Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---|<Server> |
CloudServersAsyncClient.createServer(String name,
int imageId,
int flavorId,
CreateServerOptions... options)
|<SharedIpGroup> |
CloudServersAsyncClient.createSharedIpGroup(String name,
CreateSharedIpGroupOptions... options)
|<Void> |
CloudServersAsyncClient.rebuildServer(int id,
RebuildServerOptions... options)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DriveInfo |
CloudSigmaApi.cloneDrive(String sourceUuid,
String newName,
CloneDriveOptions... options)
Clone an existing drive.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServerDetails |
ServerApi.createWithHostnameAndRootPassword(ServerSpec serverSpec,
String hostname,
String rootPassword,
CreateServerOptions... options)
Create a new server
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Volume |
VolumeApi.create(int sizeGB,
CreateVolumeOptions... options)
Creates a new Volume
Snapshot |
SnapshotApi.create(String volumeId,
CreateSnapshotOptions... options)
Creates a new Snapshot.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---|<Auth> |
AuthenticationAsyncClient.authenticate(String username,
String key) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---|<Access> |
AuthenticationAsyncApi.authenticateWithTenantIdAndCredentials(String tenantId,
ApiAccessKeyCredentials apiAccessKeyCredentials)
Access |
AuthenticationApi.authenticateWithTenantIdAndCredentials(String tenantId,
ApiAccessKeyCredentials apiAccessKeyCredentials)
Authenticate to generate a token.
|<Access> |
AuthenticationAsyncApi.authenticateWithTenantIdAndCredentials(String tenantId,
PasswordCredentials passwordCredentials)
Access |
AuthenticationApi.authenticateWithTenantIdAndCredentials(String tenantId,
PasswordCredentials passwordCredentials)
Authenticate to generate a token.
|<Access> |
AuthenticationAsyncApi.authenticateWithTenantNameAndCredentials(String tenantName,
ApiAccessKeyCredentials apiAccessKeyCredentials)
Access |
AuthenticationApi.authenticateWithTenantNameAndCredentials(String tenantName,
ApiAccessKeyCredentials apiAccessKeyCredentials)
Authenticate to generate a token.
|<Access> |
AuthenticationAsyncApi.authenticateWithTenantNameAndCredentials(String tenantName,
PasswordCredentials passwordCredentials)
Access |
AuthenticationApi.authenticateWithTenantNameAndCredentials(String tenantName,
PasswordCredentials passwordCredentials)
Authenticate to generate a token.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RouterInterface |
RouterApi.addInterfaceForPort(String routerId,
String portId)
Add a interface to a router to connect to the specified port
RouterInterface |
RouterApi.addInterfaceForSubnet(String routerId,
String subnetId)
Add a interface to a router to connect to the specified subnet
Router |
RouterApi.create(CreateRouterOptions... options)
Create a new router
boolean |
RouterApi.removeInterfaceForPort(String routerId,
String portId)
Remove the interface where the specified port is connected to
boolean |
RouterApi.removeInterfaceForSubnet(String routerId,
String subnetId)
Remove the interface where the specified subnet is connected to
boolean |
RouterApi.update(String id,
UpdateRouterOptions... options)
Update a router
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Network |
NetworkApi.create(CreateNetworkOptions... options)
Create a new network with the specified type
Port |
PortApi.create(String networkId,
CreatePortOptions... options)
Create a new port in the specified network
Subnet |
SubnetApi.create(String networkId,
Integer ipVersion,
String cidr,
CreateSubnetOptions... options)
Create a subnet within a specified network
|<? extends Network> |
NetworkApi.createBulk(CreateNetworkBulkOptions networks)
Create multiple networks
|<? extends Port> |
PortApi.createBulk(CreatePortBulkOptions ports)
Create multiple ports
|<? extends Subnet> |
