Package org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain
package org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain
ClassDescriptionCreates a run scriptStatement used in a shell scriptCreates a run scriptCreates a run scriptDescription of git coordinates to checkout.Defines the environment of a process that can be started in the background on an operating system.Statement used in a shell scriptDefines the environment of a java process that can be started in the background on an operating system.Statement used in a shell scriptStatement used in a shell script without modifications apart from a trailing newline.Type of an Operating System.Pipes the content of the http response to a shell command that accepts input from stdinPipes the content of the http response to bashPipes the content of the http response to tar -xpzfsaves the content of the http response to a fileConstants used in shell scripting.Statement used in a shell scriptStatements used in a shell scriptStatements used in shell scripts.A java process that has a graceful shutdown mechanism.Statement used in a shell scriptunzips the content into a directory