Interface LoadBalancerApi

  • public interface LoadBalancerApi
    Provides access to CloudLoadBalancers LoadBalancer features.

    • Method Detail

      • create

        LoadBalancer create​(CreateLoadBalancer createLB)
        Create a new load balancer with the configuration defined by the request.
        The object will contain a unique identifier and status of the request. Using the identifier, the caller can check on the progress of the operation by performing a get(int).
      • update

        void update​(@PathParam("id")
                    int id,
                    UpdateLoadBalancer updateLB)
        Update the properties of a load balancer.
      • list

        PagedIterable<LoadBalancer> list()
        List the load balancers.
      • get

        LoadBalancer get​(@PathParam("id")
                         int id)
        Get a load balancer.
      • delete

        void delete​(@PathParam("id")
                    int id)
        Delete a load balancer.
      • createMetadata

        Metadata createMetadata​(@PathParam("id")
                                int id,
                                Map<String,​String> metadata)
        When a metadata item is added, it is assigned a unique identifier that can be used for mutating operations such as changing the value attribute or removing it. Key and value must be 256 characters or less. All UTF-8 characters are valid.
      • getMetadata

        Metadata getMetadata​(@PathParam("id")
                             int id)
        List a load balancer's metadata.
      • updateMetadatum

        boolean updateMetadatum​(@PathParam("id")
                                int id,
                                int metadatumId,
                                String value)
        Update metadatum. Key and value must be 256 characters or less. All UTF-8 characters are valid.
        true on a successful update, false if the metadatum was not found
      • deleteMetadatum

        boolean deleteMetadatum​(@PathParam("id")
                                int id,
                                int metadatumId)
        Delete metadatum.
        true on a successful removal, false if the metadatum was not found
        See Also:
        deleteMetadata(int, Iterable)
      • deleteMetadata

        boolean deleteMetadata​(@PathParam("id")
                               int id,
                               Iterable<Integer> metadataIds)
        Batch delete metadata given the specified ids. The current default limit is ten ids per request. Any and all configuration data is immediately purged and is not recoverable. If one or more of the items in the list cannot be removed due to its current status, an exception is thrown along with the ids of the ones the system identified as potential failures for this request.
        true on a successful removal, false if the metadata was not found