Class VirtualGuest

  • public class VirtualGuest
    extends Object
    The virtual guest data type presents the structure in which all virtual guests will be presented. Internally, the structure supports various virtualization platforms with no change to external interaction.
    A guest, also known as a virtual server or CloudLayer Computing Instance, represents an allocation of resources on a virtual host. The hostname and domain must be alphanumeric strings that may be separated by periods '.'. The only other allowable special character is the dash '-'. However the special characters '.' and '-' may not be consecutive. Each alphanumeric string separated by a period is considered a label. Labels must begin and end with an alphanumeric character. Each label cannot be solely comprised of digits and must be between 1-63 characters in length. The last label, the TLD (top level domain) must be between 2-6 alphabetic characters. The domain portion must consist of least one label followed by a period '.' then ending with the TLD label. Combining the hostname, followed by a period '.', followed by the domain gives the FQDN (fully qualified domain name), which may not exceed 253 characters in total length.
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getAccountId

        public int getAccountId()
        A computing instance's associated account id
      • getCreateDate

        public Date getCreateDate()
        The date a virtual computing instance was created.
      • getDomain

        public String getDomain()
        A computing instance's domain name
      • getFullyQualifiedDomainName

        public String getFullyQualifiedDomainName()
        A name reflecting the hostname and domain of the computing instance.
      • getHostname

        public String getHostname()
        A virtual computing instance's hostname
      • getId

        public int getId()
        Unique ID for a computing instance.
      • getLastVerifiedDate

        public Date getLastVerifiedDate()
        The last timestamp of when the guest was verified as a resident virtual machine on the host's hypervisor platform.
      • getMaxCpu

        public int getMaxCpu()
        The maximum amount of CPU resources a computing instance may utilize.
      • getMaxCpuUnits

        public String getMaxCpuUnits()
        The unit of the maximum amount of CPU resources a computing instance may utilize.
      • getMaxMemory

        public int getMaxMemory()
        The maximum amount of memory a computing instance may utilize.
      • getMetricPollDate

        public Date getMetricPollDate()
        The date of the most recent metric tracking poll performed.
      • getModifyDate

        public Date getModifyDate()
        The date a virtual computing instance was last modified.
      • getNotes

        public String getNotes()
        A small note about a cloud instance to use at your discretion.
      • getStartCpus

        public int getStartCpus()
        The number of CPUs available to a computing instance upon startup.
      • getStatusId

        public int getStatusId()
        A computing instances status ID
      • getUuid

        public String getUuid()
        Unique ID for a computing instance's record on a virtualization platform.
      • getPrimaryBackendIpAddress

        public String getPrimaryBackendIpAddress()
        private ip address
      • getPrimaryIpAddress

        public String getPrimaryIpAddress()
        public ip address
      • getBillingItemId

        public int getBillingItemId()
        The billing item for a CloudLayer Compute Instance.
      • getOperatingSystemReferenceCode

        public String getOperatingSystemReferenceCode()
      • getSoftwareLicense

        public SoftwareLicense getSoftwareLicense()
        The softwareLicense of a virtual guest.
      • getPowerState

        public PowerState getPowerState()
        The current power state of a virtual guest.
      • getActiveTransactionCount

        public int getActiveTransactionCount()
      • isHourlyBillingFlag

        public boolean isHourlyBillingFlag()
      • isLocalDiskFlag

        public boolean isLocalDiskFlag()
      • isPrivateNetworkOnly

        public boolean isPrivateNetworkOnly()
        Whether the computing instance only has access to the private network.
      • isDedicatedAccountHostOnly

        public boolean isDedicatedAccountHostOnly()
        When true this flag specifies that a compute instance is to run on hosts that only have guests from the same account.
      • getPostInstallScriptUri

        public String getPostInstallScriptUri()
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object