
The following are Provider modules. These are preconfigured for public cloud services, and are accessible via the maven group org.jclouds.provider.

maven dependency abstraction technical contact failures
o.a.j.p/aws-s3 blobstore unassigned 4
o.a.j.p/azureblob blobstore unassigned 1
o.a.j.p/cloudfiles-us blobstore sdk-support @t 2
o.a.j.p/hpcloud-objectstorage blobstore unassigned 3


The following are Api modules. These can be targeted at an endpoint, such as your private cloud url. Api modules are accessible via the maven group org.jclouds.api.

maven dependency abstraction endpoint tested technical contact failures
o.a.j.a/atmos blobstore unassigned 4


The following are Labs apis and providers. These are not yet stable, but you can try them out via the maven group org.apache.jclouds.labs

maven dependency type abstraction endpoint tested technical contact failures
o.a.j.l/hostedchef provider unassigned 5