Package | Description |
---|---| | | | |
org.jclouds.azureblob | |
org.jclouds.cloudwatch.features | |
org.jclouds.ec2.features | |
org.jclouds.openstack.nova.ec2.features | |
org.jclouds.route53 | |
org.jclouds.route53.features | |
org.jclouds.s3 |
This package contains an Amazon S3 client implemented by
HttpCommandExecutorService commands. |
org.jclouds.sqs.features | |
org.jclouds.sts | | | | | |
org.jclouds.vcloud | |
org.jclouds.vcloud.features |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
AWSSecurityGroupApi.createSecurityGroupInRegionAndReturnId(String region,
String name,
String description,
CreateSecurityGroupOptions... options) |
Set<? extends Reservation<? extends AWSRunningInstance>> |
AWSInstanceApi.describeInstancesInRegion(String region,
String... instanceIds) |
Set<? extends Reservation<? extends AWSRunningInstance>> |
AWSInstanceApi.describeInstancesInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter) |
Set<PlacementGroup> |
PlacementGroupApi.describePlacementGroupsInRegion(String region,
String... placementGroupIds)
Returns information about one or more placement groups in your account.
Set<PlacementGroup> |
PlacementGroupApi.describePlacementGroupsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Returns information about one or more placement groups in your account.
Set<SecurityGroup> |
AWSSecurityGroupApi.describeSecurityGroupsInRegion(String region,
String... securityGroupNames) |
Set<SecurityGroup> |
AWSSecurityGroupApi.describeSecurityGroupsInRegionById(String region,
String... securityGroupNames) |
Set<SecurityGroup> |
AWSSecurityGroupApi.describeSecurityGroupsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter) |
Set<SpotInstanceRequest> |
SpotInstanceApi.describeSpotInstanceRequestsInRegion(String region,
String... requestIds)
Describes Spot Instance requests.
Set<SpotInstanceRequest> |
SpotInstanceApi.describeSpotInstanceRequestsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Describes Spot Instance requests.
Set<Spot> |
SpotInstanceApi.describeSpotPriceHistoryInRegion(String region,
DescribeSpotPriceHistoryOptions... options)
Describes Spot Price history.
Set<String> |
AWSAMIApi.getProductCodesForImageInRegion(String region,
String imageId)
Returns the Product Codes of an image.
KeyPair |
AWSKeyPairApi.importKeyPairInRegion(String region,
String keyName,
String publicKeyMaterial)
Imports the public key from an RSA key pair that you created with a third-party tool.
Map<String,MonitoringState> |
MonitoringApi.monitorInstancesInRegion(String region,
String instanceId,
String... instanceIds)
Enables monitoring for a running instance.
SpotInstanceRequest |
SpotInstanceApi.requestSpotInstanceInRegion(String region,
float spotPrice,
String imageId,
String instanceType)
request a single spot instance
Set<SpotInstanceRequest> |
SpotInstanceApi.requestSpotInstancesInRegion(String region,
float spotPrice,
int instanceCount,
LaunchSpecification launchSpec,
RequestSpotInstancesOptions... options)
Creates a Spot Instance request.
Reservation<? extends AWSRunningInstance> |
AWSInstanceApi.runInstancesInRegion(String region,
String nullableAvailabilityZone,
String imageId,
int minCount,
int maxCount,
RunInstancesOptions... options) |
Map<String,MonitoringState> |
MonitoringApi.unmonitorInstancesInRegion(String region,
String instanceId,
String... instanceIds)
Disables monitoring for a running instance.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---|<DeleteResult> |
AWSS3AsyncClient.deleteObjects(String bucketName,
Iterable<String> keys)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---|<ListBlobBlocksResponse> |
AzureBlobAsyncClient.getBlockList(String container,
String name)
|<ListBlobsResponse> |
AzureBlobAsyncClient.listBlobs(ListBlobsOptions... options)
|<ListBlobsResponse> |
AzureBlobAsyncClient.listBlobs(String container,
ListBlobsOptions... options)
|<? extends BoundedSet<ContainerProperties>> |
AzureBlobAsyncClient.listContainers(ListOptions... listOptions)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GetMetricStatisticsResponse |
MetricApi.getMetricStatistics(GetMetricStatistics statistics) |
GetMetricStatisticsResponse |
MetricApi.getMetricStatistics(GetMetricStatistics statistics,
GetMetricStatisticsOptions options)
Gets statistics for the specified metric.
