Interface Payload

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable
All Known Implementing Classes:
ApacheHCUtils.HttpEntityPayload, BaseCipherPayload, BasePayload, ByteArrayPayload, ByteSourcePayload, ChunkedUploadPayload, DelegatingPayload, FilePayload, InputStreamPayload, MultipartForm, Part, PhantomPayload, RSADecryptingPayload, RSAEncryptingPayload, StringPayload, UrlEncodedFormPayload

public interface Payload extends Closeable
  • Method Details

    • openStream

      InputStream openStream() throws IOException
      Creates a new InputStream object of the payload.
    • getInput

      Creates a new InputStream object of the payload.
    • getRawContent

      Object getRawContent()
      Payload in its original form.
    • isRepeatable

      boolean isRepeatable()
      Tells if the payload is capable of producing its data more than once.
    • release

      void release()
      release resources used by this entity. This should be called when data is discarded.
    • getContentMetadata

      MutableContentMetadata getContentMetadata()
    • setContentMetadata

      void setContentMetadata(MutableContentMetadata in)
    • setSensitive

      void setSensitive(boolean isSensitive)
      Sets whether the payload contains sensitive information. This is used when trying to decide whether to print out the payload information or not in logs
    • isSensitive

      boolean isSensitive()
      Returns whether the payload contains sensitive information. This is used when trying to decide whether to print out the payload information or not in logs