Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AtmosClient.createFile(String parent,
AtmosObject object,
PutOptions... options) |
void |
AtmosClient.updateFile(String parent,
AtmosObject object,
PutOptions... options) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AWSAMIApi.addProductCodesToImageInRegion(String region,
Iterable<String> productCodes,
String imageId)
productCode s to an AMI. |
void |
AWSSecurityGroupApi.authorizeSecurityGroupIngressInRegion(String region,
String groupId,
IpPermission perm) |
void |
AWSSecurityGroupApi.authorizeSecurityGroupIngressInRegion(String region,
String groupId,
Iterable<IpPermission> perms) |
void |
SpotInstanceApi.cancelSpotInstanceRequestsInRegion(String region,
String... requestIds)
Cancels one or more Spot Instance requests.
Set<? extends Reservation<? extends AWSRunningInstance>> |
AWSInstanceApi.describeInstancesInRegion(String region,
String... instanceIds) |
Set<? extends Reservation<? extends AWSRunningInstance>> |
AWSInstanceApi.describeInstancesInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter) |<InternetGateway> |
InternetGatewayApi.describeInternetGatewaysInRegion(String region,
String... internetGatewayIds)
InternetGateway s. |
Set<PlacementGroup> |
PlacementGroupApi.describePlacementGroupsInRegion(String region,
String... placementGroupIds)
Returns information about one or more placement groups in your account.
Set<PlacementGroup> |
PlacementGroupApi.describePlacementGroupsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Returns information about one or more placement groups in your account.
|<RouteTable> |
RouteTableApi.describeRouteTables(String region,
String... routeTableIds)
Describes route tables.
Set<SecurityGroup> |
AWSSecurityGroupApi.describeSecurityGroupsInRegion(String region,
String... securityGroupNames) |
Set<SecurityGroup> |
AWSSecurityGroupApi.describeSecurityGroupsInRegionById(String region,
String... securityGroupNames) |
Set<SecurityGroup> |
AWSSecurityGroupApi.describeSecurityGroupsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter) |
Set<SpotInstanceRequest> |
SpotInstanceApi.describeSpotInstanceRequestsInRegion(String region,
String... requestIds)
Describes Spot Instance requests.
Set<SpotInstanceRequest> |
SpotInstanceApi.describeSpotInstanceRequestsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Describes Spot Instance requests.
|<Subnet> |
AWSSubnetApi.describeSubnetsInRegion(String region,
String... subnetIds)
Describes one or more of your subnets.
|<Subnet> |
AWSSubnetApi.describeSubnetsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Returns information about subnets available to you.
|<VPC> |
VPCApi.describeVpcsInRegion(String region,
String... vpcIds)
Describes all of your VPCs
Map<String,MonitoringState> |
MonitoringApi.monitorInstancesInRegion(String region,
String instanceId,
String... instanceIds)
Enables monitoring for a running instance.
void |
AWSAMIApi.removeProductCodesFromImageInRegion(String region,
Iterable<String> productCodes,
String imageId)
productCode s from an AMI. |
Set<SpotInstanceRequest> |
SpotInstanceApi.requestSpotInstancesInRegion(String region,
float spotPrice,
int instanceCount,
LaunchSpecification launchSpec,
RequestSpotInstancesOptions... options)
Creates a Spot Instance request.
void |
AWSSecurityGroupApi.revokeSecurityGroupIngressInRegion(String region,
String groupId,
IpPermission perm) |
void |
AWSSecurityGroupApi.revokeSecurityGroupIngressInRegion(String region,
String groupId,
Iterable<IpPermission> perms) |
Reservation<? extends AWSRunningInstance> |
AWSInstanceApi.runInstancesInRegion(String region,
String nullableAvailabilityZone,
String imageId,
int minCount,
int maxCount,
RunInstancesOptions... options) |
Map<String,MonitoringState> |
MonitoringApi.unmonitorInstancesInRegion(String region,
String instanceId,
String... instanceIds)
Disables monitoring for a running instance.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
AzureBlobClient.copyBlob(URI copySource,
String toContainer,
String toName,
CopyBlobOptions options) |
String |
AzureBlobClient.putBlob(String container,
AzureBlob object)
The Put Blob operation creates a new blob or updates the content of an existing blob.