SubnetApi.createBulk(CreateSubnetBulkOptions subnets)
Create multiple subnets
boolean |
NetworkApi.update(String id,
UpdateNetworkOptions... options)
Update a network
boolean |
PortApi.update(String id,
UpdatePortOptions... options)
Update a port
boolean |
SubnetApi.update(String id,
UpdateSubnetOptions... options)
Update a subnet
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---|<? extends Volume> |
VolumeAsyncApi.create(int sizeGB,
CreateVolumeOptions... options)
Creates a new volume
|<? extends SecurityGroupRule> |
SecurityGroupAsyncApi.createRuleAllowingCidrBlock(String parent_group_id,
Ingress ip_protocol,
String cidr) |<? extends SecurityGroupRule> |
SecurityGroupAsyncApi.createRuleAllowingSecurityGroupId(String parent_group_id,
Ingress ip_protocol,
String group_id) |<? extends VolumeSnapshot> |
VolumeAsyncApi.createSnapshot(String volumeId,
CreateVolumeSnapshotOptions... options)
Creates a new Snapshot
|<? extends KeyPair> |
KeyPairAsyncApi.createWithPublicKey(String name,
String publicKey) |<Boolean> |
QuotaClassAsyncApi.update(String id,
QuotaClass quotas) |<Boolean> |
VolumeTypeAsyncApi.updateExtraSpecs(String id,
Map<String,String> specs) |<Boolean> |
FlavorExtraSpecsAsyncApi.updateMetadata(String flavorId,
Map<String,String> specs) |<Boolean> |
QuotaAsyncApi.updateQuotaOfTenant(Quota quota,
String tenantId) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---|<ServerCreated> |
ServerAsyncApi.create(String name,
String imageRef,
String flavorRef,
CreateServerOptions... options) |<Void> |
ServerAsyncApi.rebuild(String id,
RebuildServerOptions... options) |<? extends Map<String,String>> |
ServerAsyncApi.setMetadata(String id,
Map<String,String> metadata) |<Map<String,String>> |
ImageAsyncApi.setMetadata(String id,
Map<String,String> metadata) |<? extends Map<String,String>> |
ServerAsyncApi.updateMetadata(String id,
Map<String,String> metadata) |<? extends Map<String,String>> |
ImageAsyncApi.updateMetadata(String id,
Map<String,String> metadata) |<String> |
ServerAsyncApi.updateMetadata(String id,
String key,
String value) |<String> |
ImageAsyncApi.updateMetadata(String id,
String key,
String value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Instance |
InstanceApi.create(int flavor,
int volumeSize,
String name)
Same as
InstanceApi.create(String, int, String) but accept an integer Flavor ID. |
boolean |
UserApi.create(Set<User> users)
Create database users.
boolean |
DatabaseApi.create(String database)
Same as create(String, null, null)
Instance |
InstanceApi.create(String flavor,
int volumeSize,
String name)
Create a database instance by flavor type and volume size.
boolean |
UserApi.create(String userName,
String password,
String databaseName)
Create a database user by name, password, and database name.
boolean |
DatabaseApi.create(String database,
String character_set,
String collate)
This operation creates a new database within the specified instance.
boolean |
UserApi.create(String userName,
String password,
String host,
String databaseName)
Create a database user by name, password, and database name.
boolean |
UserApi.grant(String userName,
List<String> databases)
This operation grants access for the specified user to a database for the specified instance.
boolean |
UserApi.grant(String userName,
String databaseName)
This operation grants access for the specified user to a database for the specified instance.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Group |
GroupApi.create(GroupConfiguration groupConfiguration,
LaunchConfiguration launchConfiguration,
List<CreateScalingPolicy> scalingPolicies)
Create a scaling group.
|<ScalingPolicy> |
PolicyApi.create(List<CreateScalingPolicy> scalingPolicies)
Create a scaling policy.
|<Webhook> |
WebhookApi.create(List<CreateWebhook> webhooks)
Create webhooks.
|<Webhook> |
WebhookApi.create(String name,
Map<String,Object> metadata)
Create a webhook.
