Interface RouterApi

@Beta @Path("/routers") @Consumes("application/json") public interface RouterApi
Provides access to Router operations for the OpenStack Networking (Neutron) v2 API.

A logical entity for forwarding packets across internal subnets and NATting them on external networks through an appropriate external gateway.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • list

      @Named("router:list") @GET PagedIterable<Router> list()
      Returns the list of all routers currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant. The list provides the unique identifier of each router configured for the tenant
      the list of all router references configured for the tenant.
    • list

      @Named("router:list") @GET Routers list(PaginationOptions options)
      See Also:
    • get

      @Named("router:get") @GET @Path("/{id}") @Nullable Router get(@PathParam("id") String id)
      Returns a Routers collection that should contain a single router with the id requested.
      id - the id of the router to return
      Routers collection or empty if not found
    • create

      @Named("router:create") @POST Router create(Router.CreateRouter router)
      Create a new router
      router - Options for creating a router
      the newly created router
    • update

      @Named("router:update") @PUT @Path("/{id}") Router update(@PathParam("id") String id, Router.UpdateRouter router)
      Update a router
      id - the id of the router to update
      router - Contains only the attributes to update
      The modified router
    • delete

      @Named("router:delete") @DELETE @Path("/{id}") boolean delete(@PathParam("id") String id)
      Deletes the specified router
      id - the id of the router to delete
      true if delete successful, false if not
    • addInterfaceForSubnet

      @Named("router:addInterfaceForSubnet") @PUT @Path("/{id}/add_router_interface") RouterInterface addInterfaceForSubnet(@PathParam("id") String routerId, String subnetId)
      Add a interface to a router to connect to the specified subnet
      routerId - the id of the router to create the interface at
      subnetId - the id of the subnet to connect with the interface
      the newly-created router interface
    • addInterfaceForPort

      @Named("router:addInterfaceForPort") @PUT @Path("/{id}/add_router_interface") RouterInterface addInterfaceForPort(@PathParam("id") String routerId, String portId)
      Add a interface to a router to connect to the specified port
      routerId - the id of the router to create the interface at
      portId - the id of the port to connect with the interface
      the newly-created router interface
    • removeInterfaceForSubnet

      @Named("router:removeInterfaceForSubnet") @PUT @Path("/{id}/remove_router_interface") boolean removeInterfaceForSubnet(@PathParam("id") String routerId, String subnetId)
      Remove the interface where the specified subnet is connected to
      routerId - the id of the router to remove the interface from
      subnetId - the id of the subnet to disconnect from the interface
    • removeInterfaceForPort

      @Named("router:removeInterfaceForPort") @PUT @Path("/{id}/remove_router_interface") boolean removeInterfaceForPort(@PathParam("id") String routerId, String portId)
      Remove the interface where the specified port is connected to
      routerId - the id of the router to remove the interface from
      portId - the id of the port to disconnect from the interface