Interface CloudDNSApi

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable

public interface CloudDNSApi extends Closeable
Provides access to the Rackspace Cloud DNS API.

See Cloud DNS Developer Guide

  • Method Details

    • getJob

      @Named("job:get") @GET @Consumes("application/json") @Path("/status/{jobId}") @Nullable <T> Job<T> getJob(@PathParam("jobId") String jobId)
      Returns the current status of a job.

      Operations that create, update, or delete resources may take some time to process. Therefore they return a Job containing information, which allows the status and response information of the job to be retrieved at a later point in time.

      You likely won't need to use this method directly. Use JobPredicates.awaitComplete(CloudDNSApi, Job).
      null, if not found.
    • getLimitApi

      LimitApi getLimitApi()
      Provides access to Limit features.
    • getDomainApi

      DomainApi getDomainApi()
      Provides access to Domain features.
    • getRecordApi

      @Path("/domains/{domainId}") RecordApi getRecordApi(@PathParam("domainId") int domainId)
      Provides access to Record features.
    • getReverseDNSApi

      ReverseDNSApi getReverseDNSApi(@PathParam("serviceName") String serviceName)
      Provides access to Reverse DNS features.
    • getRecordApiForDomain

      @Deprecated @Path("/domains/{domainId}") RecordApi getRecordApiForDomain(@PathParam("domainId") int domainId)
      Please use getRecordApi(int) instead. To be removed in jclouds 2.0.
      Provides access to Record features.
    • getReverseDNSApiForService

      @Deprecated ReverseDNSApi getReverseDNSApiForService(@PathParam("serviceName") String serviceName)
      Please use getReverseDNSApi(String) instead. To be removed in jclouds 2.0.
      Provides access to Reverse DNS features.