Uses of Class
Packages that use ParamValidators Package Description org.jclouds.azureblob org.jclouds.filesystem.strategy.internal org.jclouds.s3 This package contains an Amazon S3 client implemented byHttpCommandExecutorService
commands. -
Uses of ParamValidators in org.jclouds.azureblob
Method parameters in org.jclouds.azureblob with annotations of type ParamValidators Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
AzureBlobClient. blobExists(String container, String name)
AzureBlobClient. containerExists(String container)
Issues a HEAD command to determine if the container exists or not.String
AzureBlobClient. copyBlob(URI copySource, String toContainer, String toName, CopyBlobOptions options)
AzureBlobClient. createContainer(String container, CreateContainerOptions... options)
The Create Container operation creates a new container under the specified identity.void
AzureBlobClient. deleteBlob(String container, String name)
The Delete Blob operation marks the specified blob for deletion.void
AzureBlobClient. deleteContainer(String container)
The Delete Container operation marks the specified container for deletion.AzureBlob
AzureBlobClient. getBlob(String container, String name, GetOptions... options)
The Get Blob operation reads or downloads a blob from the system, including its metadata and properties.BlobProperties
AzureBlobClient. getBlobProperties(String container, String name)
The Get Blob Properties operation returns all user-defined metadata, standard HTTP properties, and system properties for the blob.ListBlobBlocksResponse
AzureBlobClient. getBlockList(String container, String name)
AzureBlobClient. getContainerProperties(String container)
The Get Container Properties operation returns all user-defined metadata and system properties for the specified container.PublicAccess
AzureBlobClient. getPublicAccessForContainer(String container)
Returns whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and the level of accessListBlobsResponse
AzureBlobClient. listBlobs(String container, ListBlobsOptions... options)
The List Blobs operation enumerates the list of blobs under the specified container.String
AzureBlobClient. putBlob(String container, AzureBlob object)
The Put Blob operation creates a new blob or updates the content of an existing blob.void
AzureBlobClient. putBlock(String container, String name, String blockId, Payload part)
The Put Block operation creates a block blob on Azure which can be later assembled into a single, large blob object with the Put Block List operation.void
AzureBlobClient. putBlock(String container, String name, String blockId, Payload part)
The Put Block operation creates a block blob on Azure which can be later assembled into a single, large blob object with the Put Block List operation.String
AzureBlobClient. putBlockList(String container, String name, List<String> blockIdList) putBlockList(String, AzureBlob, List<String>) insteadString
AzureBlobClient. putBlockList(String container, AzureBlob object, List<String> blockIdList)
The Put Block List assembles a list of blocks previously uploaded with Put Block into a single blob.String
AzureBlobClient. setBlobMetadata(String container, String name, Map<String,String> metadata)
AzureBlobClient. setBlobProperties(String container, String name, ContentMetadata contentMetadata)
AzureBlobClient. setBlobTier(String container, String name, AccessTier tier)
AzureBlobClient. setPublicAccessForContainer(String container, PublicAccess access)
Returns whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and the level of accessvoid
AzureBlobClient. setResourceMetadata(String container, Map<String,String> metadata)
The Set Container Metadata operation sets one or more user-defined name/value pairs for the specified container. -
Uses of ParamValidators in org.jclouds.filesystem.strategy.internal
Method parameters in org.jclouds.filesystem.strategy.internal with annotations of type ParamValidators Modifier and Type Method Description Blob
FilesystemStorageStrategyImpl. newBlob(String name)
Uses of ParamValidators in org.jclouds.s3
Method parameters in org.jclouds.s3 with annotations of type ParamValidators Modifier and Type Method Description void
S3Client. abortMultipartUpload(String bucketName, String key, String uploadId)
This operation aborts a multipart upload.boolean
