Interface BlobStore

All Known Implementing Classes:
AtmosBlobStore, AWSS3BlobStore, AzureBlobStore, B2BlobStore, BaseBlobStore, ForwardingBlobStore, GlacierBlobStore, GoogleCloudStorageBlobStore, LocalBlobStore, ReadOnlyBlobStore, RegionScopedSwiftBlobStore, S3BlobStore

public interface BlobStore
Synchronous access to a BlobStore such as Amazon S3
  • Method Details

    • getContext

      BlobStoreContext getContext()
      a reference to the context that created this BlobStore.
    • blobBuilder

      BlobBuilder blobBuilder(String name)
      builder for creating new Blobs
    • listAssignableLocations

      Set<? extends Location> listAssignableLocations()
      The get locations command returns all the valid locations for containers. A location has a scope, which is typically region or zone. A region is a general area, like eu-west, where a zone is similar to a datacenter. If a location has a parent, that implies it is within that location. For example a location can be a rack, whose parent is likely to be a zone.
    • list

      PageSet<? extends StorageMetadata> list()
      Lists all root-level resources available to the identity.
    • containerExists

      boolean containerExists(String container)
      determines if a service-level container exists
    • createContainerInLocation

      boolean createContainerInLocation(@Nullable Location location, String container)
      Creates a namespace for your blobs

      A container is a namespace for your objects. Depending on the service, the scope can be global, identity, or sub-identity scoped. For example, in Amazon S3, containers are called buckets, and they must be uniquely named such that no-one else in the world conflicts. In other blobstores, the naming convention of the container is less strict. All blobstores allow you to list your containers and also the contents within them. These contents can either be blobs, folders, or virtual paths.

      location - some blobstores allow you to specify a location, such as US-EAST, for where this container will exist. null will choose a default location
      container - namespace. Typically constrained to lowercase alpha-numeric and hyphens.
      true if the container was created, false if it already existed.
    • createContainerInLocation

      boolean createContainerInLocation(@Nullable Location location, String container, CreateContainerOptions options)
      options - controls default access control
      See Also:
    • getContainerAccess

      @Beta ContainerAccess getContainerAccess(String container)
    • setContainerAccess

      @Beta void setContainerAccess(String container, ContainerAccess access)
    • list

      PageSet<? extends StorageMetadata> list(String container)
      Lists all resources in a container non-recursive.
      container - what to list
      a list that may be incomplete, depending on whether PageSet#getNextMarker is set
    • list

      PageSet<? extends StorageMetadata> list(String container, ListContainerOptions options)
      Like list(String) except you can control the size, recursion, and context of the list using options
      container - what to list
      options - size, recursion, and context of the list
      a list that may be incomplete, depending on whether PageSet#getNextMarker is set
    • clearContainer

      void clearContainer(String container)
      This will delete the contents of a container at its root path without deleting the container
      container - what to clear
    • clearContainer

      void clearContainer(String container, ListContainerOptions options)
      Like clearContainer(String) except you can use options to do things like recursive deletes, or clear at a different path than root.
      container - what to clear
      options - recursion and path to clear
    • deleteContainer

      void deleteContainer(String container)
      This will delete everything inside a container recursively.
      container - what to delete
      container - name of the container to delete
    • deleteContainerIfEmpty

      boolean deleteContainerIfEmpty(String container)
      Deletes a container if it is empty.
      container - name of the container to delete
      true if the container was deleted or does not exist
    • directoryExists

      @Deprecated boolean directoryExists(String container, String directory)
      use prefix and delimiter instead
      Determines if a directory exists
      container - container where the directory resides
      directory - full path to the directory
    • createDirectory

      @Deprecated void createDirectory(String container, String directory)
      use prefix and delimiter instead
      Creates a folder or a directory marker depending on the service
      container - container to create the directory in
      directory - full path to the directory
    • deleteDirectory

      @Deprecated void deleteDirectory(String containerName, String name)
      use prefix and delimiter instead
      Deletes a folder or a directory marker depending on the service
      container - container to delete the directory from
      directory - full path to the directory to delete
    • blobExists

      boolean blobExists(String container, String name)
      Determines if a blob exists
      container - container where the blob resides
      directory - full path to the blob
    • putBlob