String |
AzureBlobClient.putBlockList(String container,
AzureBlob object,
List<String> blockIdList)
The Put Block List assembles a list of blocks previously uploaded with Put Block into a single
String |
AzureBlobClient.putBlockList(String container,
AzureBlob object,
List<String> blockIdList)
The Put Block List assembles a list of blocks previously uploaded with Put Block into a single
String |
AzureBlobClient.putBlockList(String container,
String name,
List<String> blockIdList)
call putBlockList(String, AzureBlob, List<String>) instead
String |
AzureBlobClient.setBlobMetadata(String container,
String name,
Map<String,String> metadata) |
String |
AzureBlobClient.setBlobProperties(String container,
String name,
ContentMetadata contentMetadata) |
String |
AzureBlobClient.setPublicAccessForContainer(String container,
PublicAccess access)
Returns whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and the level of access
void |
AzureBlobClient.setResourceMetadata(String container,
Map<String,String> metadata)
The Set Container Metadata operation sets one or more user-defined name/value pairs for the
specified container.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DatabagItem |
ChefApi.createDatabagItem(String databagName,
DatabagItem databagItem)
Adds an item in a data bag.
void |
ChefApi.createEnvironment(Environment environment)
Creates a new environment.
void |
ChefApi.createNode(Node node)
Creates a new node.
void |
ChefApi.createRole(Role role)
Creates a new role.
UploadSandbox |
ChefApi.createUploadSandboxForChecksums(Set<List<Byte>> md5s)
Creates a new sandbox.
Client |
ChefApi.generateKeyForClient(String clientName)
Generates a new key-pair for this client, and return the new private key in
the response body.
CookbookVersion |
ChefApi.updateCookbook(String cookbookName,
String version,
CookbookVersion cookbook)
Creates or updates the given cookbook.
DatabagItem |
ChefApi.updateDatabagItem(String databagName,
DatabagItem item)
Updates an item in a data bag.
Environment |
ChefApi.updateEnvironment(Environment environment)
Updates the given environment.
Node |
ChefApi.updateNode(Node node)
Updates an existing node.
Role |
ChefApi.updateRole(Role role)
Updates the given role.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
OrganizationApi.updateGroup(Group group)
Updates a group.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
SecurityGroupApi.authorizeIngressICMPToCIDRs(String securityGroupId,
int ICMPCode,
int ICMPType,
Iterable<String> cidrList,
AccountInDomainOptions... options)
Authorizes a particular ICMP ingress rule for this security group
String |
SecurityGroupApi.authorizeIngressICMPToSecurityGroups(String securityGroupId,
int ICMPCode,
int ICMPType,<String,String> accountToGroup,
AccountInDomainOptions... options)
Authorizes a particular ICMP ingress rule for this security group
String |
SecurityGroupApi.authorizeIngressPortsToCIDRs(String securityGroupId,
String protocol,
int startPort,
int endPort,
Iterable<String> cidrList,
AccountInDomainOptions... options)
Authorizes a particular TCP or UDP ingress rule for this security group
String |
SecurityGroupApi.authorizeIngressPortsToSecurityGroups(String securityGroupId,
String protocol,
int startPort,
int endPort,<String,String> accountToGroup,
AccountInDomainOptions... options)
Authorizes a particular TCP or UDP ingress rule for this security group
SnapshotPolicy |
SnapshotApi.createSnapshotPolicy(SnapshotPolicySchedule schedule,
String numberToRetain,
String timezone,
String volumeId)
Creates a snapshot policy for the account.
AsyncCreateResponse |
TemplateApi.createTemplate(TemplateMetadata templateMetadata,
CreateTemplateOptions... options)
Creates a template of a virtual machine.
void |
SnapshotApi.deleteSnapshotPolicies(Iterable<String> id)
Deletes snapshot policies for the account.
Set<Template> |
TemplateApi.registerTemplate(TemplateMetadata templateMetadata,
String format,
String hypervisor,
String url,
String zoneId,
RegisterTemplateOptions... options)
Registers an existing template into the cloud.
ResourceLimit |
DomainLimitApi.updateResourceLimit(ResourceLimit limit)
Updates resource limits for an account in a domain.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AlarmApi.delete(Iterable<String> alarmNames)
Deletes all specified alarms.
void |
AlarmApi.disable(Iterable<String> alarmNames)
Disables actions for the specified alarms.
void |
AlarmApi.enable(Iterable<String> alarmNames)
Enables actions for the specified alarms.
