Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AtmosClient.createDirectory(String directoryName,
PutOptions... options) |
boolean |
AtmosClient.deletePath(String path) |
SystemMetadata |
AtmosClient.getSystemMetadata(String path) |
UserMetadata |
AtmosClient.getUserMetadata(String path) |
AtmosObject |
AtmosClient.headFile(String path) |
boolean |
AtmosClient.isPublic(String path) |
BoundedSet<? extends DirectoryEntry> |
AtmosClient.listDirectory(String directoryName,
ListOptions... options) |
boolean |
AtmosClient.pathExists(String path) |
AtmosObject |
AtmosClient.readFile(String path,
GetOptions... options) |
void |
AtmosClient.setGroupAcl(String path,
PutOptions options) |
void |
AtmosClient.updateFile(String parent,
AtmosObject object,
PutOptions... options) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SpotInstanceApi.cancelSpotInstanceRequestsInRegion(String region,
String... requestIds)
Cancels one or more Spot Instance requests.
void |
PlacementGroupApi.deletePlacementGroupInRegion(String region,
String name)
Deletes a placement group from your account.
void |
AWSSecurityGroupApi.deleteSecurityGroupInRegionById(String region,
String name) |
boolean |
VPCApi.deleteVpc(String region,
String vpcId)
VPC . |
Set<? extends Reservation<? extends AWSRunningInstance>> |
AWSInstanceApi.describeInstancesInRegion(String region,
String... instanceIds) |
Set<? extends Reservation<? extends AWSRunningInstance>> |
AWSInstanceApi.describeInstancesInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter) |
Set<PlacementGroup> |
PlacementGroupApi.describePlacementGroupsInRegion(String region,
String... placementGroupIds)
Returns information about one or more placement groups in your account.
Set<PlacementGroup> |
PlacementGroupApi.describePlacementGroupsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Returns information about one or more placement groups in your account.
Set<SecurityGroup> |
AWSSecurityGroupApi.describeSecurityGroupsInRegion(String region,
String... securityGroupNames) |
Set<SecurityGroup> |
AWSSecurityGroupApi.describeSecurityGroupsInRegionById(String region,
String... securityGroupNames) |
Set<SecurityGroup> |
AWSSecurityGroupApi.describeSecurityGroupsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter) |
Set<SpotInstanceRequest> |
SpotInstanceApi.describeSpotInstanceRequestsInRegion(String region,
String... requestIds)
Describes Spot Instance requests.
Set<SpotInstanceRequest> |
SpotInstanceApi.describeSpotInstanceRequestsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Describes Spot Instance requests.
Set<Spot> |
SpotInstanceApi.describeSpotPriceHistoryInRegion(String region,
DescribeSpotPriceHistoryOptions... options)
Describes Spot Price history.
|<VPC> |
VPCApi.describeVpcsInRegion(String region,
String... vpcIds)
Describes all of your VPCs
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
AzureBlobClient.blobExists(String container,
String name) |
boolean |
AzureBlobClient.containerExists(String container)
Issues a HEAD command to determine if the container exists or not.
boolean |
AzureBlobClient.createContainer(String container,
CreateContainerOptions... options)
The Create Container operation creates a new container under the specified identity.
boolean |
AzureBlobClient.createRootContainer(CreateContainerOptions... options)
The root container is a default container that may be inferred from a URL requesting a blob
void |
AzureBlobClient.deleteBlob(String container,
String name)
The Delete Blob operation marks the specified blob for deletion.
void |
AzureBlobClient.deleteContainer(String container)
The Delete Container operation marks the specified container for deletion.
void |
The Delete Container operation marks the specified container for deletion.
AzureBlob |
AzureBlobClient.getBlob(String container,
String name,
GetOptions... options)
The Get Blob operation reads or downloads a blob from the system, including its metadata and
BlobProperties |
AzureBlobClient.getBlobProperties(String container,
String name)
The Get Blob Properties operation returns all user-defined metadata, standard HTTP properties,
and system properties for the blob.
ContainerProperties |
AzureBlobClient.getContainerProperties(String container)
The Get Container Properties operation returns all user-defined metadata and system properties
for the specified container.
PublicAccess |
AzureBlobClient.getPublicAccessForContainer(String container)
Returns whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and the level of access
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Client |
ChefApi.deleteClient(String clientName)
Deletes the given client.
CookbookVersion |
ChefApi.deleteCookbook(String cookbookName,
String version)
Deletes the given cookbook.
void |
ChefApi.deleteDatabag(String databagName)
Deletes a data bag, including its items.
DatabagItem |
ChefApi.deleteDatabagItem(String databagName,
String databagItemId)
Deletes an item from a data bag.
Environment |
ChefApi.deleteEnvironment(String environmentName)
Deletes the given environment.
Node |
ChefApi.deleteNode(String nodeName)
Deletes the given node.
Role |
ChefApi.deleteRole(String roleName)
Deletes the given role.
Client |
ChefApi.getClient(String clientName)
Gets the details of existing client.
CookbookVersion |
ChefApi.getCookbook(String cookbookName,
String version)
Gets the details of the given cookbook, with the links to each resource
such as recipe files, attributes, etc.
DatabagItem |
ChefApi.getDatabagItem(String databagName,
String databagItemId)
Gets an item in a data bag.
Environment |
ChefApi.getEnvironment(String environmentName)
Gets the details of an existing environment.
Node |
ChefApi.getNode(String nodeName)
Gets the details of the given node.
InputStream |
ChefApi.getResourceContents(Resource resource)
Gets the contents of the given resource.
Role |
ChefApi.getRole(String roleName)
Gets the details of the given role.
Set<String> |
Lists the names of the existing clients.
Set<String> |
Lists the names of the existing cookbooks.
Set<CookbookDefinition> |
ChefApi.listCookbooksInEnvironment(String environmentName)
Lists the cookbooks that are available in the given environment.
Set<CookbookDefinition> |
ChefApi.listCookbooksInEnvironment(String environmentName,
String numVersions)
Lists the cookbooks that are available in the given environment, limiting
the number of versions returned for each cookbook.
Set<String> |
ChefApi.listDatabagItems(String databagName)
Lists the names of the items in a data bag.
Set<String> |
Lists the names of the existing data bags.
Set<String> |
Lists the names of the existing environments.
Set<String> |
Lists the names of the existing nodes.
Set<String> |
ChefApi.listNodesInEnvironment(String environmentName)
Lists the names of the nodes in the given environment.
Set<String> |
ChefApi.listRecipesInEnvironment(String environmentName)
Lists the names of the recipes in the given environment.
Set<String> |
Lists the names of the existing roles.
Set<String> |
Lists the names of the available search indexes.
Set<String> |
ChefApi.listVersionsOfCookbook(String cookbookName)
Lists the available versions of the given cookbook.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ContainerCDNMetadata |
CloudFilesClient.getCDNMetadata(String container)
Get the CDN attributes of the container.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
LoadBalancerApi.assignVirtualMachinesToLoadBalancerRule(String id,
Iterable<String> virtualMachineIds)
Assigns virtual machine or a list of virtual machines to a load balancer
String |
LoadBalancerApi.assignVirtualMachinesToLoadBalancerRule(String id,
String... virtualMachineIds)
Assigns virtual machine or a list of virtual machines to a load balancer
Account |
GlobalAccountApi.createAccount(String userName,
Account.Type accountType,
String email,
String firstName,
String lastName,
String hashedPassword,
CreateAccountOptions... options)
Create a new Cloudstack account
DiskOffering |
GlobalOfferingApi.createDiskOffering(String name,
String displayText,
CreateDiskOfferingOptions... options)
Create a new disk offering
Domain |
GlobalDomainApi.createDomain(String name,
CreateDomainOptions... options)
Create new Domain
Pod |
GlobalPodApi.createPod(String name,
String zoneId,
String startIp,
String gateway,
String netmask,
CreatePodOptions... createPodOptions)
Creates a new Pod.
Pod |
GlobalPodApi.createPod(String name,
String zoneId,
String startIp,
String endIp,
String gateway,
String netmask,
CreatePodOptions... createPodOptions)
Creates a new Pod.
ServiceOffering |
GlobalOfferingApi.createServiceOffering(String name,
String displayText,
int cpuNumber,
int cpuSpeedInMHz,
int memoryInMB,
CreateServiceOfferingOptions... options)
Create a new service offering
User |
GlobalUserApi.createUser(String userName,
String accountName,
String email,
String hashedPassword,
String firstName,
String lastName,
CreateUserOptions... options)
Create an user for an account that already exists
VlanIPRange |
GlobalVlanApi.createVlanIPRange(String startIP,
String endIP,
CreateVlanIPRangeOptions... options)
Creates a VLAN IP range.
Zone |
GlobalZoneApi.createZone(String name,
NetworkType networkType,
String externalDns1,
String internalDns1,
CreateZoneOptions... options)
Create a new Zone
void |
GlobalAccountApi.deleteAccount(String id)
Delete an account with the specified ID
void |
GlobalOfferingApi.deleteDiskOffering(String id)
Delete disk offering
void |
GlobalDomainApi.deleteDomainAndAttachedResources(String id)
Delete domain and cleanup all attached resources
void |
FirewallApi.deleteEgressFirewallRule(String id) |
void |
FirewallApi.deleteFirewallRule(String id) |
void |
VMGroupApi.deleteInstanceGroup(String id)
Delete a VM group
String |
NATApi.deleteIPForwardingRule(String id)
Deletes an ip forwarding rule
String |
LoadBalancerApi.deleteLoadBalancerRule(String id)
deletes a loadbalancer rule
String |
NetworkApi.deleteNetwork(String id)
Deletes a network
void |
GlobalDomainApi.deleteOnlyDomain(String id)
Delete domain (without deleting attached resources)
void |
GlobalPodApi.deletePod(String id)
Deletes a Pod.
void |
FirewallApi.deletePortForwardingRule(String id) |
void |
SecurityGroupApi.deleteSecurityGroup(String id)
delete a specific security group by id
void |
GlobalOfferingApi.deleteServiceOffering(String id)
Delete service offering
void |
SnapshotApi.deleteSnapshot(String id)
Deletes a snapshot of a disk volume.
void |
SnapshotApi.deleteSnapshotPolicies(Iterable<String> id)
Deletes snapshot policies for the account.
void |
SnapshotApi.deleteSnapshotPolicy(String id)
Deletes a snapshot policy for the account.
void |
SSHKeyPairApi.deleteSSHKeyPair(String name)
Deletes the
SSHKeyPairApi with given name. |
void |
GlobalUserApi.deleteUser(String id)
Delete an user with the specified ID
void |
GlobalVlanApi.deleteVlanIPRange(String rangeId)
Deletes a VLAN IP range.
void |
VolumeApi.deleteVolume(String id)
Deletes a detached disk volume
void |
GlobalZoneApi.deleteZone(String id)
Delete a zone with a specific ID
String |
VirtualMachineApi.destroyVirtualMachine(String id)
Destroys a virtual machine.
