
Class RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions

    • Constructor Detail

      • RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions

        public RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • addEphemeralBlockDeviceFromSnapshot

        public RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions addEphemeralBlockDeviceFromSnapshot(String deviceName,
                                                                          String virtualName,
                                                                          String snapshotId)
        adds a block device to the image from an ebs snapshot. This device is deleted on instance termination.
        name - The device name (e.g., /dev/sdh).
        virtualName - The virtual device name. (nullable)
        snapshotId - The ID of the snapshot.
      • addNewEphemeralBlockDevice

        public RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions addNewEphemeralBlockDevice(String deviceName,
                                                                 String virtualName,
                                                                 int volumeSize)
        adds a new block device to the image. This device is deleted on instance termination.
        name - The device name (e.g., /dev/sdh).
        virtualName - The virtual device name.
        volumeSize - The size of the volume, in GiBs.
      • addBlockDeviceFromSnapshot

        public RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions addBlockDeviceFromSnapshot(String deviceName,
                                                                 String virtualName,
                                                                 String snapshotId,
                                                                 boolean deleteOnTermination,
                                                                 String volumeType,
                                                                 Integer iops,
                                                                 boolean encrypted)
        adds a block device to the image from an ebs snapshot.
        deviceName - The device name (e.g., /dev/sdh).
        virtualName - The virtual device name. (nullable)
        snapshotId - The ID of the snapshot.
        deleteOnTermination - Whether this volume should be automatically deleted on instance termination. Defaults to false.
        volumeType - What EBS volume type should be used.
        iops - EBS provisioned IOPS for this volume.
        encrypted - Whether this volume should be encrypted.
      • addNewBlockDevice

        public RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions addNewBlockDevice(String deviceName,
                                                        String virtualName,
                                                        int volumeSize,
                                                        boolean deleteOnTermination,
                                                        String volumeType,
                                                        Integer iops,
                                                        boolean encrypted)
        adds a new block device to the image.
        deviceName - The device name (e.g., /dev/sdh).
        virtualName - The virtual device name. (nullable)
        volumeSize - The size of the volume, in GiBs..
        deleteOnTermination - Whether this volume should be automatically deleted on instance termination. Defaults to false.
        volumeType - What EBS volume type should be used.
        iops - EBS provisioned IOPS for this volume.
        encrypted - Whether this volume should be encrypted.
      • addBlockDeviceFromSnapshot

        public RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions addBlockDeviceFromSnapshot(String deviceName,
                                                                 String virtualName,
                                                                 String snapshotId)
        adds a block device to the image from an ebs snapshot. This device is retained on instance termination.
        name - The device name (e.g., /dev/sdh).
        virtualName - The virtual device name. (nullable)
        snapshotId - The ID of the snapshot.
      • addNewBlockDevice

        public RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions addNewBlockDevice(String deviceName,
                                                        String virtualName,
                                                        int volumeSize)
        adds a new block device to the image. This device is retained on instance termination.
        name - The device name (e.g., /dev/sdh).
        virtualName - The virtual device name.
        volumeSize - The size of the volume, in GiBs..
      • withRamdisk

        public RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions withRamdisk(String ramDiskId)
        The ID of the RAM disk to select. Some kernels require additional drivers at launch. Check the kernel requirements for information on whether you need to specify a RAM disk. To find kernel requirements, refer to the Resource Center and search for the kernel ID.
        withRamdisk in class RegisterImageOptions

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