Class | Description |
HealthMonitor |
A Neutron LBaaS v1 HealthMonitor.
HealthMonitor.CreateBuilder |
Create builder (inheriting from Builder).
HealthMonitor.CreateHealthMonitor |
Create options - extend the domain class, passed to API create calls.
HealthMonitor.UpdateBuilder |
Update builder (inheriting from Builder).
HealthMonitor.UpdateHealthMonitor |
Update options - extend the domain class, passed to API update calls.
HealthMonitors |
A collection of Neutron LBaaS v1 HealthMonitors.
HealthMonitorStatus |
A Neutron LBaaS v1 HealthMonitorStatus.
Member |
A Neutron LBaaS v1 Member.
Member.CreateBuilder |
Create builder (inheriting from Builder).
Member.CreateMember |
Create options - extend the domain class, passed to API create calls.
Member.UpdateBuilder |
Update builder (inheriting from Builder).
Member.UpdateMember |
Update options - extend the domain class, passed to API update calls.
Members |
A collection of of Neutron LBaaS v1 Members.
Pool |
A Neutron LBaaS v1 Pool.
Pool.CreateBuilder |
Create builder (inheriting from Builder).
Pool.CreatePool |
Create options - extend the domain class, passed to API create calls.
Pool.UpdateBuilder |
Update builder (inheriting from Builder).
Pool.UpdatePool |
Update options - extend the domain class, passed to API update calls.
Pools |
A collection of of Neutron LBaaS v1 Pools.
PoolStatus |
A Neutron LBaaS v1 PoolStatus.
SessionPersistence |
A Neutron LBaaS v1 SessionPersistence.
SessionPersistence.Builder |
A Neutron LBaaS v1 VIP.
VIP.CreateBuilder |
Create builder (inheriting from Builder).
VIP.CreateVIP |
Create options - extend the domain class, passed to API create calls.
VIP.UpdateBuilder |
Update builder (inheriting from Builder).
VIP.UpdateVIP |
Update options - extend the domain class, passed to API update calls.
VIPs |
A collection of of Neutron LBaaS v1 VIPs.
Enum | Description |
HttpMethod |
Enumerates supported HTTP methods used by probes of type HTTP/HTTPS that are sent by health monitor to verify member state.
LBaaSStatus |
Enumerates supported Neutron LBaaS v1 resources status.
ProbeType |
Enumerates supported types of probe sent by health monitor to verify member state.
Protocol |
Enumerates supported protocols.
SessionPersistence.Type |
Enumerates supported SessionPersistence types.
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