AsyncCreateResponse |
DomainAccountApi.disableAccount(String accountName,
String domainId,
boolean onlyLock)
Disable or lock an account
AsyncCreateResponse |
DomainUserApi.disableUser(String userId)
Disable a user with a specific ID
void |
AddressApi.disassociateIPAddress(String id)
Disassociates an ip address from the account.
Account |
DomainAccountApi.enableAccount(String accountName,
String domainId)
Enable an account
User |
DomainUserApi.enableUser(String userId)
Enable a user with a specific ID
Account |
AccountApi.getAccount(String id)
get a specific Account by id
<T> AsyncJob<T> |
AsyncJobApi.getAsyncJob(String id)
get a specific asyncJob by id
DiskOffering |
OfferingApi.getDiskOffering(String id)
get a specific disk offering by id
Domain |
DomainDomainApi.getDomainById(String domainId)
Get a domain by ID
FirewallRule |
FirewallApi.getEgressFirewallRule(String id) |
FirewallRule |
FirewallApi.getFirewallRule(String id) |
VMGroup |
VMGroupApi.getInstanceGroup(String id) |
IPForwardingRule |
NATApi.getIPForwardingRule(String id)
get a specific IPForwardingRule by id
ISOApi.getISO(String id)
Gets information about an ISO by its ID.
LoadBalancerRule |
LoadBalancerApi.getLoadBalancerRule(String id)
get a specific LoadBalancerRule by id
Network |
NetworkApi.getNetwork(String id)
get a specific network by id
NetworkOffering |
OfferingApi.getNetworkOffering(String id)
get a specific service offering by id
Map.Entry<String,String> |
GuestOSApi.getOSCategory(String id)
get a specific os category by id
OSType |
GuestOSApi.getOSType(String id)
get a specific os type by id
Pod |
GlobalPodApi.getPod(String id)
get a specific pod by id
PortForwardingRule |
FirewallApi.getPortForwardingRule(String id) |
Project |
ProjectApi.getProject(String id)
gets a specific Project by id
PublicIPAddress |
AddressApi.getPublicIPAddress(String id)
get a specific IPAddress by id
SecurityGroup |
SecurityGroupApi.getSecurityGroup(String id)
get a specific security group by id
SecurityGroup |
SecurityGroupApi.getSecurityGroupByName(String securityGroupName)
get a specific security group by name
ServiceOffering |
OfferingApi.getServiceOffering(String id)
get a specific service offering by id
Snapshot |
SnapshotApi.getSnapshot(String id)
Gets a snapshot by its ID.
SshKeyPair |
SSHKeyPairApi.getSSHKeyPair(String name)
Retrieves the
SSHKeyPairApi with given name. |
Template |
TemplateApi.getTemplateInZone(String templateId,
String zoneId)
get a specific template by id
VirtualMachine |
VirtualMachineApi.getVirtualMachine(String id)
get a specific VirtualMachine by id
VlanIPRange |
GlobalVlanApi.getVlanIPRange(String id)
Get the details of an IP range by its id.
Volume |
VolumeApi.getVolume(String id)
Get volume by id
Zone |
ZoneApi.getZone(String id)
get a specific zone by id
Set<Account> |
AccountApi.listAccounts(ListAccountsOptions... options)
Lists Accounts
Set<Alert> |
GlobalAlertApi.listAlerts(ListAlertsOptions... options)
List Alerts
Set<AsyncJob<?>> |
AsyncJobApi.listAsyncJobs(ListAsyncJobsOptions... options)
Lists asyncJobs
Set<Capacity> |
GlobalCapacityApi.listCapacity(ListCapacityOptions... options)
List Capacities
Set<Cluster> |
GlobalHostApi.listClusters(ListClustersOptions... options) |
Set<ConfigurationEntry> |
GlobalConfigurationApi.listConfigurationEntries(ListConfigurationEntriesOptions... options)
List all configuration entries
Set<DiskOffering> |
OfferingApi.listDiskOfferings(ListDiskOfferingsOptions... options)
Lists disk offerings
Set<Domain> |
DomainDomainApi.listDomainChildren(ListDomainChildrenOptions... options)
Lists all children domains belonging to a specified domain
Set<Domain> |
DomainDomainApi.listDomains(ListDomainsOptions... options)
List domains with detailed information
Set<FirewallRule> |
FirewallApi.listEgressFirewallRules(ListEgressFirewallRulesOptions... options) |
Set<Event> |
EventApi.listEvents(ListEventsOptions... options)
List Events
Set<String> |
List Event Types
Set<FirewallRule> |
FirewallApi.listFirewallRules(ListFirewallRulesOptions... options) |
Set<Host> |
GlobalHostApi.listHosts(ListHostsOptions... options)
Lists hosts
Set<String> |
HypervisorApi.listHypervisors() |
Set<String> |
HypervisorApi.listHypervisorsInZone(String zoneId) |
Set<VMGroup> |
VMGroupApi.listInstanceGroups(ListVMGroupsOptions... options)
Lists VM groups
Set<IPForwardingRule> |
NATApi.listIPForwardingRules(ListIPForwardingRulesOptions... options)
List the ip forwarding rules
Set<ISO> |
ISOApi.listISOs(ListISOsOptions... options)
Lists all available ISO files.
Set<LoadBalancerRule> |
LoadBalancerApi.listLoadBalancerRules(ListLoadBalancerRulesOptions... options)
List the load balancer rules
Set<NetworkOffering> |
OfferingApi.listNetworkOfferings(ListNetworkOfferingsOptions... options)
Lists service offerings
Set<Network> |
NetworkApi.listNetworks(ListNetworksOptions... options)
Lists networks
Map<String,String> |
Lists all supported OS categories for this cloud.
Set<OSType> |
GuestOSApi.listOSTypes(ListOSTypesOptions... options)
Lists all supported OS types for this cloud.
Set<Pod> |
GlobalPodApi.listPods(ListPodsOptions... options)
Lists pods
Set<PortForwardingRule> |
FirewallApi.listPortForwardingRules(ListPortForwardingRulesOptions... options) |
Set<Project> |
ProjectApi.listProjects(ListProjectsOptions... options)
Lists the projects this account has access to.
Set<PublicIPAddress> |
AddressApi.listPublicIPAddresses(ListPublicIPAddressesOptions... options)
Lists IPAddresses
Set<ResourceLimit> |
LimitApi.listResourceLimits(ListResourceLimitsOptions... options)
List the resource limits.
Set<SecurityGroup> |
SecurityGroupApi.listSecurityGroups(ListSecurityGroupsOptions... options)
Lists security groups
Set<ServiceOffering> |
OfferingApi.listServiceOfferings(ListServiceOfferingsOptions... options)
Lists service offerings
Set<SnapshotPolicy> |
SnapshotApi.listSnapshotPolicies(String volumeId,
ListSnapshotPoliciesOptions... options)
Lists snapshot policies.
Set<Snapshot> |
SnapshotApi.listSnapshots(ListSnapshotsOptions... options)
Lists all available snapshots for the account, matching the query described by the options.
Set<SshKeyPair> |
SSHKeyPairApi.listSSHKeyPairs(ListSSHKeyPairsOptions... options)
Returns a list of
SshKeyPair s registered by current user. |
Set<Tag> |
TagApi.listTags(ListTagsOptions... options)
Lists tags
Set<Template> |
List all executable templates.
Set<Template> |
TemplateApi.listTemplates(ListTemplatesOptions options)
List all public, private, and privileged templates.
Set<User> |
DomainUserApi.listUsers(ListUsersOptions... options)
Lists Users
Set<VirtualMachine> |
VirtualMachineApi.listVirtualMachines(ListVirtualMachinesOptions... options)
Lists VirtualMachines
Set<VirtualMachine> |
LoadBalancerApi.listVirtualMachinesAssignedToLoadBalancerRule(String id)
List all virtual machine instances that are assigned to a load balancer
Set<VlanIPRange> |
GlobalVlanApi.listVlanIPRanges(ListVlanIPRangesOptions... options)
Lists all VLAN IP ranges.
Set<Volume> |
VolumeApi.listVolumes(ListVolumesOptions... options)
List volumes
Set<Zone> |
ZoneApi.listZones(ListZonesOptions... options)
Lists zones
LoginResponse |
SessionApi.loginUserInDomainWithHashOfPassword(String userName,
String domain,
String hashedPassword)
Logs a user into Cloudstack.
void |
SessionApi.logoutUser(String sessionKey)
Logs out the user by invalidating the session key
ApiKeyPair |
GlobalUserApi.registerUserKeys(String userId)
This command allows a user to register for the developer API, returning a
secret key and an API key
String |
LoadBalancerApi.removeVirtualMachinesFromLoadBalancerRule(String id,
Iterable<String> virtualMachineIds)
Removes a virtual machine or a list of virtual machines from a load
balancer rule.
String |
LoadBalancerApi.removeVirtualMachinesFromLoadBalancerRule(String id,
String... virtualMachineIds)
Removes a virtual machine or a list of virtual machines from a load
balancer rule.