PagedIterable<Metric> |
MetricApi.list() |
PagedIterable<Alarm> |
Return all alarms.
PagedIterable<Alarm> |
AlarmApi.list(ListAlarmsOptions options)
Return all alarms based on the options query
IterableWithMarker<Metric> |
MetricApi.list(ListMetricsOptions options)
Returns a list of valid metrics stored for the AWS account owner.
IterableWithMarker<Alarm> |
AlarmApi.listAt(String nextToken)
Return a single page of alarms based on the options query
|<Alarm> |
AlarmApi.listForMetric(ListAlarmsForMetric options)
Return alarms all alarms for a single metric.
PagedIterable<AlarmHistoryItem> |
Return all history for all alarms.
PagedIterable<AlarmHistoryItem> |
AlarmApi.listHistory(ListAlarmHistoryOptions options)
Return all history based on the options query
IterableWithMarker<AlarmHistoryItem> |
AlarmApi.listHistoryAt(String nextToken)
Return a single page of history for the specified alarm.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ElasticIPAddressApi.allocateAddressInRegion(String region)
Acquires an elastic IP address for use with your identity.
Attachment |
ElasticBlockStoreApi.attachVolumeInRegion(String region,
String volumeId,
String instanceId,
String device)
Attaches an Amazon EBS volume to a running instance and exposes it as the specified device.
BundleTask |
WindowsApi.bundleInstanceInRegion(String region,
String instanceId,
String prefix,
String bucket,
String uploadPolicy,
BundleInstanceS3StorageOptions... options)
Bundles the Windows instance.
BundleTask |
WindowsApi.cancelBundleTaskInRegion(String region,
String bundleId)
Cancels an Amazon EC2 bundling operation.
String |
AMIApi.createImageInRegion(String region,
String name,
String instanceId,
CreateImageOptions... options)
Creates an AMI that uses an Amazon EBS root device from a "running" or "stopped" instance.
KeyPair |
KeyPairApi.createKeyPairInRegion(String region,
String keyName)
Creates a new 2048-bit RSA key pair with the specified name.
Snapshot |
ElasticBlockStoreApi.createSnapshotInRegion(String region,
String volumeId,
CreateSnapshotOptions... options)
Creates a snapshot of an Amazon EBS volume and stores it in Amazon S3.
Volume |
ElasticBlockStoreApi.createVolumeFromSnapshotInAvailabilityZone(String availabilityZone,
int size,
String snapshotId)
Creates a new Amazon EBS volume to which any Amazon EC2 instance can attach within the same
Availability Zone.
Volume |
ElasticBlockStoreApi.createVolumeFromSnapshotInAvailabilityZone(String availabilityZone,
String snapshotId)
Creates a new Amazon EBS volume to which any Amazon EC2 instance can attach within the same
Availability Zone.
Volume |
ElasticBlockStoreApi.createVolumeInAvailabilityZone(String availabilityZone,
int size)
Creates a new Amazon EBS volume to which any Amazon EC2 instance can attach within the same
Availability Zone.
Set<PublicIpInstanceIdPair> |
ElasticIPAddressApi.describeAddressesInRegion(String region,
String... publicIps)
Lists elastic IP addresses assigned to your identity or provides information about a specific
Set<PublicIpInstanceIdPair> |
ElasticIPAddressApi.describeAddressesInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Lists elastic IP addresses assigned to your identity or provides information on addresses
matching a given filter.
Set<AvailabilityZoneInfo> |
AvailabilityZoneAndRegionApi.describeAvailabilityZonesInRegion(String region,
DescribeAvailabilityZonesOptions... options)
Displays Availability Zones that are currently available to the identity and their states.
