Interface ContentCachingApi

public interface ContentCachingApi
When content caching is enabled, recently-accessed files are stored on the load balancer for easy retrieval by web clients. Content caching improves the performance of high traffic web sites by temporarily storing data that was recently accessed. While it's cached, requests for that data will be served by the load balancer, which in turn reduces load off the back end nodes. The result is improved response times for those requests and less load on the web server.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Disable content caching.
    Enable content caching.
    Determine if the load balancer is content caching.
  • Method Details

    • isContentCaching

      @Named("contentcaching:state") @GET @Consumes("application/json") @Path("/contentcaching") boolean isContentCaching()
      Determine if the load balancer is content caching.
    • enable

      @Named("contentcaching:state") @PUT @Produces("application/json") @Consumes("application/json") @Path("/contentcaching") void enable()
      Enable content caching.
    • disable

      @Named("contentcaching:state") @PUT @Produces("application/json") @Consumes("application/json") @Path("/contentcaching") void disable()
      Disable content caching.