String |
SecurityGroupApi.revokeIngressRule(String id,
AccountInDomainOptions... options)
Deletes a particular ingress rule from this security group
Account |
GlobalAccountApi.updateAccount(String accountName,
String domainId,
String newName,
UpdateAccountOptions... options)
Update an existing account
ConfigurationEntry |
GlobalConfigurationApi.updateConfigurationEntry(String name,
String value)
Update a configuration entry
DiskOffering |
GlobalOfferingApi.updateDiskOffering(String id,
UpdateDiskOfferingOptions... options)
Update a disk offering
Domain |
GlobalDomainApi.updateDomain(String domainId,
UpdateDomainOptions... options)
Update a domain
LoadBalancerRule |
LoadBalancerApi.updateLoadBalancerRule(String id,
UpdateLoadBalancerRuleOptions... options)
Update a load balancer rule.
NetworkOffering |
GlobalOfferingApi.updateNetworkOffering(String id,
UpdateNetworkOfferingOptions... options)
Update network offering
Pod |
GlobalPodApi.updatePod(String id,
UpdatePodOptions... updatePodOptions)
Updates a Pod.
ServiceOffering |
GlobalOfferingApi.updateServiceOffering(String id,
UpdateServiceOfferingOptions... options)
Update an existing service offering
User |
GlobalUserApi.updateUser(String id,
UpdateUserOptions... options)
Update an user
Zone |
GlobalZoneApi.updateZone(String id,
UpdateZoneOptions... options)
Update a zone
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PagedIterable<Metric> |
MetricApi.list() |
PagedIterable<Alarm> |
Return all alarms.
PagedIterable<Alarm> |
AlarmApi.list(ListAlarmsOptions options)
Return all alarms based on the options query
IterableWithMarker<Metric> |
MetricApi.list(ListMetricsOptions options)
Returns a list of valid metrics stored for the AWS account owner.
IterableWithMarker<Alarm> |
AlarmApi.listAt(String nextToken)
Return a single page of alarms based on the options query
|<Alarm> |
AlarmApi.listForMetric(ListAlarmsForMetric options)
Return alarms all alarms for a single metric.
PagedIterable<AlarmHistoryItem> |
Return all history for all alarms.
PagedIterable<AlarmHistoryItem> |
AlarmApi.listHistory(ListAlarmHistoryOptions options)
Return all history based on the options query
IterableWithMarker<AlarmHistoryItem> |
AlarmApi.listHistoryAt(String nextToken)
Return a single page of history for the specified alarm.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Job |
DynECTApi.getJob(long jobId)
returns the current status of a job.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Job |
ZoneApi.delete(String fqdn)
Deletes the zone.
Record<? extends Map<String,Object>> |
RecordApi.get(RecordId recordId)
retrieves a resource record without regard to type
Zone |
ZoneApi.get(String fqdn)
Retrieves information about the specified zone.
GeoService |
GeoServiceApi.get(String serviceName)
Retrieves information about the specified geo service.
GeoRegionGroup |
GeoRegionGroupApi.get(String groupName)
Retrieves information about the specified geo region group
Record<AData> |
RecordApi.getA(String fqdn,
long recordId)
Gets the
ARecord or null if not present. |
Record<AAAAData> |
RecordApi.getAAAA(String fqdn,
long recordId)
Gets the
AAAARecord or null if not present. |
Record<CNAMEData> |
RecordApi.getCNAME(String fqdn,
long recordId)
Gets the
CNAMERecord or null if not present. |
Record<MXData> |
RecordApi.getMX(String fqdn,
long recordId)
Gets the
MXRecord or null if not present. |
Record<NSData> |
RecordApi.getNS(String fqdn,
long recordId)
Gets the
NSRecord or null if not present. |
Record<PTRData> |
RecordApi.getPTR(String fqdn,
long recordId)
Gets the
PTRRecord or null if not present. |
SOARecord |
RecordApi.getSOA(String fqdn,
long recordId)
Gets the
SOARecord or null if not present. |
Record<SPFData> |
RecordApi.getSPF(String fqdn,
long recordId)
Gets the
SPFRecord or null if not present. |
Record<SRVData> |
RecordApi.getSRV(String fqdn,
long recordId)
Gets the
SRVRecord or null if not present. |
Record<SSHFPData> |
RecordApi.getSSHFP(String fqdn,
long recordId)
Gets the
SSHFPRecord or null if not present. |
Record<TXTData> |
RecordApi.getTXT(String fqdn,
long recordId)
Gets the
TXTRecord or null if not present. |
boolean |
SessionApi.isValid(String token) |<RecordId> |
RecordApi.listByFQDN(String fqdn)
Retrieves a list of resource record ids for all records of the fqdn in the
given zone
|<RecordId> |
RecordApi.listByFQDNAndType(String fqdn,
String type)
Retrieves a list of resource record ids for all records of the fqdn and
type in the given zone
Job |
RecordApi.scheduleDelete(RecordId recordId)
Schedules deletion of a record into the current session.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SecurityGroupApi.deleteSecurityGroupInRegion(String region,
String name)
Deletes a security group that you own.
Set<PublicIpInstanceIdPair> |
ElasticIPAddressApi.describeAddressesInRegion(String region,
String... publicIps)
Lists elastic IP addresses assigned to your identity or provides information about a specific
Set<PublicIpInstanceIdPair> |
ElasticIPAddressApi.describeAddressesInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Lists elastic IP addresses assigned to your identity or provides information on addresses
matching a given filter.
Set<AvailabilityZoneInfo> |
AvailabilityZoneAndRegionApi.describeAvailabilityZonesInRegion(String region,
DescribeAvailabilityZonesOptions... options)
Displays Availability Zones that are currently available to the identity and their states.
Set<BundleTask> |
WindowsApi.describeBundleTasksInRegion(String region,
String... bundleTaskIds)
Describes current bundling tasks.
Set<BundleTask> |
WindowsApi.describeBundleTasksInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Describes current bundling tasks.
Set<? extends Image> |
AMIApi.describeImagesInRegion(String region,
DescribeImagesOptions... options)
Returns information about AMIs, AKIs, and ARIs.
Set<? extends Image> |
AMIApi.describeImagesInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter,
DescribeImagesOptions... options)
Returns information about AMIs, AKIs, and ARIs.
Set<? extends Reservation<? extends RunningInstance>> |
InstanceApi.describeInstancesInRegion(String region,
String... instanceIds)
Returns information about instances that you own.
Set<? extends Reservation<? extends RunningInstance>> |
InstanceApi.describeInstancesInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Returns information about instances that you own.
Set<KeyPair> |
KeyPairApi.describeKeyPairsInRegion(String region,
String... keyPairNames)
Returns information about key pairs available to you.
Set<KeyPair> |
KeyPairApi.describeKeyPairsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Returns information about key pairs available to you.
Set<SecurityGroup> |
SecurityGroupApi.describeSecurityGroupsInRegion(String region,
String... securityGroupNames)
Returns information about security groups that you own.
Set<SecurityGroup> |
SecurityGroupApi.describeSecurityGroupsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Returns information about security groups that you own.
Set<Snapshot> |
ElasticBlockStoreApi.describeSnapshotsInRegion(String region,
DescribeSnapshotsOptions... options)
Returns information about Amazon EBS snapshots available to the user.
Set<Snapshot> |
ElasticBlockStoreApi.describeSnapshotsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter,
DescribeSnapshotsOptions... options)
Returns information about EBS snapshots matching the given filters.
void |
ElasticBlockStoreApi.detachVolumeInRegion(String region,
String volumeId,
boolean force,
DetachVolumeOptions... options)
Attaches an Amazon EBS volume to a running instance and exposes it as the specified device.
|<Tag> |
TagApi.filter(<String,String> filter)
Describes tags for your EC2 resources qualified by a filter
|<Subnet> |
SubnetApi.filter(<String,String> filter)
Describes subnets for your EC2 resources qualified by a filter
PasswordData |
WindowsApi.getPasswordDataForInstance(String instanceId)
Retrieves the encrypted administrator password for the instances running Windows.
|<Tag> |
Describes all of your tags for your EC2 resources.
|<Subnet> |
Describes all of your subnets for your EC2 resources.
Set<? extends InstanceStateChange> |
InstanceApi.terminateInstancesInRegion(String region,
String... instanceIds)
Shuts down one or more instances.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServerInfo |
ElasticStackApi.createAndStartServer(Server createServer)
create and start a new server
DriveInfo |
ElasticStackApi.createDrive(Drive createDrive)
create a new drive
ServerInfo |
ElasticStackApi.createServer(Server createServer)
create a new server
void |
ElasticStackApi.destroyDrive(String uuid)
Destroy a drive
void |
ElasticStackApi.destroyServer(String uuid)
Destroy a server
DriveInfo |
ElasticStackApi.getDriveInfo(String uuid) |
ServerInfo |
ElasticStackApi.getServerInfo(String uuid) |
void |
ElasticStackApi.imageDrive(String source,
String destination)
Image a drive from another drive.
void |
ElasticStackApi.imageDrive(String source,
String destination,
ImageConversionType conversionType) |
Payload |
ElasticStackApi.readDrive(String uuid,
long offset,
long size)
Read binary data from a drive
DriveInfo |
ElasticStackApi.setDriveData(String uuid,
DriveData setDrive)
set extra drive data
ServerInfo |
ElasticStackApi.setServerConfiguration(String uuid,
Server setServer)
set server configuration
void |
ElasticStackApi.writeDrive(String uuid,
Payload content)
Write binary data to a drive
void |
ElasticStackApi.writeDrive(String uuid,
Payload content,
long offset) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Group |
EnterpriseChefApi.getGroup(String name)
Retrieves an existing group.
User |
EnterpriseChefApi.getUser(String name)
Retrieves an existing user.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
EmailAccountApi.delete(String accountAddress)
Delete an e-mail account or alias
ServerDetails |
ServerApi.get(String id)
Get detailed information about a server such as hostname, hardware
configuration (cpu, memory and disk), ip addresses, cost, transfer, os and
IpDetails |
IpApi.get(String ipAddress)
Get details about the given IP address such as gateway and netmask.