S3Client. bucketExists(String bucketName)
Issues a HEAD command to determine if the bucket exists or not.String
S3Client. completeMultipartUpload(String bucketName, String key, String uploadId, Map<Integer,String> parts)
This operation completes a multipart upload by assembling previously uploaded parts.ObjectMetadata
S3Client. copyObject(String sourceBucket, String sourceObject, String destinationBucket, String destinationObject, CopyObjectOptions... options)
Copies one object to another bucket, retaining UserMetadata from the source.boolean
S3Client. deleteBucketIfEmpty(String bucketName)
Deletes the bucket, if it is empty.void
S3Client. deleteObject(String bucketName, String key)
Removes the object and metadata associated with the key.DeleteResult
S3Client. deleteObjects(String bucketName, Iterable<String> keys)
The Multi-Object Delete operation enables you to delete multiple objects from a bucket using a single HTTP request.void
S3Client. disableBucketLogging(String bucketName)
Disables logging for a bucket.void
S3Client. enableBucketLogging(String bucketName, BucketLogging logging)
Enables logging for a bucket.AccessControlList
S3Client. getBucketACL(String bucketName)
A GET request operation directed at an object or bucket URI with the "acl" parameter retrieves the Access Control List (ACL) settings for that S3 item.String
S3Client. getBucketLocation(String bucketName)
A GET location request operation using a bucket URI lists the location constraint of the bucket.BucketLogging
S3Client. getBucketLogging(String bucketName)
Inspects the logging status for a bucket.Payer
S3Client. getBucketPayer(String bucketName)
A GET request operation on a requestPayment resource returns the request payment configuration of a bucket.S3Object
S3Client. getObject(String bucketName, String key, GetOptions... options)
Retrieves the S3Object associated with the Key or KeyNotFoundException if not available;AccessControlList
S3Client. getObjectACL(String bucketName, String key)
A GET request operation directed at an object or bucket URI with the "acl" parameter retrieves the Access Control List (ACL) settings for that S3 item.ObjectMetadata
S3Client. headObject(String bucketName, String key)
Retrieves themetadata
of the object associated with the key or null if not available.String
S3Client. initiateMultipartUpload(String bucketName, ObjectMetadata objectMetadata, PutObjectOptions... options)
This operation initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID.ListBucketResponse
S3Client. listBucket(String bucketName, ListBucketOptions... options)
Retrieve aS3Bucket
S3Client. listMultipartParts(String bucketName, String key, String uploadId)
Deprecated.see #listMultipartPartsFullMap<Integer,ListMultipartUploadResponse>
S3Client. listMultipartPartsFull(String bucketName, String key, String uploadId)
S3Client. listMultipartUploads(String bucketName, String delimiter, Integer maxUploads, String keyMarker, String prefix, String uploadIdMarker)
S3Client. objectExists(String bucketName, String key)
S3Client. putBucketACL(String bucketName, AccessControlList acl)
Update a bucket's Access Control List settings.boolean
S3Client. putBucketInRegion(String region, String bucketName, PutBucketOptions... options)
Create and name your own bucket in which to store your objects.String
S3Client. putObject(String bucketName, S3Object object, PutObjectOptions... options)
Store data by creating or overwriting an object.boolean
S3Client. putObjectACL(String bucketName, String key, AccessControlList acl)
Update an object's Access Control List settings.void
S3Client. setBucketPayer(String bucketName, Payer payer)
The PUT request operation with a requestPayment URI configures an existing bucket to be Requester Pays or not.boolean
S3Client. updateBucketCannedACL(String bucketName, CannedAccessPolicy acl)
Update a bucket's Access Control List settings.boolean
S3Client. updateObjectCannedACL(String bucketName, String key, CannedAccessPolicy acl)
Update an object's Access Control List settings.String
S3Client. uploadPart(String bucketName, String key, int partNumber, String uploadId, Payload part)
This operation uploads a part in a multipart upload.String
S3Client. uploadPartCopy(String bucketName, String key, int partNumber, String uploadId, String sourceBucket, String sourceObject, long startOffset, long endOffset)