@Consumes("application/json") public interface UserApi
Provides access to the Keystone User API.
  • Method Details

    • list

      @Named("user:list") @GET @Path("/users") PagedIterable<User> list()
      Retrieve the list of users

      NOTE: this method is not in API documentation for keystone, but does work

      the list of users
    • list

      @Named("user:list") @GET @Path("/users") PaginatedCollection<User> list(PaginationOptions options)
    • get

      @Named("user:get") @GET @Path("/users/{userId}") @Nullable User get(@PathParam("userId") String userId)
      Retrieve information about a user, by user ID
      the information about the user
    • getByName

      @Named("user:getByName") @GET @Path("/users") @Nullable User getByName(@QueryParam("name") String userName)
      Retrieve information about a user, by user name

      NOTE: currently not working in openstack ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/956687 )

      the information about the user
    • listRolesOfUser

      @Named("user:listRolesOfUser") @GET @Path("/users/{userId}/roles") Set<Role> listRolesOfUser(@PathParam("userId") String userId)
      Retrieves the list of global roles associated with a specific user (excludes tenant roles).

      NOTE: Broken in openstack ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/933565 )

      the set of Roles granted to the user
    • listRolesOfUserOnTenant

      @Named("user:listRolesOfUserOnTenant") @GET @Path("/tenants/{tenantId}/users/{userId}/roles") Set<Role> listRolesOfUserOnTenant(@PathParam("userId") String userId, @PathParam("tenantId") String tenantId)
      List the roles a user has been granted on a specific tenant
      the set of roles