Domain |
DomainApi.get(String name)
Get a specific domain.
Archive |
ArchiveApi.get(String username)
Get detailed information about an archive volume.
ArchiveAllowedArguments |
Lists the allowed arguments for some of the functions in this module such as archive size.
Console |
ServerApi.getConsole(String id)
Get information about how to connect to a server via VNC
SortedMap<String,ServerLimit> |
ServerApi.getLimits(String id)
Get detailed information about a server's limits (for OpenVZ only).
EmailOverview |
Get a summary of e-mail accounts associated with this Glesys account
ServerStatus |
ServerApi.getStatus(String id,
ServerStatusOptions... options)
Get detailed information about a server status including up-time and
hardware usage (cpu, disk, memory and bandwidth)
|<Server> |
Get a list of all servers on this account.
|<Domain> |
Get a list of all domains for this account.
|<Archive> |
Lists all active disks on this account.
|<IpDetails> |
IpApi.list(ListIpOptions... options)
Get IP addresses associated with your account (reserved, assigned to servers, etc)
|<EmailAlias> |
EmailAccountApi.listAliasesInDomain(String domain)
Get the set of details about e-mail aliases
|<EmailAccount> |
EmailAccountApi.listDomain(String domain)
Get the set of detailed information about e-mail accounts
|<String> |
IpApi.listFree(int ipVersion,
String datacenter,
String platform)
Get a set of all IP addresses that are available and not used on any account or server.
|<OSTemplate> |
Get information about valid arguments to #createServer for each platform
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Server |
GridServerApi.deleteById(long id)
Deletes the server by Id
ServerImage |
GridImageApi.deleteById(long id)
Deletes an existing image
Server |
GridServerApi.deleteByName(String name)
Deletes the server by name;
NOTE: Using this parameter may generate an error if one or more servers
share a non-unique name.
Set<Server> |
GridServerApi.getServerList(GetServerListOptions... getServerListOptions)
Returns the list of all servers.
Set<Server> |
GridServerApi.getServersById(long... ids)
Returns the server(s) by unique id(s).
Set<Server> |
GridServerApi.getServersByName(String... names)
Returns the server(s) by unique name(s).
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
HPCloudObjectStorageApi.deleteContainerIfEmpty(String container)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CDNContainer |
CDNContainerApi.get(String container) |<CDNContainer> |
CDNContainerApi.list() |<CDNContainer> |
CDNContainerApi.list(ListCDNContainerOptions options) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---|<AvailabilityZone> |
Lists all availability zones
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
VolumeApi.delete(String volumeId)
Delete a Volume.
boolean |
SnapshotApi.delete(String snapshotId)
Delete a Snapshot.
VolumeType |
VolumeTypeApi.get(String volumeTypeId)
Return data about the given VolumeType.
Volume |
VolumeApi.get(String volumeId)
Return data about the given Volume.
Snapshot |
SnapshotApi.get(String snapshotId)
Return data about the given Snapshot.
VolumeQuota |
QuotaApi.getByTenant(String tenantId) |<? extends VolumeType> |
Returns a summary list of VolumeTypes.
|<? extends Volume> |
Returns a summary list of Volumes.
|<? extends Snapshot> |
Returns a summary list of Snapshots.
|<? extends Volume> |
Returns a detailed list of Volumes.
|<? extends Snapshot> |
Returns a detailed list of Snapshots.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ImageApi.delete(String id)
Deletes the image with the specified id
ImageDetails |
ImageApi.get(String id)
Returns metadata about an image with id
InputStream |
ImageApi.getAsStream(String id)
Returns image data for image with id
PagedIterable<Image> |
Lists all images (IDs, names, links)
PaginatedCollection<Image> |
ImageApi.list(ListImageOptions options) |
PagedIterable<ImageDetails> |
Lists all images (all details)
PaginatedCollection<ImageDetails> |
ImageApi.listInDetail(ListImageOptions options) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ApiMetadata |
Discover API version information, links to documentation (PDF, HTML, WADL), and supported media types
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
TenantAdminApi.addRoleOnTenant(String tenantId,
String userId,
String roleId)
Adds role to a user on a tenant
Tenant |
TenantAdminApi.create(String name)
Creates a new tenant
Role |
RoleAdminApi.create(String name)
Creates a new Role
Tenant |
TenantAdminApi.create(String name,
CreateTenantOptions options)
Creates a new tenant
User |
UserAdminApi.create(String name,
String password)
Creates a new user
User |
UserAdminApi.create(String name,
String password,
CreateUserOptions options)
Creates a new user
Service |
ServiceAdminApi.create(String name,
String type,
String description)
Creates a new Service
boolean |
UserAdminApi.delete(String userId)
Deletes an user
boolean |
TenantAdminApi.delete(String userId)
Deletes a tenant
boolean |
ServiceAdminApi.delete(String serviceId)
Deletes a service
boolean |
RoleAdminApi.delete(String roleId)
Deletes a role
boolean |
TenantAdminApi.deleteRoleOnTenant(String tenantId,
String userdId,
String roleId)
Deletes role to a user on tenant
Service |
ServiceAdminApi.get(String serviceId)
Gets the service
Role |
RoleAdminApi.get(String roleId)
Gets the role
PagedIterable<Service> |
Retrieve the list of services
|<? extends Role> |
Returns a summary list of roles.
PaginatedCollection<Service> |
ServiceAdminApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
Tenant |
TenantAdminApi.update(String id,
UpdateTenantOptions options)
Updates a tenant
User |
UserAdminApi.update(String id,
UpdateUserOptions options)
Updates an user
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
User |
UserApi.get(String userId)
Retrieve information about a user, by user ID
Token |
TokenApi.get(String token)
Validate a token and, if it is valid, return access information regarding the tenant (though not the service catalog)/
Tenant |
TenantApi.get(String tenantId)
Retrieve information about a tenant, by tenant ID
User |
UserApi.getByName(String userName)
Retrieve information about a user, by user name
NOTE: currently not working in openstack ( )
Tenant |
TenantApi.getByName(String tenantName)
Retrieve information about a tenant, by tenant name
NOTE: currently not working in openstack ( )
User |
TokenApi.getUserOfToken(String token)
Validate a token and, if it is valid, return access information regarding the tenant (though not the service catalog)/
boolean |
TokenApi.isValid(String token)
Validate a token.
PagedIterable<User> |
Retrieve the list of users
NOTE: this method is not in API documentation for keystone, but does work
PagedIterable<Tenant> |
The operation returns a list of tenants which the current token provides access to.
PaginatedCollection<User> |
UserApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
PaginatedCollection<Tenant> |
TenantApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
Set<Endpoint> |
TokenApi.listEndpointsForToken(String token)
List all endpoints for a token
NOTE: currently not working in openstack ( )
Set<Role> |
UserApi.listRolesOfUser(String userId)
Retrieves the list of global roles associated with a specific user (excludes tenant roles).
Set<Role> |
UserApi.listRolesOfUserOnTenant(String userId,
String tenantId)
List the roles a user has been granted on a specific tenant
Set<Tenant> |
The operation returns a list of tenants which the current token provides access to.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Message> |
ClaimApi.claim(int ttl,
int grace,
int limit)
This operation claims a set of messages (up to the value of the limit parameter) from oldest to newest and skips
any messages that are already claimed.
MessagesCreated |
MessageApi.create(List<CreateMessage> messages)
Create message(s) on a queue.
boolean |
QueueApi.create(String name)
Create a queue.
boolean |
MessageApi.delete(Iterable<String> ids)
Deletes specific messages.
boolean |
QueueApi.delete(String name)
Delete a queue.
boolean |
MessageApi.deleteByClaim(String id,
String claimId)
The claimId parameter specifies that the message is deleted only if it has the specified claim ID and that claim
has not expired.
boolean |
QueueApi.exists(String name)
Check for a queue's existence.
Message |
MessageApi.get(String id)
Gets a specific message.
Claim |
ClaimApi.get(String claimId)
Gets a specific claim and the associated messages.
Map<String,String> |
QueueApi.getMetadata(String name)
Gets metadata for the specified queue.
QueueStats |
QueueApi.getStats(String name)
Gets stats for the specified queue.
PagedIterable<Queue> |
QueueApi.list(boolean detailed)
Lists the queues.
List<Message> |
MessageApi.list(Iterable<String> ids)
Lists specific messages.
Queues |
QueueApi.list(ListQueuesOptions options)
Use this method to manually page through the list of queues.
boolean |
ClaimApi.release(String claimId)
This operation immediately releases a claim, making any remaining, undeleted messages that are associated with
the claim available to other workers.
boolean |
QueueApi.setMetadata(String name,
Map<String,String> metadata)
Sets metadata for the specified queue.
MessageStream | options)
Streams the messages off of a queue.
boolean |
ClaimApi.update(String claimId,
int ttl)
Clients should periodically renew claims during long-running batches of work to avoid losing a claim while
processing a message.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
RouterInterface |
RouterApi.addInterfaceForPort(String routerId,
String portId)
Add a interface to a router to connect to the specified port
RouterInterface |
RouterApi.addInterfaceForSubnet(String routerId,
String subnetId)
Add a interface to a router to connect to the specified subnet
boolean |
RouterApi.delete(String id)
Deletes the specified router
boolean |
FWaaSApi.delete(String id)
Deletes the specified firewall
boolean |
FloatingIPApi.delete(String id)
Deletes the specified floatingIP
boolean |
FWaaSApi.deleteFirewallRule(String id) |
boolean |
SecurityGroupApi.deleteRule(String id)
Deletes the specified Security Group Rule.
boolean |
SecurityGroupApi.deleteSecurityGroup(String id)
Deletes the specified Security Group.
Rule |
SecurityGroupApi.get(String id) |
Router |
RouterApi.get(String id)
Returns a Routers collection that should contain a single router with the id requested.
