Interface ListBucketResponse

All Superinterfaces:
Collection<ObjectMetadata>, Iterable<ObjectMetadata>, Set<ObjectMetadata>
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ListBucketResponse extends Set<ObjectMetadata>
A container that provides namespace, access control and aggregation of S3Objects

Every object stored in Amazon S3 is contained in a bucket. Buckets partition the namespace of objects stored in Amazon S3 at the top level. Within a bucket, you can use any names for your objects, but bucket names must be unique across all of Amazon S3.

Buckets are similar to Internet domain names. Just as Amazon is the only owner of the domain name, only one person or organization can own a bucket within Amazon S3. Once you create a uniquely named bucket in Amazon S3, you can organize and name the objects within the bucket in any way you like and the bucket will remain yours for as long as you like and as long as you have the Amazon S3 identity.

The similarities between buckets and domain names is not a coincidence there is a direct mapping between Amazon S3 buckets and subdomains of Objects stored in Amazon S3 are addressable using the REST API under the domain For example, if the object homepage.html?is stored in the Amazon S3 bucket mybucket its address would be

  • Method Details

    • getPrefix

      String getPrefix()
      Limits the response to keys which begin with the indicated prefix. You can use prefixes to separate a bucket into different sets of keys in a way similar to how a file system uses folders.
    • getNextMarker

      String getNextMarker()
      Indicates where in the bucket to begin listing. The list will only include keys that occur lexicographically after marker. This is convenient for pagination: To get the next page of results use the last key of the current page as the marker.
    • getMarker

      String getMarker()
    • getMaxKeys

      int getMaxKeys()
      The maximum number of keys you'd like to see in the response body. The server might return fewer than this many keys, but will not return more.
    • isTruncated

      boolean isTruncated()
      There are more then maxKeys available
    • getDelimiter

      String getDelimiter()
      Causes keys that contain the same string between the prefix and the first occurrence of the delimiter to be rolled up into a single result element in the CommonPrefixes collection. These rolled-up keys are not returned elsewhere in the response.
    • getCommonPrefixes

      Set<String> getCommonPrefixes()

      if the following keys are in the bucket


      and prefix is set to a/ and delimiter is set to / then commonprefixes would return 1,2

      See Also:
    • getName

      String getName()
      name of the Bucket