Interface GridLoadBalancerApi

public interface GridLoadBalancerApi
  • Method Details

    • getLoadBalancerList

      @GET @Path("/grid/loadbalancer/list") Set<LoadBalancer> getLoadBalancerList()
      Returns all load balancers found for the current user.
      load balancers found
    • getLoadBalancersByName

      @GET @Path("/grid/loadbalancer/get") Set<LoadBalancer> getLoadBalancersByName(String... names)
      Returns the load balancer(s) by unique name(s). Given a name or a set of names, finds one or multiple load balancers.
      names - to get the load balancers
      load balancer(s) matching the name(s)
    • getLoadBalancersById

      @GET @Path("/grid/loadbalancer/get") Set<LoadBalancer> getLoadBalancersById(Long... ids)
      Returns the load balancer(s) by unique id(s). Given an id or a set of ids, finds one or multiple load balancers.
      ids - to get the load balancers
      load balancer(s) matching the ids
    • addLoadBalancer

      @GET @Path("/grid/loadbalancer/add") LoadBalancer addLoadBalancer(@QueryParam("name") String name, IpPortPair virtualIp, List<IpPortPair> realIps, AddLoadBalancerOptions... options)
      Creates a load balancer with given properties.
      name - name of the load balancer
      virtualIp - virtual IP with IP address set in Ip.ip and port set in IpPortPair.port
      realIps - real IPs to bind the virtual IP to, with IP address set in Ip.ip and port set in IpPortPair.port
      options - options that specify load balancer's type (round robin, least load), persistence strategy, or description.
      created load balancer object
    • editLoadBalancerNamed

      @GET @Path("/grid/loadbalancer/edit") LoadBalancer editLoadBalancerNamed(@QueryParam("name") String name, List<IpPortPair> realIps)
      Edits the existing load balancer to change the real IP mapping.
      name - id of the existing load balancer
      realIps - real IPs to bind the virtual IP to, with IP address set in Ip.ip and port set in IpPortPair.port
      edited object
    • editLoadBalancer

      @GET @Path("/grid/loadbalancer/edit") LoadBalancer editLoadBalancer(@QueryParam("id") long id, List<IpPortPair> realIps)
      Edits the existing load balancer to change the real IP mapping.
      id - name of the existing load balancer
      realIps - real IPs to bind the virtual IP to, with IP address set in Ip.ip and port set in IpPortPair.port
      edited object
    • deleteById

      @GET @Path("/grid/loadbalancer/delete") LoadBalancer deleteById(@QueryParam("id") Long id)
      Deletes the load balancer by Id
      id - id of the load balancer to delete
      load balancer before the command is executed
    • deleteByName

      @GET @Path("/grid/loadbalancer/delete") LoadBalancer deleteByName(@QueryParam("name") String name)
      Deletes the load balancer by name; NOTE: Using this parameter may generate an error if one or more load balancers share a non-unique name.
      name - name of the load balancer to be deleted
      load balancer before the command is executed
    • getDatacenters

      @GET @Path("/common/lookup/list") Set<Option> getDatacenters()
      Retrieves the list of supported Datacenters to launch servers into. The objects will have datacenter ID, name and description. In most cases, id or name will be used for addLoadBalancer(java.lang.String, org.jclouds.gogrid.domain.IpPortPair, java.util.List<org.jclouds.gogrid.domain.IpPortPair>, org.jclouds.gogrid.options.AddLoadBalancerOptions...).
      supported datacenters