Set<BundleTask> |
WindowsApi.describeBundleTasksInRegion(String region,
String... bundleTaskIds)
Describes current bundling tasks.
Set<BundleTask> |
WindowsApi.describeBundleTasksInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Describes current bundling tasks.
Set<? extends Image> |
AMIApi.describeImagesInRegion(String region,
DescribeImagesOptions... options)
Returns information about AMIs, AKIs, and ARIs.
Set<? extends Image> |
AMIApi.describeImagesInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter,
DescribeImagesOptions... options)
Returns information about AMIs, AKIs, and ARIs.
Set<? extends Reservation<? extends RunningInstance>> |
InstanceApi.describeInstancesInRegion(String region,
String... instanceIds)
Returns information about instances that you own.
Set<? extends Reservation<? extends RunningInstance>> |
InstanceApi.describeInstancesInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Returns information about instances that you own.
Set<KeyPair> |
KeyPairApi.describeKeyPairsInRegion(String region,
String... keyPairNames)
Returns information about key pairs available to you.
Set<KeyPair> |
KeyPairApi.describeKeyPairsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Returns information about key pairs available to you.
Map<String,URI> |
AvailabilityZoneAndRegionApi.describeRegions(DescribeRegionsOptions... options)
Describes Regions that are currently available to the identity.
Set<SecurityGroup> |
SecurityGroupApi.describeSecurityGroupsInRegion(String region,
String... securityGroupNames)
Returns information about security groups that you own.
Set<SecurityGroup> |
SecurityGroupApi.describeSecurityGroupsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Returns information about security groups that you own.
Set<Snapshot> |
ElasticBlockStoreApi.describeSnapshotsInRegion(String region,
DescribeSnapshotsOptions... options)
Returns information about Amazon EBS snapshots available to the user.
Set<Snapshot> |
ElasticBlockStoreApi.describeSnapshotsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter,
DescribeSnapshotsOptions... options)
Returns information about EBS snapshots matching the given filters.
Set<Volume> |
ElasticBlockStoreApi.describeVolumesInRegion(String region,
String... volumeIds)
Describes the specified Amazon EBS volumes that you own.
Set<Volume> |
ElasticBlockStoreApi.describeVolumesInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Describes the specified Amazon EBS volumes that you own and match the given filters.
|<Tag> |
TagApi.filter(<String,String> filter)
Describes tags for your EC2 resources qualified by a filter
|<Subnet> |
SubnetApi.filter(<String,String> filter)
Describes subnets for your EC2 resources qualified by a filter
Map<String,BlockDevice> |
InstanceApi.getBlockDeviceMappingForInstanceInRegion(String region,
String instanceId) |
Map<String,Image.EbsBlockDevice> |
AMIApi.getBlockDeviceMappingsForImageInRegion(String region,
String imageId)
Returns a map of device name to block device for the image.
String |
InstanceApi.getConsoleOutputForInstanceInRegion(String region,
String instanceId)
Retrieves console output for the specified instance.
Permission |
ElasticBlockStoreApi.getCreateVolumePermissionForSnapshotInRegion(String region,
String snapshotId)
Returns the
Permission s of an snapshot. |
Volume.InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior |
InstanceApi.getInstanceInitiatedShutdownBehaviorForInstanceInRegion(String region,
String instanceId) |
String |
InstanceApi.getInstanceTypeForInstanceInRegion(String region,
String instanceId) |
String |
InstanceApi.getKernelForInstanceInRegion(String region,
String instanceId) |
Permission |
AMIApi.getLaunchPermissionForImageInRegion(String region,
String imageId)
Returns the
Permission s of an image. |
PasswordData |
WindowsApi.getPasswordDataForInstance(String instanceId)
Retrieves the encrypted administrator password for the instances running Windows.
PasswordData |
WindowsApi.getPasswordDataInRegion(String region,
String instanceId)
Retrieves the encrypted administrator password for the instances running Windows.
