfaces may happen. This code will replace org.jclouds.openstack.swift.SwiftClient in jclouds 2.0 and it is recommended you adopt it sooner than later.

    • Method Detail

      • replaceManifest

        String replaceManifest​(@PathParam("objectName")
                               String objectName,
                               List<Segment> segments,
                               Map<String,​String> metadata)
        Creates or updates a static large object's manifest.
        objectName - corresponds to SwiftObject.getName().
        segments - ordered parts which will be concatenated upon download.
        metadata - corresponds to SwiftObject.getMetadata().
        SwiftObject.getEtag() of the object, which is the MD5 checksum of the concatenated ETag values of the segments.
      • replaceManifest

        String replaceManifest​(@PathParam("objectName")
                               String objectName,
                               List<Segment> segments,
                               Map<String,​String> metadata,
                               Map<String,​String> headers)
        Creates or updates a static large object's manifest.
        objectName - corresponds to SwiftObject.getName().
        segments - ordered parts which will be concatenated upon download.
        metadata - corresponds to SwiftObject.getMetadata().
        headers - Binds the map to headers, without prefixing/escaping the header name/key.
        SwiftObject.getEtag() of the object, which is the MD5 checksum of the concatenated ETag values of the segments.
      • getManifest

        List<Segment> getManifest​(@PathParam("objectName")
                                  String objectName)
        Get a static large object's manifest.
        objectName - corresponds to SwiftObject.getName().
        A list of the multipart segments