Uses of Enum Class
Packages that use Hypervisor
Uses of Hypervisor in
Methods in that return HypervisorMethods in with parameters of type HypervisorConstructors in with parameters of type HypervisorModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(String region, Map<String, String> securityGroupIdToNames, String amiLaunchIndex, String dnsName, String imageId, String instanceId, InstanceState instanceState, String rawState, String instanceType, String ipAddress, String kernelId, String keyName, Date launchTime, String availabilityZone, String virtualizationType, String platform, String privateDnsName, String privateIpAddress, String ramdiskId, String reason, RootDeviceType rootDeviceType, String rootDeviceName, Map<String, BlockDevice> ebsBlockDevices, MonitoringState monitoringState, String placementGroup, Iterable<String> productCodes, String subnetId, String spotInstanceRequestId, String vpcId, Hypervisor hypervisor, Map<String, String> tags,<AWSRunningInstance.IAMInstanceProfile> iamInstanceProfile) -
Uses of Hypervisor in org.jclouds.ec2.domain
Methods in org.jclouds.ec2.domain that return HypervisorModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Hypervisor
static Hypervisor
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.static Hypervisor[]
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.Constructors in org.jclouds.ec2.domain with parameters of type HypervisorModifierConstructorDescriptionImage
(String region, Image.Architecture architecture, String name, String description, String imageId, String imageLocation, String imageOwnerId, Image.ImageState imageState, String rawState, Image.ImageType imageType, boolean isPublic, Iterable<String> productCodes, String kernelId, String platform, String ramdiskId, RootDeviceType rootDeviceType, String rootDeviceName, Map<String, Image.EbsBlockDevice> ebsBlockDevices, Map<String, String> tags, VirtualizationType virtualizationType, Hypervisor hypervisor)