String |
InstanceApi.getRamdiskForInstanceInRegion(String region,
String instanceId) |
String |
InstanceApi.getRootDeviceNameForInstanceInRegion(String region,
String instanceId) |
String |
InstanceApi.getUserDataForInstanceInRegion(String region,
String instanceId) |
boolean |
InstanceApi.isApiTerminationDisabledForInstanceInRegion(String region,
String instanceId) |<Tag> |
Describes all of your tags for your EC2 resources.
|<Subnet> |
Describes all of your subnets for your EC2 resources.
String |
AMIApi.registerImageFromManifestInRegion(String region,
String imageName,
String pathToManifest,
RegisterImageOptions... options)
Registers an AMI with Amazon EC2.
String |
AMIApi.registerUnixImageBackedByEbsInRegion(String region,
String imageName,
String ebsSnapshotId,
RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions... options)
Registers an AMI with Amazon EC2.
Reservation<? extends RunningInstance> |
InstanceApi.runInstancesInRegion(String region,
String nullableAvailabilityZone,
String imageId,
int minCount,
int maxCount,
RunInstancesOptions... options)
Launches a specified number of instances of an AMI for which you have
Set<? extends InstanceStateChange> |
InstanceApi.startInstancesInRegion(String region,
String... instanceIds)
Starts an instance that uses an Amazon EBS volume as its root device.
Set<? extends InstanceStateChange> |
InstanceApi.stopInstancesInRegion(String region,
boolean force,
String... instanceIds)
Stops an instance that uses an Amazon EBS volume as its root device.
Set<? extends InstanceStateChange> |
InstanceApi.terminateInstancesInRegion(String region,
String... instanceIds)
Shuts down one or more instances.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
KeyPair |
NovaEC2KeyPairApi.importKeyPairInRegion(String region,
String keyName,
String publicKeyMaterial)
Imports the public key from an RSA key pair that you created with a third-party tool.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Change |
Route53Api.getChange(String changeID)
returns the current status of a change batch request.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Change |
ResourceRecordSetApi.apply(ChangeBatch changes)
applies a batch of changes atomically.
Change |
ResourceRecordSetApi.create(ResourceRecordSet rrs)
schedules creation of the resource record set.
NewHostedZone |
HostedZoneApi.createWithReference(String name,
String callerReference)
This action creates a new hosted zone.
NewHostedZone |
HostedZoneApi.createWithReferenceAndComment(String name,
String callerReference,
String comment)
HostedZoneApi.createWithReference(String, String) , except you can specify
a comment. |
Change |
ResourceRecordSetApi.delete(ResourceRecordSet rrs)
This action deletes a resource record set.
Change |
HostedZoneApi.delete(String zoneId)
This action deletes a hosted zone.
HostedZoneAndNameServers |
HostedZoneApi.get(String zoneId)
Retrieves information about the specified zone, including its nameserver
PagedIterable<ResourceRecordSet> |
returns all resource record sets in order.
PagedIterable<HostedZone> |
returns all zones in order.
ResourceRecordSetIterable |
ResourceRecordSetApi.listAt(ResourceRecordSetIterable.NextRecord nextRecord)
retrieves up to 100 resource record sets in order, starting at
nextRecord |
IterableWithMarker<HostedZone> |
HostedZoneApi.listAt(String nextMarker)
retrieves up to 100 zones in order, starting at
nextMarker |
ResourceRecordSetIterable |
retrieves up to 100 resource record sets in order.
