Interface AutoscaleApi

    • Method Detail

      • getConfiguredRegions

        Set<String> getConfiguredRegions()
        Provides a set of all regions available.
        the Region codes configured
      • getGroupApi

        GroupApi getGroupApi​(String region)
        Provides access to all scaling Group features.
      • getPolicyApi

        PolicyApi getPolicyApi​(String region,
                               String groupId)
        Provides access to all policy features for scaling Groups.
      • getWebhookApi

        WebhookApi getWebhookApi​(String region,
                                 String groupId,
                                 String policyId)
        Provides access to webhook management features.
      • getCurrentTenantId

        @Provides<Tenant> getCurrentTenantId()
        Provides the Tenant.
      • getPolicyApiForGroup

        PolicyApi getPolicyApiForGroup​(String region,
                                       String groupId)
        Please use getPolicyApi(String, String) instead. To be removed in jclouds 2.0.
        Provides access to all policy features for scaling Groups.
      • getWebhookApiForGroupAndPolicy

        WebhookApi getWebhookApiForGroupAndPolicy​(String region,
                                                  String groupId,
                                                  String policyId)
        Please use getWebhookApi(String, String, String) instead. To be removed in jclouds 2.0.
        Provides access to webhook management features.