Firewall |
FWaaSApi.get(String id)
Returns the details for a specific firewall.
FloatingIP |
FloatingIPApi.get(String id)
Returns the details for a specific floating IP.
FirewallPolicy |
FWaaSApi.getFirewallPolicy(String id) |
FirewallRule |
FWaaSApi.getFirewallRule(String firewallRuleId) |
SecurityGroup |
SecurityGroupApi.getSecurityGroup(String id) |
FirewallPolicy |
FWaaSApi.insertFirewallRuleToPolicy(String policyId,
String firewallRuleId) |
PagedIterable<Router> |
Returns the list of all routers currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant.
PagedIterable<Firewall> |
Returns the list of all routers currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant.
PagedIterable<FloatingIP> |
Returns a list of floating IPs to which the tenant has access.
Routers |
RouterApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
PaginatedCollection<Firewall> |
FWaaSApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
FloatingIPs |
FloatingIPApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
PagedIterable<FirewallPolicy> |
FWaaSApi.listFirewallPolicies() |
PaginatedCollection<FirewallPolicy> |
FWaaSApi.listFirewallPolicies(PaginationOptions options) |
PagedIterable<FirewallRule> |
FWaaSApi.listFirewallRules() |
PaginatedCollection<FirewallRule> |
FWaaSApi.listFirewallRules(PaginationOptions options) |
PagedIterable<Rule> |
SecurityGroupApi.listRules() |
Rules |
SecurityGroupApi.listRules(PaginationOptions options) |
PagedIterable<SecurityGroup> |
SecurityGroupApi.listSecurityGroups() |
SecurityGroups |
SecurityGroupApi.listSecurityGroups(PaginationOptions options) |
FirewallPolicy |
FWaaSApi.removeFirewallRuleFromPolicy(String policyId,
String firewallRuleId) |
boolean |
RouterApi.removeInterfaceForPort(String routerId,
String portId)
Remove the interface where the specified port is connected to
boolean |
RouterApi.removeInterfaceForSubnet(String routerId,
String subnetId)
Remove the interface where the specified subnet is connected to
FloatingIP |
FloatingIPApi.update(String id,
FloatingIP.UpdateFloatingIP updateFloatingIP)
Update a Floating IP
Router |
RouterApi.update(String id,
Router.UpdateRouter router)
Update a router
Firewall |
FWaaSApi.update(String id,
UpdateFirewall updateFirewall)
Update a firewall
FirewallPolicy |
FWaaSApi.updateFirewallPolicy(String id,
UpdateFirewallPolicy updateFirewallPolicy) |
FirewallRule |
FWaaSApi.updateFirewallRule(String id,
UpdateFirewallRule updateFirewallRule) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
LBaaSApi.deleteHealthMonitor(String id)
Deletes the specified Health Monitor.
boolean |
LBaaSApi.deleteMember(String id)
Deletes the specified Member.
boolean |
LBaaSApi.deletePool(String id)
Deletes the specified Pool.
boolean |
LBaaSApi.deleteVIP(String id)
Deletes the specified VIP.
boolean |
LBaaSApi.disassociateHealthMonitor(String poolId,
String healthMonitorId)
Disassociate a HealthMonitor from a Pool.
HealthMonitor |
LBaaSApi.getHealthMonitor(String id)
Returns the details for a specific HealthMonitor.
Member |
LBaaSApi.getMember(String id)
Returns the details for a specific Member.
Pool |
LBaaSApi.getPool(String id)
Returns the details for a specific Pool.
LBaaSApi.getVIP(String id)
Returns the details for a specific VIP.
PagedIterable<HealthMonitor> |
Returns a list of HealthMonitors to which the tenant has access.
HealthMonitors |
LBaaSApi.listHealthMonitors(PaginationOptions options) |
PagedIterable<Member> |
Returns a list of Members to which the tenant has access.
Members |
LBaaSApi.listMembers(PaginationOptions options) |
PagedIterable<Pool> |
Returns a list of Pools to which the tenant has access.
Pools |
LBaaSApi.listPools(PaginationOptions options) |
PagedIterable<VIP> |
Returns a list of VIPs to which the tenant has access.
VIPs |
LBaaSApi.listVIPs(PaginationOptions options) |
HealthMonitor |
LBaaSApi.updateHealthMonitor(String id,
HealthMonitor.UpdateHealthMonitor healthMonitor)
Update a HealthMonitor.
Member |
LBaaSApi.updateMember(String id,
Member.UpdateMember member)
Update a Member.
Pool |
LBaaSApi.updatePool(String id,
Pool.UpdatePool pool)
Update a Pool.
LBaaSApi.updateVIP(String id,
VIP.UpdateVIP vip)
Update a VIP.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
SubnetApi.delete(String id)
Delete a subnet
boolean |
PortApi.delete(String id)
Delete a port
boolean |
NetworkApi.delete(String id)
Deletes the specified network
Subnet |
SubnetApi.get(String id)
Returns the specific Subnet.
Port |
PortApi.get(String id)
Returns the specific port
Network |
NetworkApi.get(String id)
Return a specific network
PagedIterable<Subnet> |
Returns the list of all subnets currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant.
PagedIterable<Port> |
Returns the list of all ports currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant.
PagedIterable<Network> |
Returns all networks currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant.
Subnets |
SubnetApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
Ports |
PortApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
Networks |
NetworkApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
Network |
NetworkApi.update(String id,
Network.UpdateNetwork network)
Update a network
Port |
PortApi.update(String id,
Port.UpdatePort port)
Update a port
Subnet |
SubnetApi.update(String id,
Subnet.UpdateSubnet subnet)
Update a subnet
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FloatingIP |
FloatingIPApi.allocateFromPool(String pool)
Allocates a Floating IP address from a pool
FloatingIP |
Allocates a Floating IP address
String |
ServerAdminApi.createBackup(String id,
String imageName,
BackupType backupType,
int rotation,
CreateBackupOfServerOptions... options)
Create backup of a server.
SecurityGroupRule |
SecurityGroupApi.createRuleAllowingCidrBlock(String parentGroup,
Ingress ip_protocol,
String sourceCidr)
Create a Security Group Rule.
SecurityGroupRule |
SecurityGroupApi.createRuleAllowingSecurityGroupId(String parentGroup,
Ingress ip_protocol,
String groupId)
Create a Security Group Rule.
SecurityGroup |
SecurityGroupApi.createWithDescription(String name,
String description)
Create a Security Group
boolean |
VolumeTypeApi.delete(String id)
Deletes a volume type
boolean |
VolumeApi.delete(String volumeId)
Please use
VolumeApi.delete(String) instead.
To be removed in jclouds 2.0. |
boolean |
SecurityGroupApi.delete(String id)
Delete a Security Group.
boolean |
KeyPairApi.delete(String name)
Deletes a
KeyPair . |
Boolean |
HostAggregateApi.delete(String id)
Removes an aggregate.
boolean |
AttachInterfaceApi.delete(String serverId,
String attachmentId)
Deletes a port interface for given server, return true if successful,
false if server or interface not found
boolean |
VolumeTypeApi.deleteExtraSpec(String id,
String key)
Deletes an existing extra spec
Boolean |
FlavorExtraSpecsApi.deleteMetadataKey(String flavorId,
String key)
Deletes an extra spec
boolean |
SecurityGroupApi.deleteRule(String ruleId)
Delete a Security Group Rule.
boolean |
VolumeApi.deleteSnapshot(String snapshotId)
Please use
SnapshotApi.delete(String) instead.
To be removed in jclouds 2.0. |
boolean |
VolumeAttachmentApi.detachVolumeFromServer(String volumeId,
String serverId)
Detaches a Volume from a server.
VolumeType |
VolumeTypeApi.get(String id)
Gets a volume type
Volume |
VolumeApi.get(String volumeId)
Please use
VolumeApi.get(String) instead.
To be removed in jclouds 2.0. |
SimpleTenantUsage |
SimpleTenantUsageApi.get(String tenantId)
Retrieve tenant_usage for a specified tenant
ServerWithSecurityGroups |
ServerWithSecurityGroupsApi.get(String id)
Retrieve details of the specified server, including security groups
SecurityGroup |
SecurityGroupApi.get(String id)
Get a specific Security Group
KeyPair |
KeyPairApi.get(String name)
Gets a specific
KeyPair by name. |
HostAggregate |
HostAggregateApi.get(String id)
Retrieves the details of an aggregate, hosts and metadata included.
FloatingIP |
FloatingIPApi.get(String id)
Gets a specific Floating IP address
InterfaceAttachment |
AttachInterfaceApi.get(String serverId,
String attachmentId)
Returns information about a specified port interface for given server
VolumeAttachment |
VolumeAttachmentApi.getAttachmentForVolumeOnServer(String volumeId,
String serverId)
Gets a specific Volume Attachment for a Volume and Server.
Quota |
QuotaApi.getByTenant(String tenantId) |
Console |
ConsolesApi.getConsole(String serverId,
Console.Type type)
Gets the specified server Console.
Quota |
QuotaApi.getDefaultsForTenant(String tenantId) |
String |
VolumeTypeApi.getExtraSpec(String id,
String key)
Retrieve a single extra spec value
Map<String,String> |
VolumeTypeApi.getExtraSpecs(String id)
Gets the extra specs for a volume type
Map<String,String> |
FlavorExtraSpecsApi.getMetadata(String flavorId)
Retrieves all extra specs for a flavor
String |
FlavorExtraSpecsApi.getMetadataKey(String flavorId,
String key)
Return a single extra spec value
VolumeSnapshot |
VolumeApi.getSnapshot(String snapshotId)
Please use
SnapshotApi.get(String) instead.
To be removed in jclouds 2.0. |
Boolean |
ServerAdminApi.injectNetworkInfo(String id)
Inject network info into a server.
|<VolumeType> |
VolumeTypeApi.list() |<Volume> |
Please use
VolumeApi.list() instead.