IterableWithMarker<HostedZone> |
retrieves up to 100 zones in order.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---|<ObjectMetadata> |
S3AsyncClient.copyObject(String sourceBucket,
String sourceObject,
String destinationBucket,
String destinationObject,
CopyObjectOptions... options)
|<AccessControlList> |
S3AsyncClient.getBucketACL(String bucketName)
|<String> |
S3AsyncClient.getBucketLocation(String bucketName)
|<BucketLogging> |
S3AsyncClient.getBucketLogging(String bucketName)
|<Payer> |
S3AsyncClient.getBucketPayer(String bucketName)
|<AccessControlList> |
S3AsyncClient.getObjectACL(String bucketName,
String key)
|<ListBucketResponse> |
S3AsyncClient.listBucket(String bucketName,
ListBucketOptions... options)
|<? extends Set<BucketMetadata>> |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BatchResult<String> |
MessageApi.changeVisibility(Iterable<String> receiptHandles,
int visibilityTimeout)
Same as
MessageApi.changeVisibility(Map, int) , except that we generate
numeric ids starting with 1 |
BatchResult<MessageIdAndMD5> |
MessageApi.changeVisibility(Map<String,Integer> receiptHandleVisibilityTimeout)
Same as
MessageApi.changeVisibility(Table) , except that we generate numeric
ids starting with 1 |
BatchResult<String> |
MessageApi.changeVisibility(Map<String,String> idReceiptHandle,
int visibilityTimeout)
Currently, you can send up to 10
MessageApi.changeVisibility(java.lang.String, int) requests. |
BatchResult<String> |
MessageApi.changeVisibility(<String,String,Integer> idReceiptHandleVisibilityTimeout)
Currently, you can send up to 10
MessageApi.changeVisibility(java.lang.String, int) requests. |
BatchResult<String> |
MessageApi.delete(Iterable<String> receiptHandles)
Same as
MessageApi.delete(Map) , except that we generate numeric ids starting
with 1 |
BatchResult<String> |
MessageApi.delete(Map<String,String> idReceiptHandle)
Currently, you can send up to 10
MessageApi.delete(java.lang.String) requests. |
String |
QueueApi.getAttribute(URI queue,
String attributeName)
returns an attribute of a queue.
QueueAttributes |
QueueApi.getAttributes(URI queue)
returns all attributes of a queue.
Map<String,String> |
QueueApi.getAttributes(URI queue,
Iterable<String> attributeNames)
returns an attribute of a queue.
Message |
The ReceiveMessage action retrieves one or more messages from the
specified queue.
|<Message> |
MessageApi.receive(int max)
same as
#receive(URI) except you can receive multiple messages. |<Message> |
MessageApi.receive(int max,
ReceiveMessageOptions options)
same as
#receive(URI, int) except you can provide options like
VisibilityTimeout parameter in your request, which will be applied to the
messages that SQS returns in the response. |
Message |
MessageApi.receive(ReceiveMessageOptions options)
same as
#receive(URI) except you can provide options like
VisibilityTimeout parameter in your request, which will be applied to the
messages that SQS returns in the response. |
BatchResult<? extends MessageIdAndMD5> |
MessageApi.send(Iterable<String> messageBodies)
Same as
MessageApi.send(Map) , except that we generate numeric ids starting
with 1 |
BatchResult<? extends MessageIdAndMD5> |
MessageApi.send(Map<String,String> idMessageBody)
The SendMessageBatch action delivers up to ten messages to the specified
BatchResult<? extends MessageIdAndMD5> |
MessageApi.sendWithDelay(Iterable<String> messageBodies,
int delaySeconds)
Same as
MessageApi.sendWithDelay(Map, int) , except that we generate numeric
ids starting with 1 |
BatchResult<? extends MessageIdAndMD5> |
MessageApi.sendWithDelay(Map<String,String> idMessageBody,
int delaySeconds)
Same as
MessageApi.send(Map) except you set a delay for all messages in the
request |
BatchResult<? extends MessageIdAndMD5> |
MessageApi.sendWithDelays(Map<String,Integer> messageBodyDelaySeconds)
Same as
MessageApi.sendWithDelays(Table) , except that we generate numeric
ids starting with 1 |
BatchResult<? extends MessageIdAndMD5> |
MessageApi.sendWithDelays(<String,String,Integer> idMessageBodyDelaySeconds)
Same as
MessageApi.send(Map) except you can set a delay for each message in
the request. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
UserAndSessionCredentials |
STSApi.assumeRole(String roleArn,
String sessionName)
Assumes a role for a specified session.