boolean |
PolicyApi.update(String scalingPolicyId,
CreateScalingPolicy scalingPolicy)
This operation updates a specific scaling policy.
boolean |
WebhookApi.update(String id,
String name,
Map<String,Object> metadata)
Update a webhook.
boolean |
GroupApi.updateGroupConfiguration(String id,
GroupConfiguration groupConfiguration)
This operation updates the configuration for the scaling group.
boolean |
GroupApi.updateLaunchConfiguration(String id,
LaunchConfiguration launchConfiguration)
This operation updates the launch configuration for the scaling group.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Job<Set<RecordDetail>> |
ReverseDNSApi.create(URI deviceURI,
Iterable<Record> records)
Create Reverse DNS (PTR) records for a device.
Job<Domain> |
DomainApi.importFormat(List<String> contents,
Domain.Format format)
This call provisions a new DNS domain under the account specified by the BIND 9 formatted file configuration
Job<Void> |
ReverseDNSApi.update(URI deviceURI,
Map<String,Record> idsToRecords)
Update Reverse DNS (PTR) records for a device.
Job<Void> |
DomainApi.updateEmail(Iterable<Integer> ids,
String email)
This call modifies the domain's email only.
Job<Void> |
DomainApi.updateTTL(Iterable<Integer> ids,
int ttl)
This call modifies the domain's TTL only.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---|<Access> |
CloudIdentityAuthenticationAsyncApi.authenticateWithTenantIdAndCredentials(String tenantId,
ApiKeyCredentials apiKeyCredentials)
Access |
CloudIdentityAuthenticationApi.authenticateWithTenantIdAndCredentials(String tenantId,
ApiKeyCredentials apiKeyCredentials)
Authenticate to generate a token.
|<Access> |
CloudIdentityAuthenticationAsyncApi.authenticateWithTenantNameAndCredentials(String tenantName,
ApiKeyCredentials apiKeyCredentials)
Access |
CloudIdentityAuthenticationApi.authenticateWithTenantNameAndCredentials(String tenantName,
ApiKeyCredentials apiKeyCredentials)
Authenticate to generate a token.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BatchResult<String> |
MessageApi.changeVisibility(Iterable<String> receiptHandles,
int visibilityTimeout)
Same as
MessageApi.changeVisibility(Map, int) , except that we generate
numeric ids starting with 1 |
BatchResult<String> |
MessageApi.changeVisibility(Map<String,String> idReceiptHandle,
int visibilityTimeout)
Currently, you can send up to 10
MessageApi.changeVisibility(java.lang.String, int) requests. |
BatchResult<? extends MessageIdAndMD5> |
MessageApi.sendWithDelay(Iterable<String> messageBodies,
int delaySeconds)
Same as
MessageApi.sendWithDelay(Map, int) , except that we generate numeric
ids starting with 1 |
BatchResult<? extends MessageIdAndMD5> |
MessageApi.sendWithDelay(Map<String,String> idMessageBody,
int delaySeconds)
Same as
MessageApi.send(Map) except you set a delay for all messages in the
request |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
DirectionalPoolApi.addFirstRecordInNonConfiguredGroup(String poolId,
DirectionalPoolRecord toCreate)
creates a resource record in the pool, creating and assigning it to the
special "non configured group".
String |
DirectionalPoolApi.addRecordIntoExistingGroup(String poolId,
DirectionalPoolRecord toCreate,
String groupId)
creates a resource record in the pool.
String |
DirectionalPoolApi.addRecordIntoNewGroup(String poolId,
DirectionalPoolRecord toCreate,
DirectionalGroup group)
creates a resource record in the pool.
