Class OperatingSystem

Direct Known Subclasses:

@Beta public class OperatingSystem extends Object
Running Operating system
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • builder

      public static OperatingSystem.Builder builder()
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • string

      protected string()
    • getFamily

      @Nullable public OsFamily getFamily()
      Type of the operating system

      generally, this is used to compare the means by which you use an operating system. For example, to determine compatibility of a particular bootstrapping or package installation approach.

    • getName

      @Nullable public String getName()
      name of the operating system; ex. Red Hat Enterprise Linux


      While this looks similar to, and may in some cases be the same as the java system property it isn't guaranteed to match a particular value. For example, this value could be derived from data parsed for a cloud api or the OVF CIM OSType enum value;
      operating system name or null if it couldn't be determined.
    • getArch

      @Nullable public String getArch()
      architecture of the operating system; ex. x86_64

      generally, this is used to decide whether an operating system will run certain binaries, for example, a 64bit JDK.


      While this looks similar to, and may in some cases be the same as the java system property os.arch it isn't guaranteed to match a particular value. For example, this value could be derived from data parsed for a cloud api or the OVF CIM OSType enum value;
      operating system architecture or null if it couldn't be determined.
    • getVersion

      @Nullable public String getVersion()
      version of the operating system; ex. 10.0.4

      generally, this is used to compare versions of the same operating system name. It should be meaningful when sorted against, although this isn't necessary.


      While this looks similar to, and may in some cases be the same as the java system property os.version it isn't guaranteed to match a particular value. For example, this value could be derived from data parsed for a cloud api or the OVF CIM OSType enum value;
      operating system version or null if it couldn't be determined.
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      description of the operating system; ex. CentOS 32-bit,Other Linux (32-bit)

      This is the only required field in the operating system object. In some implementations, it is this data that is used to parse the value of the name, version, and arch fields.

      operating system description
    • is64Bit

      public boolean is64Bit()
      whether this operating system supports 64 bit computation.
    • toBuilder

      public OperatingSystem.Builder toBuilder()