Interface STSApi

    • Method Detail

      • createTemporaryCredentials

        SessionCredentials createTemporaryCredentials()
        Returns a set of temporary credentials for an AWS account or IAM user, with a default timeout
      • assumeRole

        UserAndSessionCredentials assumeRole​(@FormParam("RoleArn")
                                             String roleArn,
                                             String sessionName)
        Assumes a role for a specified session. Only IAM users can assume a role.
        sessionName - An identifier for the assumed role session, included as part of User#getId.
        roleArn - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role that the caller is assuming.
      • createFederatedUser

        UserAndSessionCredentials createFederatedUser​(@FormParam("Name")
                                                      String userName)
        Returns a set of temporary credentials for a federated user with the user name specified.
        userName - The name of the federated user, included as part of User#getId.