UserAndSessionCredentials |
STSApi.assumeRole(String roleArn,
String sessionName,
AssumeRoleOptions options)
STSApi.assumeRole(String, String) , except you can modify the
timeout and other parameters. |
UserAndSessionCredentials |
STSApi.createFederatedUser(String userName)
Returns a set of temporary credentials for a federated user with the user
name specified.
UserAndSessionCredentials |
STSApi.createFederatedUser(String userName,
FederatedUserOptions options)
STSApi.createFederatedUser(String) , except you can modify the
timeout and other parameters. |
SessionCredentials |
Returns a set of temporary credentials for an AWS account or IAM user,
with a default timeout
SessionCredentials |
STSApi.createTemporaryCredentials(SessionCredentialsOptions options)
STSApi.createTemporaryCredentials() , except you can modify the
timeout and other parameters. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
IdAndName |
Returns the account of the current user.
|<IdAndName,String> |
Lists the directional regions available in the account.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
RoundRobinPoolApi.addAAAARecordWithAddressAndTTL(String lbPoolID,
String ipv6Address,
int ttl)
adds a new
AAAA record to the pool |
String |
RoundRobinPoolApi.addARecordWithAddressAndTTL(String lbPoolID,
String ipv4Address,
int ttl)
adds a new
A record to the pool |
String |
DirectionalPoolApi.addFirstRecordInNonConfiguredGroup(String poolId,
DirectionalPoolRecord toCreate)
creates a resource record in the pool, creating and assigning it to the
special "non configured group".
String |
DirectionalPoolApi.addRecordIntoExistingGroup(String poolId,
DirectionalPoolRecord toCreate,
String groupId)
creates a resource record in the pool.
String |
DirectionalPoolApi.addRecordIntoNewGroup(String poolId,
DirectionalPoolRecord toCreate,
DirectionalGroup group)
creates a resource record in the pool.
String |
TrafficControllerPoolApi.addRecordToPoolWithTTL(String rdata,
String lbPoolID,
int ttl)
adds a new record to the pool with default weight.
String |
TrafficControllerPoolApi.addRecordToPoolWithTTLAndWeight(String rdata,
String lbPoolID,
int ttl,
int weight)
adds a new record to the pool with a specified weight.
String |
ResourceRecordApi.create(ResourceRecord toCreate)
creates a resource record in the zone.
String |
TrafficControllerPoolApi.createForDNameAndType(String name,
String dname,
int rrType)
creates a traffic controller pool.
String |
RoundRobinPoolApi.createForDNameAndType(String name,
String dname,
int rrType)
creates a round robin pool.
String |
DirectionalPoolApi.createForDNameAndType(String name,
String dname,
int rrType)
creates a directional pool for
A and CNAME (ipv4) records |
ZoneProperties |
ZoneApi.get(String name) |
Task |
TaskApi.get(String name) |
DirectionalGroup |
DirectionalGroupApi.get(String groupId)
returns the regions and name of the specified directional group or null,
if not found.
String |
TrafficControllerPoolApi.getNameByDName(String dname)
Retrieves the name of the specified pool by dname.
PoolRecordSpec |
TrafficControllerPoolApi.getRecordSpec(String poolRecordID) |<TrafficControllerPool> |
Returns all traffic controller pools in the zone.
|<Task> |
Lists all tasks.
|<RoundRobinPool> |
Returns all round robin pools in the zone.
|<ResourceRecordDetail> |
Returns all the specified record types in the zone.
|<DirectionalPool> |
Returns all directional pools in the zone.
|<AccountLevelGroup> |
Returns all account-level groups.
|<Zone> |
ZoneApi.listByAccount(String accountId)
Lists all zones in the specified account.