GetMetricStatisticsResponse |
MetricApi.getMetricStatistics(GetMetricStatistics statistics) |
GetMetricStatisticsResponse |
MetricApi.getMetricStatistics(GetMetricStatistics statistics,
GetMetricStatisticsOptions options)
Gets statistics for the specified metric.
void |
MetricApi.putMetricsInNamespace(Iterable<MetricDatum> metrics,
String namespace)
Publishes metric data points to Amazon CloudWatch.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
InputStream |
ContainerApi.copy(String containerId,
Resource resource) |
Container |
ContainerApi.createContainer(String name,
Config config) |
Network |
NetworkApi.createNetwork(Network network) |
Exec |
MiscApi.execCreate(String containerId,
ExecCreateParams execCreateParams)
Sets up an exec instance in a running container with given Id.
InputStream |
MiscApi.execStart(String execId,
ExecStartParams execStartParams)
Starts a previously set up exec instance id.
void |
ContainerApi.startContainer(String containerId,
HostConfig hostConfig) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Record<? extends Map<String,Object>> |
RecordApi.get(RecordId recordId)
retrieves a resource record without regard to type
Session |
SessionApi.login(SessionCredentials credentials) |
Job |
ZoneApi.scheduleCreate(CreatePrimaryZone createZone)
Schedules addition of a new primary zone into the current session.
Job |
RecordApi.scheduleCreate(CreateRecord<?> newRecord)
Schedules addition of a new record into the current session.
Job |
RecordApi.scheduleDelete(RecordId recordId)
Schedules deletion of a record into the current session.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ElasticBlockStoreApi.addCreateVolumePermissionsToSnapshotInRegion(String region,
Iterable<String> userIds,
Iterable<String> userGroups,
String snapshotId)
createVolumePermission s to an EBS snapshot. |
void |
ElasticBlockStoreApi.addCreateVolumePermissionsToSnapshotInRegion(String region,
Iterable<String> userIds,
Iterable<String> userGroups,
String snapshotId)
createVolumePermission s to an EBS snapshot. |
void |
AMIApi.addLaunchPermissionsToImageInRegion(String region,
Iterable<String> userIds,
Iterable<String> userGroups,
String imageId)
launchPermission s to an AMI. |
void |
AMIApi.addLaunchPermissionsToImageInRegion(String region,
Iterable<String> userIds,
Iterable<String> userGroups,
String imageId)
launchPermission s to an AMI. |
void |
TagApi.applyToResources(Iterable<String> tags,
Iterable<String> resourceIds)
Adds or overwrites one or more tags for the specified resource or
void |
TagApi.applyToResources(Iterable<String> tags,
Iterable<String> resourceIds)
Adds or overwrites one or more tags for the specified resource or
void |
TagApi.applyToResources(Map<String,String> tags,
Iterable<String> resourceIds)
TagApi.applyToResources(Map, Iterable) except that the tags have no
values. |
void |
TagApi.applyToResources(Map<String,String> tags,
Iterable<String> resourceIds)
TagApi.applyToResources(Map, Iterable) except that the tags have no
values. |
void |
SecurityGroupApi.authorizeSecurityGroupIngressInRegion(String region,
String groupName,
UserIdGroupPair sourceSecurityGroup)
Adds permissions to a security group based on another group.
BundleTask |
WindowsApi.bundleInstanceInRegion(String region,
String instanceId,
String prefix,
String bucket,
String uploadPolicy,
BundleInstanceS3StorageOptions... options)
Bundles the Windows instance.
void |
TagApi.conditionallyDeleteFromResources(Map<String,String> conditionalTagValues,
Iterable<String> resourceIds)
TagApi.deleteFromResources(Iterable, Iterable) , except that the
tags are only deleted if they match the value. |
void |
TagApi.conditionallyDeleteFromResources(Map<String,String> conditionalTagValues,
Iterable<String> resourceIds)
TagApi.deleteFromResources(Iterable, Iterable) , except that the
tags are only deleted if they match the value. |
void |
TagApi.deleteFromResources(Iterable<String> tags,
Iterable<String> resourceIds)
Deletes a specific set of tags from a specific set of resources.
void |
TagApi.deleteFromResources(Iterable<String> tags,
Iterable<String> resourceIds)
Deletes a specific set of tags from a specific set of resources.
Set<PublicIpInstanceIdPair> |
ElasticIPAddressApi.describeAddressesInRegion(String region,
String... publicIps)
Lists elastic IP addresses assigned to your identity or provides information about a specific
Set<PublicIpInstanceIdPair> |
ElasticIPAddressApi.describeAddressesInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Lists elastic IP addresses assigned to your identity or provides information on addresses
matching a given filter.