String |
ResourceRecordApi.create(ResourceRecord toCreate)
creates a resource record in the zone.
void |
ResourceRecordApi.update(String guid,
ResourceRecord toCreate)
updates an existing resource record in the zone.
void |
DirectionalPoolApi.updateRecord(String recordId,
DirectionalPoolRecord update)
updates such as ttl or rdata for an existing directional record.
void |
TrafficControllerPoolApi.updateRecord(String poolRecordID,
UpdatePoolRecord update)
This request updates an existing pool record.
void |
DirectionalPoolApi.updateRecordAndGroup(String recordId,
DirectionalPoolRecord update,
DirectionalGroup group)
updates the geo groups of an existing directional record.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CatalogItem |
CatalogApi.addVAppTemplateOrMediaImageToCatalogAndNameItem(URI entity,
URI catalog,
String name,
CatalogItemOptions... options)
A catalog can contain references to vApp templates and media images that have been uploaded to
any vDC in an organization.
VAppTemplate |
VAppTemplateApi.captureVAppAsTemplateInVDC(URI toCapture,
String templateName,
URI vdc,
CaptureVAppOptions... options)
The captureVApp request creates a vApp template from an instantiated vApp.
Task |
VAppTemplateApi.copyVAppTemplateToVDCAndName(URI sourceVAppTemplate,
URI vdc,
String newName,
CloneVAppTemplateOptions... options) |
Task |
VAppApi.copyVAppToVDCAndName(URI sourceVApp,
URI vdc,
String newName,
CloneVAppOptions... options) |
VApp |
VAppTemplateApi.createVAppInVDCByInstantiatingTemplate(String appName,
URI vdc,
URI template,
InstantiateVAppTemplateOptions... options) |
Task |
VAppApi.deployAndPowerOnVApp(URI href)
VAppApi.deployVApp(URI) , except deploy transitions to power on state |
Task |
VmApi.deployAndPowerOnVm(URI href)
#deploy(URI) , except deploy transitions to power on state |
Task |
VAppApi.deployVApp(URI href)
To deploy a vApp, the client makes a request to its action/deploy URL.
Task |
VmApi.deployVm(URI href)
To deploy a vApp, the client makes a request to its action/deploy URL.
Catalog |
CatalogApi.findCatalogInOrgNamed(String orgName,
String catalogName)
returns the catalog in the organization associated with the specified name.
CatalogItem |
CatalogApi.findCatalogItemInOrgCatalogNamed(String orgName,
String catalogName,
String itemName)
returns the catalog item in the catalog associated with the specified name.
OrgNetwork |
NetworkApi.findNetworkInOrgVDCNamed(String orgName,
String vdcName,
String networkName) |
VApp |
VAppApi.findVAppInOrgVDCNamed(String orgName,
String vdcName,
String vAppName) |
VAppTemplate |
VAppTemplateApi.findVAppTemplateInOrgCatalogNamed(String orgName,
String catalogName,
String itemName)
returns the vapp template corresponding to a catalog item in the catalog associated with the
specified name.
VDCApi.findVDCInOrgNamed(String orgName,
String vdcName)
returns the VDC in the organization associated with the specified name.
Task |
VAppTemplateApi.moveVAppTemplateToVDCAndRename(URI toClone,
URI vdc,
String newName,
CloneVAppTemplateOptions... options) |
Task |
VAppApi.moveVAppToVDCAndRename(URI sourceVApp,
URI vdc,
String newName,
CloneVAppOptions... options) |
Task |
VAppApi.undeployAndSaveStateOfVApp(URI href)
VAppApi.undeployVApp(URI) , where the undeployed virtual machines are suspended and their
suspend state saved |
Task |
VmApi.undeployAndSaveStateOfVm(URI href)
#undeploy(URI) , where the undeployed virtual machines are suspended and their
suspend state saved |
Task |
VAppApi.undeployVApp(URI href)
Undeploying a vApp powers off or suspends any running virtual machines it contains, then frees
the resources reserved for the vApp and sets the vApp’s deploy attribute to a value of false
to indicate that it is not deployed.
Task |
VmApi.undeployVm(URI href)
Undeploying a vApp powers off or suspends any running virtual machines it contains, then frees
the resources reserved for the vApp and sets the vApp’s deploy attribute to a value of false
to indicate that it is not deployed.
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