|<Zone> |
ZoneApi.listByAccountAndType(String accountId,
Zone.Type type)
Lists all zones in the specified account of type
|<ResourceRecordDetail> |
ResourceRecordApi.listByName(String hostName)
Returns all the specified record types in the zone with the fully
hostName |<ResourceRecordDetail> |
ResourceRecordApi.listByNameAndType(String hostName,
int rrType)
Returns all the specified record types in the zone with the fully
hostName and rrType |<String> |
DirectionalGroupApi.listGroupNamesByDNameAndType(String hostName,
int rrType)
Returns directional group names visible to the account for the fully
hostName and rrType |<TrafficControllerPoolRecordDetail> |
TrafficControllerPoolApi.listRecords(String poolId)
Returns all records in the traffic controller pool.
|<ResourceRecordDetail> |
RoundRobinPoolApi.listRecords(String poolId)
Returns all records in the round robin pool.
|<DirectionalPoolRecordDetail> |
DirectionalGroupApi.listRecordsByAccountLevelGroup(String groupId)
Returns all the directional pool records in the account-level group.
|<DirectionalPoolRecordDetail> |
DirectionalPoolApi.listRecordsByDNameAndType(String dname,
int rrType)
Returns all the directional pool records in the zone with the fully
hostName and rrType |<DirectionalPoolRecordDetail> |
DirectionalGroupApi.listRecordsByGroupCoordinates(DirectionalGroupCoordinates group)
Returns all the directional pool records in the pool-level group.
String |
TaskApi.runTest(String value)
Runs a test task
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SortedMap<String,URI> |
VCloudVersionsApi.getSupportedVersions() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CatalogItem |
CatalogApi.addVAppTemplateOrMediaImageToCatalogAndNameItem(URI entity,
URI catalog,
String name,
CatalogItemOptions... options)
A catalog can contain references to vApp templates and media images that have been uploaded to
any vDC in an organization.
VAppTemplate |
VAppTemplateApi.captureVAppAsTemplateInVDC(URI toCapture,
String templateName,
URI vdc,
CaptureVAppOptions... options)
The captureVApp request creates a vApp template from an instantiated vApp.
Task |
VAppTemplateApi.copyVAppTemplateToVDCAndName(URI sourceVAppTemplate,
URI vdc,
String newName,
CloneVAppTemplateOptions... options) |
Task |
VAppApi.copyVAppToVDCAndName(URI sourceVApp,
URI vdc,
String newName,
CloneVAppOptions... options) |
VApp |
VAppTemplateApi.createVAppInVDCByInstantiatingTemplate(String appName,
URI vdc,
URI template,
InstantiateVAppTemplateOptions... options) |
Task |
VAppApi.deleteVApp(URI href)
delete a vAppTemplate, vApp, or media image.
Task |
VAppTemplateApi.deleteVAppTemplate(URI href)
delete a vAppTemplate, vApp, or media image.
Task |
VAppApi.deployAndPowerOnVApp(URI href)
VAppApi.deployVApp(URI) , except deploy transitions to power on state |
Task |
VmApi.deployAndPowerOnVm(URI href)
#deploy(URI) , except deploy transitions to power on state |
Task |
VAppApi.deployVApp(URI href)
To deploy a vApp, the client makes a request to its action/deploy URL.
Task |
VmApi.deployVm(URI href)
To deploy a vApp, the client makes a request to its action/deploy URL.
Catalog |
CatalogApi.findCatalogInOrgNamed(String orgName,
String catalogName)
returns the catalog in the organization associated with the specified name.
CatalogItem |
CatalogApi.findCatalogItemInOrgCatalogNamed(String orgName,
String catalogName,
String itemName)
returns the catalog item in the catalog associated with the specified name.
OrgNetwork |
NetworkApi.findNetworkInOrgVDCNamed(String orgName,
String vdcName,
String networkName) |
Org |
OrgApi.findOrgNamed(String orgName)
This call returns a list of all vCloud Data Centers (vdcs), catalogs, and task lists within
the organization.
TasksList |
TaskApi.findTasksListInOrgNamed(String orgName) |
VApp |
VAppApi.findVAppInOrgVDCNamed(String orgName,
String vdcName,
String vAppName) |
VAppTemplate |
VAppTemplateApi.findVAppTemplateInOrgCatalogNamed(String orgName,
String catalogName,
String itemName)
returns the vapp template corresponding to a catalog item in the catalog associated with the
specified name.