Set<BundleTask> |
WindowsApi.describeBundleTasksInRegion(String region,
String... bundleTaskIds)
Describes current bundling tasks.
Set<BundleTask> |
WindowsApi.describeBundleTasksInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Describes current bundling tasks.
Set<? extends Image> |
AMIApi.describeImagesInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter,
DescribeImagesOptions... options)
Returns information about AMIs, AKIs, and ARIs.
Set<? extends Reservation<? extends RunningInstance>> |
InstanceApi.describeInstancesInRegion(String region,
String... instanceIds)
Returns information about instances that you own.
Set<? extends Reservation<? extends RunningInstance>> |
InstanceApi.describeInstancesInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Returns information about instances that you own.
Set<KeyPair> |
KeyPairApi.describeKeyPairsInRegion(String region,
String... keyPairNames)
Returns information about key pairs available to you.
Set<KeyPair> |
KeyPairApi.describeKeyPairsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Returns information about key pairs available to you.
Set<SecurityGroup> |
SecurityGroupApi.describeSecurityGroupsInRegion(String region,
String... securityGroupNames)
Returns information about security groups that you own.
Set<SecurityGroup> |
SecurityGroupApi.describeSecurityGroupsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Returns information about security groups that you own.
Set<Snapshot> |
ElasticBlockStoreApi.describeSnapshotsInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter,
DescribeSnapshotsOptions... options)
Returns information about EBS snapshots matching the given filters.
Set<Volume> |
ElasticBlockStoreApi.describeVolumesInRegion(String region,
String... volumeIds)
Describes the specified Amazon EBS volumes that you own.
Set<Volume> |
ElasticBlockStoreApi.describeVolumesInRegionWithFilter(String region,<String,String> filter)
Describes the specified Amazon EBS volumes that you own and match the given filters.
|<Tag> |
TagApi.filter(<String,String> filter)
Describes tags for your EC2 resources qualified by a filter
|<Subnet> |
SubnetApi.filter(<String,String> filter)
Describes subnets for your EC2 resources qualified by a filter
void |
InstanceApi.rebootInstancesInRegion(String region,
String... instanceIds)
Requests a reboot of one or more instances.
void |
ElasticBlockStoreApi.removeCreateVolumePermissionsFromSnapshotInRegion(String region,
Iterable<String> userIds,
Iterable<String> userGroups,
String snapshotId)
createVolumePermission s from an EBS snapshot. |
void |
ElasticBlockStoreApi.removeCreateVolumePermissionsFromSnapshotInRegion(String region,
Iterable<String> userIds,
Iterable<String> userGroups,
String snapshotId)
createVolumePermission s from an EBS snapshot. |
void |
AMIApi.removeLaunchPermissionsFromImageInRegion(String region,
Iterable<String> userIds,
Iterable<String> userGroups,
String imageId) |
void |
AMIApi.removeLaunchPermissionsFromImageInRegion(String region,
Iterable<String> userIds,
Iterable<String> userGroups,
String imageId) |
void |
SecurityGroupApi.revokeSecurityGroupIngressInRegion(String region,
String groupName,
UserIdGroupPair sourceSecurityGroup)
Revokes permissions from a security group.
Reservation<? extends RunningInstance> |
InstanceApi.runInstancesInRegion(String region,
String nullableAvailabilityZone,
String imageId,
int minCount,
int maxCount,
RunInstancesOptions... options)
Launches a specified number of instances of an AMI for which you have
void |
InstanceApi.setBlockDeviceMappingForInstanceInRegion(String region,
String instanceId,
Map<String,BlockDevice> blockDeviceMapping)
Sets the blockDeviceMapping used for an instance.
Set<? extends InstanceStateChange> |
InstanceApi.startInstancesInRegion(String region,
String... instanceIds)
Starts an instance that uses an Amazon EBS volume as its root device.
Set<? extends InstanceStateChange> |
InstanceApi.stopInstancesInRegion(String region,
boolean force,
String... instanceIds)
Stops an instance that uses an Amazon EBS volume as its root device.