      String putBlob(String container, Blob blob)
      Adds a Blob representing the data at location container/
      container - container to place the blob.
      blob - fully qualified name relative to the container.
      options - byte range or condition options
      etag of the blob you uploaded, possibly null where etags are unsupported
      ContainerNotFoundException - if the container doesn't exist
    • putBlob

      String putBlob(String container, Blob blob, PutOptions options)
      Adds a Blob representing the data at location container/ options using multipart strategies.
      container - container to place the blob.
      blob - fully qualified name relative to the container.
      options - byte range options
      etag of the blob you uploaded, possibly null where etags are unsupported
      ContainerNotFoundException - if the container doesn't exist
    • copyBlob

      @Beta String copyBlob(String fromContainer, String fromName, String toContainer, String toName, CopyOptions options)
      Copy blob from one container to another. Some providers implement this more efficiently than corresponding getBlob and putBlob operations. Note: options are currently ignored
      ETag of new blob
      ContainerNotFoundException - if either container does not exist
    • blobMetadata

      @Nullable BlobMetadata blobMetadata(String container, String name)
      Retrieves the metadata of a Blob at location container/name
      container - container where this exists.
      name - fully qualified name relative to the container.
      null if name isn't present or the blob you intended to receive.
      ContainerNotFoundException - if the container doesn't exist
    • getBlob

      @Nullable Blob getBlob(String container, String name)
      Retrieves a Blob representing the data at location container/name
      container - container where this exists.
      name - fully qualified name relative to the container.
      the blob you intended to receive or null, if it doesn't exist.
      ContainerNotFoundException - if the container doesn't exist
    • getBlob

      @Nullable Blob getBlob(String container, String name, GetOptions options)
      Retrieves a Blob representing the data at location container/name
      container - container where this exists.
      name - fully qualified name relative to the container.
      options - byte range or condition options
      the blob you intended to receive or null, if it doesn't exist.
      ContainerNotFoundException - if the container doesn't exist
    • removeBlob

      void removeBlob(String container, String name)
      Deletes a Blob representing the data at location container/name
      container - container where this exists.
      name - fully qualified name relative to the container.
      ContainerNotFoundException - if the container doesn't exist
    • removeBlobs

      void removeBlobs(String container, Iterable<String> names)
      Deletes multiple Blobs representing the data at location container/name
      container - container where this exists.
      names - fully qualified names relative to the container.
      ContainerNotFoundException - if the container doesn't exist
    • getBlobAccess

      @Beta BlobAccess getBlobAccess(String container, String name)
    • setBlobAccess

      @Beta void setBlobAccess(String container, String name, BlobAccess access)
    • countBlobs

      long countBlobs(String container)
      a count of all blobs in the container, excluding directory markers
    • countBlobs

      long countBlobs(String container, ListContainerOptions options)
      a count of all blobs that are in a listing constrained by the options specified, excluding directory markers
    • initiateMultipartUpload

      @Beta MultipartUpload initiateMultipartUpload(String container, BlobMetadata blob, PutOptions options)
    • abortMultipartUpload

      @Beta void abortMultipartUpload(MultipartUpload mpu)
    • completeMultipartUpload

      @Beta String completeMultipartUpload(MultipartUpload mpu, List<MultipartPart> parts)
    • uploadMultipartPart

      @Beta MultipartPart uploadMultipartPart(MultipartUpload mpu, int partNumber, Payload payload)
    • listMultipartUpload

      @Beta List<MultipartPart> listMultipartUpload(MultipartUpload mpu)
    • listMultipartUploads

      @Beta List<MultipartUpload> listMultipartUploads(String container)
    • getMinimumMultipartPartSize

      @Beta long getMinimumMultipartPartSize()
    • getMaximumMultipartPartSize

      @Beta long getMaximumMultipartPartSize()
    • getMaximumNumberOfParts

      @Beta int getMaximumNumberOfParts()
    • downloadBlob

      @Beta void downloadBlob(String container, String name, File destination)
    • downloadBlob

      @Beta void downloadBlob(String container, String name, File destination, ExecutorService executor)
    • streamBlob

      @Beta InputStream streamBlob(String container, String name)
    • streamBlob

      @Beta InputStream streamBlob(String container, String name, ExecutorService executor)