To be removed in jclouds 2.0. |<SimpleTenantUsage> |
Retrieve tenant usage for all tenants.
|<SecurityGroup> |
List all Security Groups.
|<KeyPair> |
Lists all Key Pairs.
|<Hypervisor> |
HypervisorApi.list() |<HostAggregate> |
Lists all host aggregates.
|<Host> |
Returns the list of hosts
|<? extends FloatingIPPool> |
Lists all Floating IP Pools
|<FloatingIP> |
Lists all Floating IP addresses
|<AvailabilityZone> |
Please use
AvailabilityZoneApi.listAvailabilityZones() instead. To be removed in jclouds 2.0. |<InterfaceAttachment> |
AttachInterfaceApi.list(String serverId)
Returns list of port interfaces for given server
|<VolumeAttachment> |
VolumeAttachmentApi.listAttachmentsOnServer(String serverId)
Lists Volume Attachments for a given Server.
|<AvailabilityZone> |
AvailabilityZoneApi.listAvailabilityZones() |<Volume> |
Please use
VolumeApi.listInDetail() instead.
To be removed in jclouds 2.0. |<HypervisorDetails> |
HypervisorApi.listInDetail() |<AvailabilityZoneDetails> |
AvailabilityZoneApi.listInDetail() |<VirtualInterface> |
VirtualInterfaceApi.listOnServer(String serverId)
Returns the list of Virtual Interfaces for a given instance.
|<HostResourceUsage> |
HostAdministrationApi.listResourceUsage(String hostId)
Retrieves the physical/usage resource on a specific host
|<VolumeSnapshot> |
Please use
SnapshotApi.list() instead.
To be removed in jclouds 2.0. |<VolumeSnapshot> |
Please use
SnapshotApi.listInDetail() instead.
To be removed in jclouds 2.0. |
Boolean |
ServerAdminApi.liveMigrate(String id,
String host,
boolean blockMigration,
boolean diskOverCommit)
Live migrate a server.
Boolean |
ServerAdminApi.lock(String id)
Lock a server.
Boolean |
ServerAdminApi.migrate(String id)
Migrate a server.
Boolean |
ServerAdminApi.pause(String id)
Pause a server.
Boolean |
ServerAdminApi.resetNetwork(String id)
Reset network of a server.
Boolean |
ServerAdminApi.resume(String id)
Resume a server.
Boolean |
ServerAdminApi.suspend(String id)
Suspend a server.
Boolean |
ServerAdminApi.unlock(String id)
Unlock a server.
Boolean |
ServerAdminApi.unpause(String id)
Unpause a server.
boolean |
VolumeTypeApi.updateExtraSpec(String id,
String key,
String value)
Creates or updates a single extra spec value
boolean |
VolumeTypeApi.updateExtraSpecs(String id,
Map<String,String> specs)
Creates or updates the extra metadata for a given flavor
Boolean |
FlavorExtraSpecsApi.updateMetadata(String flavorId,
Map<String,String> specs)
Creates or updates the extra specs for a given flavor
Boolean |
FlavorExtraSpecsApi.updateMetadataEntry(String flavorId,
String key,
String value)
Creates or updates a single extra spec value
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Flavor |
FlavorApi.create(Flavor flavor)
Create flavor according to the provided object
String |
ServerApi.createImageFromServer(String name,
String id)
Create an image from a server.
boolean |
ServerApi.delete(String id)
Terminate and delete a server.
void |
ImageApi.delete(String id)
Delete the specified image
void |
FlavorApi.delete(String id)
Delete flavor with a given id
void |
ServerApi.deleteMetadata(String id,
String key)
Delete a metadata item from a server.
void |
ImageApi.deleteMetadata(String id,
String key)
Delete a metadata item from an image.
Server |
ServerApi.get(String id)
List details of the specified server
Image |
ImageApi.get(String id)
List details of the specified image
Flavor |
FlavorApi.get(String id)
List details of the specified flavor
|<Map<String,String>> |
ServerApi.getDiagnostics(String id)
Get usage information about the server such as CPU usage, Memory and IO.
Map<String,String> |
ServerApi.getMetadata(String id)
List all metadata for a server.
Map<String,String> |
ImageApi.getMetadata(String id)
List all metadata for an image.
String |
ServerApi.getMetadata(String id,
String key)
Update the metadata for a server.
String |
ImageApi.getMetadata(String id,
String key)
Update the metadata for an image.
PagedIterable<Resource> |
List all servers (IDs, names, links)
PagedIterable<Resource> |
List all images (IDs, names, links)
PagedIterable<Resource> |
List all flavors (IDs, names, links)
PaginatedCollection<Resource> |
ServerApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
PaginatedCollection<Resource> |
ImageApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
PaginatedCollection<Resource> |
FlavorApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
PagedIterable<Server> |
List all servers (all details)
PagedIterable<Image> |
List all images (all details)
PagedIterable<Flavor> |
List all flavors (all details)
PaginatedCollection<Server> |
ServerApi.listInDetail(PaginationOptions options) |
PaginatedCollection<Image> |
ImageApi.listInDetail(PaginationOptions options) |
PaginatedCollection<Flavor> |
FlavorApi.listInDetail(PaginationOptions options) |
Map<String,String> |
ServerApi.setMetadata(String id,
Map<String,String> metadata)
Set the metadata for a server.
Map<String,String> |
ImageApi.setMetadata(String id,
Map<String,String> metadata)
Sets the metadata for an image.
Map<String,String> |
ServerApi.updateMetadata(String id,
Map<String,String> metadata)
Update the metadata for a server.
Map<String,String> |
ImageApi.updateMetadata(String id,
Map<String,String> metadata)
Update the metadata for a server.
String |
ImageApi.updateMetadata(String id,
String key,
String value)
Set a metadata item for an image.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
CommonSwiftClient.containerExists(String container)
This method will be replaced by
org.jclouds.openstack.swift.v1.features.ContainerApi#head() |
boolean |
CommonSwiftClient.copyObject(String sourceContainer,
String sourceObject,
String destinationContainer,
String destinationObject)
This method will be replaced by
org.jclouds.openstack.swift.v1.features.ObjectApi#copy() |
boolean |
CommonSwiftClient.deleteContainerIfEmpty(String container)
This method will be replaced by
(@link org.jclouds.openstack.swift.v1.features.ContainerApi#deleteIfEmpty()}
boolean |
CommonSwiftClient.deleteContainerMetadata(String container,
Iterable<String> metadataKeys)
This method will be replaced by
org.jclouds.openstack.swift.v1.features.ContainerApi#deleteMetadata() |
ContainerMetadata |
CommonSwiftClient.getContainerMetadata(String container)
This method will be replaced by
org.jclouds.openstack.swift.v1.features.ContainerApi#get() |
SwiftObject |
CommonSwiftClient.getObject(String container,
String name,
GetOptions... options)
This method will be replaced by
org.jclouds.openstack.swift.v1.features.ObjectApi#get() |
MutableObjectInfoWithMetadata |
CommonSwiftClient.getObjectInfo(String container,
String name)
This method will be replaced by
org.jclouds.openstack.swift.v1.features.ObjectApi#head() |
boolean |
CommonSwiftClient.objectExists(String container,
String name)
This method will be replaced by
org.jclouds.openstack.swift.v1.features.ObjectApi#head() |
void |
CommonSwiftClient.removeObject(String container,
String name)
This method will be replaced by
org.jclouds.openstack.swift.v1.features.ObjectApi#delete() |
boolean |
CommonSwiftClient.setContainerMetadata(String container,
Map<String,String> containerMetadata)
This method will be replaced by
org.jclouds.openstack.swift.v1.features.ContainerApi#updateMetadata() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ObjectApi.copy(String destinationObject,
String sourceContainer,
String sourceObject)
Copies an object from one container to another.
boolean |
ObjectApi.copy(String destinationObject,
String sourceContainer,
String sourceObject,
Map<String,String> userMetadata,
Map<String,String> objectMetadata)
Copies an object from one container to another.
void |
StaticLargeObjectApi.delete(String objectName)
Deletes a static large object, if present, including all of its segments.
void |
ObjectApi.delete(String objectName)
Deletes an object, if present.
boolean |
ContainerApi.deleteIfEmpty(String containerName)
Deletes a
Container , if empty. |
boolean |
AccountApi.deleteMetadata(Map<String,String> metadata)
Deletes metadata from the
Account . |
boolean |
ObjectApi.deleteMetadata(String objectName,
Map<String,String> metadata)
Deletes the metadata from a
SwiftObject . |
boolean |
ContainerApi.deleteMetadata(String containerName,
Map<String,String> metadata)
Container metadata. |
SwiftObject |
ObjectApi.get(String objectName)
Gets the
SwiftObject including its body . |
Container |
ContainerApi.get(String containerName)
Gets the
Container . |
SwiftObject |
ObjectApi.get(String objectName,
GetOptions options)
Gets the
SwiftObject including its body . |
SwiftObject |
ObjectApi.getWithoutBody(String objectName)
Gets the
SwiftObject metadata without its body . |
ObjectList |
Lists up to 10,000 objects.
|<Container> |
Lists up to 10,000 containers.
ObjectList |
ObjectApi.list(ListContainerOptions options)
Lists up to 10,000 objects.
|<Container> |
ContainerApi.list(ListContainerOptions options)
Lists containers with the supplied
ListContainerOptions . |
boolean |
ContainerApi.update(String containerName,
UpdateContainerOptions options)
Updates the
Container . |
boolean |
AccountApi.updateMetadata(Map<String,String> metadata)
Creates or updates the
Account metadata. |
boolean |
ObjectApi.updateMetadata(String objectName,
Map<String,String> metadata)
Creates or updates the metadata for a
SwiftObject . |
boolean |
ContainerApi.updateMetadata(String containerName,
Map<String,String> metadata)
Creates or updates the
Container metadata. |
boolean |
ObjectApi.updateRawMetadata(String objectName,
Map<String,String> metadata)
Creates or updates the metadata for a
SwiftObject without escaping the key. |
boolean |
AccountApi.updateTemporaryUrlKey(String temporaryUrlKey)
Replaces the temporary URL key for the
Account . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
UserApi.create(Set<User> users)
Create database users.
boolean |
DatabaseApi.create(String database)
Same as create(String, null, null)
boolean |
UserApi.create(String userName,
String password,
String databaseName)
Create a database user by name, password, and database name.
boolean |
DatabaseApi.create(String database,
String character_set,
String collate)
This operation creates a new database within the specified instance.
boolean |
UserApi.create(String userName,
String password,
String host,
String databaseName)
Create a database user by name, password, and database name.
boolean |
UserApi.delete(String userName)
This operation deletes the specified user for the specified database instance.
boolean |
InstanceApi.delete(String instanceId)
Deletes an Instance by id.
boolean |
DatabaseApi.delete(String databaseName)
This operation deletes the specified database for the specified database instance.
