Interface SessionApi

public interface SessionApi
Provides synchronous access to Cloudstack Sessions

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • loginUserInDomainWithHashOfPassword

      @Named("login") @GET @Consumes("application/json") LoginResponse loginUserInDomainWithHashOfPassword(@QueryParam("username") String userName, @QueryParam("domain") String domain, @QueryParam("password") String hashedPassword)
      Logs a user into Cloudstack. A successful login attempt will generate a JSESSIONID cookie value that can be passed in subsequent Query command calls until the "logout" command has been issued or the session has expired.
      userName - user account name
      domain - domain name, if empty defaults to ROOT
      hashedPassword - hashed password (by default MD5)
      login response with session key or null
    • logoutUser

      @Named("logout") @GET void logoutUser(@QueryParam("sessionkey") String sessionKey)
      Logs out the user by invalidating the session key
      sessionKey - user session key