VDCApi.findVDCInOrgNamed(String orgName,
String vdcName)
returns the VDC in the organization associated with the specified name.
Catalog |
CatalogApi.getCatalog(URI catalogId) |
CatalogItem |
CatalogApi.getCatalogItem(URI catalogItem) |
OrgNetwork |
NetworkApi.getNetwork(URI network) |
Org |
OrgApi.getOrg(URI orgId) |
Envelope |
VAppTemplateApi.getOvfEnvelopeForVAppTemplate(URI href) |
Task |
TaskApi.getTask(URI taskId)
Whenever the result of a request cannot be returned immediately, the server creates a Task
object and includes it in the response, as a member of the Tasks container in the response
TasksList |
TaskApi.getTasksList(URI tasksListId) |
VApp |
VAppApi.getVApp(URI href) |
VAppTemplate |
VAppTemplateApi.getVAppTemplate(URI vAppTemplate) |
VDCApi.getVDC(URI vdc) |
Vm |
VmApi.getVm(URI href) |
Map<String,ReferenceType> |
The response to a login request includes a list of the organizations to which the
authenticated user has access.
Task |
VAppTemplateApi.moveVAppTemplateToVDCAndRename(URI toClone,
URI vdc,
String newName,
CloneVAppTemplateOptions... options) |
Task |
VAppApi.moveVAppToVDCAndRename(URI sourceVApp,
URI vdc,
String newName,
CloneVAppOptions... options) |
Task |
VAppApi.powerOffVApp(URI href)
A powerOff request to a vApp URL powers off all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as
specified in its StartupSection field.
Task |
VmApi.powerOffVm(URI href)
A powerOff request to a vApp URL powers off all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as
specified in its StartupSection field.
Task |
VAppApi.powerOnVApp(URI href)
A powerOn request to a vApp URL powers on all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as
specified in the vApp’s StartupSection field.
Task |
VmApi.powerOnVm(URI href)
A powerOn request to a vApp URL powers on all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as
specified in the vApp’s StartupSection field.
Task |
VAppApi.resetVApp(URI href)
A reset request to a vApp URL resets all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as specified in
its StartupSection field.
Task |
VmApi.resetVm(URI href)
A reset request to a vApp URL resets all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as specified in
its StartupSection field.
Task |
VAppApi.suspendVApp(URI href)
A suspend request to a vApp URL suspends all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as specified
in its StartupSection field.
Task |
VmApi.suspendVm(URI href)
A suspend request to a vApp URL suspends all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as specified
in its StartupSection field.
Task |
VAppApi.undeployAndSaveStateOfVApp(URI href)
VAppApi.undeployVApp(URI) , where the undeployed virtual machines are suspended and their
suspend state saved |
Task |
VmApi.undeployAndSaveStateOfVm(URI href)
#undeploy(URI) , where the undeployed virtual machines are suspended and their
suspend state saved |
Task |
VAppApi.undeployVApp(URI href)
Undeploying a vApp powers off or suspends any running virtual machines it contains, then frees
the resources reserved for the vApp and sets the vApp’s deploy attribute to a value of false
to indicate that it is not deployed.
Task |
VmApi.undeployVm(URI href)
Undeploying a vApp powers off or suspends any running virtual machines it contains, then frees
the resources reserved for the vApp and sets the vApp’s deploy attribute to a value of false
to indicate that it is not deployed.
Task |
VmApi.updateCPUCountOfVm(int cpuCount,
URI href)
update the cpuCount of an existing VM
Task |
VmApi.updateGuestCustomizationOfVm(GuestCustomizationSection guestCustomizationSection,
URI href)
Modify the Guest Customization Section of a Virtual Machine
Task |
VmApi.updateMemoryMBOfVm(int memoryInMB,
URI href)
update the memoryInMB of an existing VM
Task |
VmApi.updateNetworkConnectionOfVm(NetworkConnectionSection networkConnectionSection,
URI href)
Modify the Network Connection Section of a Virtual Machine
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