String |
InstanceApi.enableRoot(String instanceId)
Enables root for an instance.
Flavor |
FlavorApi.get(int flavorId)
Returns a Flavor by id.
User |
UserApi.get(String name)
Returns a User by identifier.
Instance |
InstanceApi.get(String instanceId)
Returns an Instance by id.
User |
UserApi.get(String name,
String hostname)
Returns a User by name and allowed host.
|<String> |
UserApi.getDatabaseList(String userName)
This operation shows a list of all databases to which a user has access.
boolean |
UserApi.grant(String userName,
List<String> databases)
This operation grants access for the specified user to a database for the specified instance.
boolean |
UserApi.grant(String userName,
String databaseName)
This operation grants access for the specified user to a database for the specified instance.
|<User> |
This operation lists the users in the specified database instance.
|<Instance> |
Returns a summary list of Instances.
|<Flavor> |
Returns a summary list of Flavors.
|<String> |
This operation lists the databases for the specified database instance.
|<Flavor> |
FlavorApi.list(String accountId)
Returns a list of Flavors by Account ID (Tenant Id).
boolean |
UserApi.revoke(String userName,
String databaseName)
This operation grants access for the specified user to a database for the specified instance.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Extension |
ExtensionApi.get(String id)
Extensions may also be queried individually by their unique alias.
Set<Extension> |
Lists all available extensions
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Group |
GroupApi.create(GroupConfiguration groupConfiguration,
LaunchConfiguration launchConfiguration,
List<CreateScalingPolicy> scalingPolicies)
Create a scaling group.
|<ScalingPolicy> |
PolicyApi.create(List<CreateScalingPolicy> scalingPolicies)
Create a scaling policy.
|<Webhook> |
WebhookApi.create(List<CreateWebhook> webhooks)
Create webhooks.
|<Webhook> |
WebhookApi.create(String name,
Map<String,Object> metadata)
Create a webhook.
boolean |
WebhookApi.delete(String id)
Delete a webhook.
boolean |
PolicyApi.delete(String scalingPolicyId)
This operation deletes a specific scaling policy.
boolean |
GroupApi.delete(String groupId)
This operation deletes the specified Autoscaling Group
boolean |
PolicyApi.execute(String scalingPolicyId)
This operation executes a specific scaling policy.
Webhook |
WebhookApi.get(String id)
Get a webhook.
ScalingPolicy |
PolicyApi.get(String scalingPolicyId)
This operation returns the details for a single scaling policy.
Group |
GroupApi.get(String id)
This operation gets group details for a group
GroupConfiguration |
GroupApi.getGroupConfiguration(String id)
This operation gets the configuration for the scaling group.
LaunchConfiguration |
GroupApi.getLaunchConfiguration(String id)
This operation gets the launch configuration for the scaling group.
GroupState |
GroupApi.getState(String id)
This operation gets the state of the Autoscaling Group.
|<Webhook> |
List webhooks.
|<ScalingPolicy> |
This operation lists all scaling policies.
boolean |
GroupApi.pause(String groupId)
This operation pauses the specified Autoscaling Group
boolean |
GroupApi.resume(String groupId)
This operation resumes the specified Autoscaling Group.
boolean |
PolicyApi.update(String scalingPolicyId,
CreateScalingPolicy scalingPolicy)
This operation updates a specific scaling policy.
boolean |
WebhookApi.update(String id,
String name,
Map<String,Object> metadata)
Update a webhook.
boolean |
GroupApi.updateGroupConfiguration(String id,
GroupConfiguration groupConfiguration)
This operation updates the configuration for the scaling group.
boolean |
GroupApi.updateLaunchConfiguration(String id,
LaunchConfiguration launchConfiguration)
This operation updates the launch configuration for the scaling group.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> Job<T> |
CloudDNSApi.getJob(String jobId)
Returns the current status of a job.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Job<Void> |
DomainApi.delete(Iterable<Integer> ids,
boolean deleteSubdomains)
This call removes one or more specified domains from the account; when a domain is deleted, its immediate resource
records are also deleted from the account.
Job<Void> |
RecordApi.delete(Iterable<String> recordId)
Delete the specified records in the specified domain.
Job<Void> |
RecordApi.delete(String recordId)
Delete the specified record in the specified domain.
Job<Void> |
ReverseDNSApi.delete(URI deviceURI,
String ipAddress)
Delete the Reverse DNS (PTR) record with the specified IP address for a device.
Job<Void> |
ReverseDNSApi.deleteAll(URI deviceURI)
Delete all Reverse DNS (PTR) records for a device.
Domain |
DomainApi.get(int id)
Get all information for a Domain, including records and subdomains.
RecordDetail |
RecordApi.get(String recordId)
Get the details for the specified record in the specified domain.
RecordDetail |
ReverseDNSApi.get(URI deviceURI,
String recordId)
List all of the Reverse DNS (PTR) records for a device.
RecordDetail |
RecordApi.getByNameAndTypeAndData(String nameFilter,
String typeFilter,
String dataFilter)
RecordDetails filtered by name and type and data.
PagedIterable<RecordDetail> |
This call lists all records configured for the specified domain.
PagedIterable<Domain> |
The resulting list is flat, and does not break the domains down hierarchically by subdomain.
PaginatedCollection<RecordDetail> |
RecordApi.list(PaginationOptions options)
Use PaginationOptions to manually control the list of RecordDetail pages returned.
PaginatedCollection<Domain> |
DomainApi.list(PaginationOptions options)
The resulting list is flat, and does not break the domains down hierarchically by subdomain.
PagedIterable<RecordDetail> |
ReverseDNSApi.list(URI deviceURI)
List all of the Reverse DNS (PTR) records for a device.
PagedIterable<RecordDetail> |
RecordApi.listByNameAndType(String nameFilter,
String typeFilter)
RecordDetails filtered by name and type.
PagedIterable<RecordDetail> |
RecordApi.listByType(String typeFilter)
RecordDetails filtered by type.
PagedIterable<RecordDetail> |
RecordApi.listByTypeAndData(String typeFilter,
String dataFilter)
RecordDetails filtered by type and data.
DomainChange |
DomainApi.listChanges(int id,
Date since)
Shows all changes to the specified domain since the specified date/time.
PagedIterable<Subdomain> |
DomainApi.listSubdomains(int domainId)
List the subdomains of a domain.
PaginatedCollection<Subdomain> |
DomainApi.listSubdomains(int domainId,
PaginationOptions options)
List the subdomains of a domain and manually control pagination.
PagedIterable<Domain> |
DomainApi.listWithFilterByNamesMatching(String nameFilter)
Filtering the search to limit the results returned can be performed by using the nameFilter parameter.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
CDNApi.disable(String containerName)
Disables the
CDNContainer . |
CDNApi.enable(String containerName)
Enables the
CDNContainer . |
CDNApi.enable(String containerName,
int ttl)
Enables the
CDNContainer with a TTL. |
CDNContainer |
CDNApi.get(String containerName)
Gets the specified CDN Container.
|<CDNContainer> |
Lists up to 10,000 CDN containers.
|<CDNContainer> |
CDNApi.list(ListCDNContainerOptions options)
Lists CDN containers, with the given options.
boolean |
CDNApi.purgeObject(String containerName,
String objectName,
Iterable<String> emails)
Purges an object from the CDN.
boolean |
CDNApi.update(String containerName,
UpdateCDNContainerOptions options)
Updates a CDN container with the supplied
UpdateCDNContainerOptions options. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<Node> |
NodeApi.add(Iterable<AddNode> addNodes)
Add a new node with the configuration defined by the request.
LoadBalancer |
LoadBalancerApi.create(CreateLoadBalancer createLB)
Create a new load balancer with the configuration defined by the request.
void |
AccessRuleApi.create(Iterable<AccessRule> accessRules)
Create new access rules or append to existing access rules.
void |
SessionPersistenceApi.create(SessionPersistence sessionPersistence)
Create session persistence.
void |
ErrorPageApi.create(String content)
Specify the HTML content for the custom error page.
VirtualIPWithId |
VirtualIPApi.create(VirtualIP virtualIP)
Create a new virtual IP.
Metadata |
NodeApi.createMetadata(int id,
Map<String,String> metadata)
When a metadata item is added, it is assigned a unique identifier that can be used for mutating operations such
as changing the value attribute or removing it.
Metadata |
LoadBalancerApi.createMetadata(int id,
Map<String,String> metadata)
When a metadata item is added, it is assigned a unique identifier that can be used for mutating operations such
as changing the value attribute or removing it.
void |
HealthMonitorApi.createOrUpdate(HealthMonitor healthMonitor)
Create or update a health monitor.
void |
SSLTerminationApi.createOrUpdate(SSLTermination sslTermination)
Create or update SSL termination.
void |
ConnectionApi.createOrUpdateConnectionThrottle(ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle)
The connection throttling feature imposes limits on the number of connections per IP address to help mitigate
malicious or abusive traffic to your applications.
void |
Delete session persistence.
boolean |
Delete SSL termination.
boolean |
Delete health monitor.
boolean |
If a custom error page is deleted, or the load balancer is changed to a non-HTTP protocol, the default error
page will be restored.
boolean |
VirtualIPApi.delete(int id)
Delete a virtual IP.
void |
LoadBalancerApi.delete(int id)
Delete a load balancer.
boolean |
AccessRuleApi.delete(int id)
Delete an access rule from the access list.
boolean |
VirtualIPApi.delete(Iterable<Integer> ids)
Batch delete virtual IPs given the specified ids.
boolean |
AccessRuleApi.delete(Iterable<Integer> ids)
Batch delete the access rules given the specified ids.
boolean |
Delete the entire access list.
boolean |
Delete connection throttle.
boolean |
NodeApi.deleteMetadata(int id,
Iterable<Integer> metadataIds)
Batch delete metadata given the specified ids.
boolean |
LoadBalancerApi.deleteMetadata(int id,
Iterable<Integer> metadataIds)
Batch delete metadata given the specified ids.
boolean |
NodeApi.deleteMetadatum(int id,
int metadatumId)
Delete metadatum.
boolean |
LoadBalancerApi.deleteMetadatum(int id,
int metadatumId)
Delete metadatum.
void |
Disable content caching.
void |
Disable logging connections.
void |
Enable content caching.
void |
Enable logging connections.
SessionPersistence |
Get the current session persistence.
SSLTermination |
Get SSL termination info.
HealthMonitor |
Get health monitor.
String |
Get the error page HTML content.
Node |
NodeApi.get(int id)
Get a node.
LoadBalancer |
LoadBalancerApi.get(int id)
Get a load balancer.
ConnectionThrottle |
Get connection throttle.
HistoricalUsage |
ReportApi.getHistoricalUsage(Date startTime,
Date endTime)
View all transfer activity, average number of connections, and number of virtual IPs associated with the load
balancing service.
LoadBalancerStats |
ReportApi.getLoadBalancerStats(int loadBalancerId)
Current usage represents all usage recorded within the preceding 24 hours.
Metadata |
NodeApi.getMetadata(int lb)
List a load balancer's metadata.
Metadata |
LoadBalancerApi.getMetadata(int id)
List a load balancer's metadata.
boolean |
Determine if the load balancer is logging connections.
boolean |
Determine if the load balancer is content caching.
Iterable<VirtualIPWithId> |
List the virtual IPs.
PagedIterable<Node> |
List the nodes.
PagedIterable<LoadBalancer> |
List the load balancers.
Iterable<AccessRuleWithId> |
List the AccessRules.
IterableWithMarker<Node> |
NodeApi.list(PaginationOptions options)
List the nodes with full control of pagination.
IterableWithMarker<LoadBalancer> |
LoadBalancerApi.list(PaginationOptions options)
List the load balancers with full control of pagination.
Iterable<String> |
Get all of the possible algorthims usable by load balancers.
PagedIterable<LoadBalancer> |
ReportApi.listBillableLoadBalancers(Date startTime,
Date endTime)
List billable load balancers for the given date range.
IterableWithMarker<LoadBalancer> |
ReportApi.listBillableLoadBalancers(PaginationOptions options) |
PagedIterable<LoadBalancerUsage> |
ReportApi.listCurrentLoadBalancerUsage(int loadBalancerId)
Current usage represents all usage recorded within the preceding 24 hours.
IterableWithMarker<LoadBalancerUsage> |
ReportApi.listCurrentLoadBalancerUsage(PaginationOptions options) |
PagedIterable<LoadBalancerUsage> |
ReportApi.listLoadBalancerUsage(int loadBalancerId,
Date startTime,
Date endTime)
Historical usage data is available for up to 90 days of service activity.
IterableWithMarker<LoadBalancerUsage> |
ReportApi.listLoadBalancerUsage(PaginationOptions options) |
Iterable<Protocol> |
All load balancers must define the protocol of the service which is being load balanced.
void |
NodeApi.remove(int id)
Remove a node from the load balancer.
void |
NodeApi.remove(Iterable<Integer> ids)
Batch remove nodes from the load balancer.
boolean |
NodeApi.updateMetadatum(int id,
int metadatumId,
String value)
Update metadatum.
boolean |
LoadBalancerApi.updateMetadatum(int id,
int metadatumId,
String value)
Update metadatum.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
HttpClient.delete(URI location) |
boolean |
HttpClient.exists(URI location) |
InputStream |
HttpClient.get(URI location) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Change |
Route53Api.getChange(String changeID)
returns the current status of a change batch request.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Change |
ResourceRecordSetApi.delete(ResourceRecordSet rrs)
This action deletes a resource record set.
Change |
HostedZoneApi.delete(String zoneId)
This action deletes a hosted zone.
HostedZoneAndNameServers |
HostedZoneApi.get(String zoneId)
Retrieves information about the specified zone, including its nameserver
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
S3Client.abortMultipartUpload(String bucketName,
String key,
String uploadId)
This operation aborts a multipart upload.
boolean |
S3Client.bucketExists(String bucketName)
Issues a HEAD command to determine if the bucket exists or not.
boolean |
S3Client.deleteBucketIfEmpty(String bucketName)
Deletes the bucket, if it is empty.
void |
S3Client.deleteObject(String bucketName,
String key)
Removes the object and metadata associated with the key.
AccessControlList |
S3Client.getBucketACL(String bucketName)
A GET request operation directed at an object or bucket URI with the "acl" parameter retrieves
the Access Control List (ACL) settings for that S3 item.
BucketLogging |
S3Client.getBucketLogging(String bucketName)
Inspects the logging status for a bucket.
S3Object |
S3Client.getObject(String bucketName,
String key,
GetOptions... options)
Retrieves the S3Object associated with the Key or KeyNotFoundException if not available;
To use GET, you must have READ access to the object.
AccessControlList |
S3Client.getObjectACL(String bucketName,
String key)
A GET request operation directed at an object or bucket URI with the "acl" parameter retrieves
the Access Control List (ACL) settings for that S3 item.
ObjectMetadata |
S3Client.headObject(String bucketName,
String key)
Retrieves the
metadata of
the object associated with the key or null if not available. |
boolean |
S3Client.objectExists(String bucketName,
String key) |
boolean |
S3Client.putBucketInRegion(String region,
String bucketName,
PutBucketOptions... options)
Create and name your own bucket in which to store your objects.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
VirtualGuestApi.deleteVirtualGuest(long id)
Delete a computing instance
Set<SoftwareDescription> |
SoftwareDescriptionApi.getAllObjects() |
Set<VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup> |
AccountApi.getBlockDeviceTemplateGroups() |
ContainerVirtualGuestConfiguration |
Determine options available when creating a computing instance
Datacenter |
DatacenterApi.getDatacenter(long id) |
VirtualGuest |
VirtualGuestApi.getNotes(long id)
Get notes (visible in UI)
Don't include it in default getObject mask as it can get quite big (up to 1000 chars).
VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup |
VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroupApi.getObject(String id)
Retrieves a virtual block device template group structure.
Set<VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup> |
VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroupApi.getPublicImages() |
VirtualGuest |
VirtualGuestApi.getVirtualGuest(long id) |
VirtualGuest |
VirtualGuestApi.getVirtualGuestFiltered(long id,
String filter)
Returns a
VirtualGuest with only the fields listed in the filter string. |
Set<Datacenter> |
DatacenterApi.listDatacenters() |
Set<VirtualGuest> |
AccountApi.listVirtualGuests() |
void |
VirtualGuestApi.pauseVirtualGuest(long id)
Pause the guest.
void |
VirtualGuestApi.rebootHardVirtualGuest(long id)
Hard reboot the guest.
void |
VirtualGuestApi.resumeVirtualGuest(long id)
Resume the guest.
boolean |
VirtualGuestApi.setTags(long id,
Set<String> tags)
Set the tags on the instance
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MessageApi.delete(String receiptHandle)
The DeleteMessage action deletes the specified message from the specified
void |
QueueApi.delete(URI queue)
The DeleteQueue action deletes the queue specified by the queue URL,
regardless of whether the queue is empty.
QueueApi.get(String queueName)
The GetQueueUrl action returns the Uniform Resource Locater (URL) of a
QueueAttributes |
QueueApi.getAttributes(URI queue)
returns all attributes of a queue.
QueueApi.getInAccount(String queueName,
String accountId)
QueueApi.get(String) , except specifying the owner of the queue. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TaskApi.clear(String name)
clears a background task in either a COMPLETE or ERROR state.
void |
ZoneApi.delete(String name)
deletes a zone and all its resource records
void |
TrafficControllerPoolApi.delete(String id)
removes a pool and all its records and probes
void |
RoundRobinPoolApi.delete(String id)
removes a pool and all its records and probes
void |
ResourceRecordApi.delete(String guid)
deletes a specific resource record
void |
DirectionalPoolApi.delete(String id)
removes a pool and all its records
void |
TrafficControllerPoolApi.deleteRecord(String poolRecordID)
deletes a specific pooled resource record
void |
RoundRobinPoolApi.deleteRecord(String guid)
deletes a specific pooled resource record
void |
DirectionalPoolApi.deleteRecord(String id)
deletes a specific directional pool record
ZoneProperties |
ZoneApi.get(String name) |
Task |
TaskApi.get(String name) |
DirectionalGroup |
DirectionalGroupApi.get(String groupId)
returns the regions and name of the specified directional group or null,
if not found.
String |
TrafficControllerPoolApi.getNameByDName(String dname)
Retrieves the name of the specified pool by dname.
PoolRecordSpec |
TrafficControllerPoolApi.getRecordSpec(String poolRecordID) |<String> |
DirectionalGroupApi.listGroupNamesByDNameAndType(String hostName,
int rrType)
Returns directional group names visible to the account for the fully
hostName and rrType |<DirectionalPoolRecordDetail> |
DirectionalPoolApi.listRecordsByDNameAndType(String dname,
int rrType)
Returns all the directional pool records in the zone with the fully
hostName and rrType |<DirectionalPoolRecordDetail> |
DirectionalGroupApi.listRecordsByGroupCoordinates(DirectionalGroupCoordinates group)
Returns all the directional pool records in the pool-level group.
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