Set<? extends InstanceStateChange> |
InstanceApi.terminateInstancesInRegion(String region,
String... instanceIds)
Shuts down one or more instances.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServerInfo |
ElasticStackApi.createAndStartServer(Server createServer)
create and start a new server
DriveInfo |
ElasticStackApi.createDrive(Drive createDrive)
create a new drive
ServerInfo |
ElasticStackApi.createServer(Server createServer)
create a new server
DriveInfo |
ElasticStackApi.setDriveData(String uuid,
DriveData setDrive)
set extra drive data
ServerInfo |
ElasticStackApi.setServerConfiguration(String uuid,
Server setServer)
set server configuration
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
LoadBalancer |
GridLoadBalancerApi.addLoadBalancer(String name,
IpPortPair virtualIp,
List<IpPortPair> realIps,
AddLoadBalancerOptions... options)
Creates a load balancer with given properties.
LoadBalancer |
GridLoadBalancerApi.addLoadBalancer(String name,
IpPortPair virtualIp,
List<IpPortPair> realIps,
AddLoadBalancerOptions... options)
Creates a load balancer with given properties.
LoadBalancer |
GridLoadBalancerApi.editLoadBalancer(long id,
List<IpPortPair> realIps)
Edits the existing load balancer to change the real IP mapping.
LoadBalancer |
GridLoadBalancerApi.editLoadBalancerNamed(String name,
List<IpPortPair> realIps)
Edits the existing load balancer to change the real IP mapping.
Set<ServerImage> |
GridImageApi.getImagesById(Long... ids)
Returns images, found by specified ids
Set<ServerImage> |
GridImageApi.getImagesByName(String... names)
Returns images, found by specified names
Set<Job> |
GridJobApi.getJobsById(long... ids)
Returns jobs for the corresponding id(s).
Set<Job> |
GridJobApi.getJobsForObjectName(String objectName)
Returns jobs found for an object with a provided name.
Set<LoadBalancer> |
GridLoadBalancerApi.getLoadBalancersById(Long... ids)
Returns the load balancer(s) by unique id(s).
Set<LoadBalancer> |
GridLoadBalancerApi.getLoadBalancersByName(String... names)
Returns the load balancer(s) by unique name(s).
Set<Server> |
GridServerApi.getServersById(long... ids)
Returns the server(s) by unique id(s).
Set<Server> |
GridServerApi.getServersByName(String... names)
Returns the server(s) by unique name(s).
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GoogleCloudStorageObject |
ObjectApi.composeObjects(String destinationBucket,
String destinationObject,
ComposeObjectTemplate composeObjectTemplate)
Concatenates a list of existing objects into a new object in the same bucket.
GoogleCloudStorageObject |
ObjectApi.composeObjects(String destinationBucket,
String destinationObject,
ComposeObjectTemplate composeObjectTemplate,
ComposeObjectOptions options)
Concatenates a list of existing objects into a new object in the same bucket.
GoogleCloudStorageObject |
ObjectApi.copyObject(String destinationBucket,
String destinationObject,
String sourceBucket,
String sourceObject,
ObjectTemplate template)
Copies an object to a specified location with updated metadata.
Bucket |
BucketApi.createBucket(String projectId,
BucketTemplate bucketTemplate)
Creates a new bucket
Bucket |
BucketApi.createBucket(String projectId,
BucketTemplate bucketTemplate,
InsertBucketOptions options)
Creates a new Bucket
BucketAccessControls |
BucketAccessControlsApi.createBucketAccessControls(String bucketName,
BucketAccessControlsTemplate template)
Creates a new ACL entry on the specified bucket.
ObjectAccessControls |
DefaultObjectAccessControlsApi.createDefaultObjectAccessControls(String bucketName,
ObjectAccessControlsTemplate template)
Creates a new ACL entry for specified object
ObjectAccessControls |
ObjectAccessControlsApi.createObjectAccessControls(String bucketName,
String objectName,
ObjectAccessControlsTemplate template)
Creates a new acl entry for specified object
ObjectAccessControls |
ObjectAccessControlsApi.createObjectAccessControls(String bucketName,
String objectName,
ObjectAccessControlsTemplate template,
Long generation)
Creates a new acl entry for specified object
ResumableUpload |
ResumableUploadApi.initResumableUpload(String bucketName,
String contentType,
Long contentLength,
ObjectTemplate metadata)
initiate a Resumable Upload Session
Bucket |
BucketApi.patchBucket(String bucketName,
BucketTemplate bucketTemplate)
Updates a bucket supporting patch semantics.
Bucket |
BucketApi.patchBucket(String bucketName,
BucketTemplate bucketTemplate,
UpdateBucketOptions options)
Updates a bucket supporting patch semantics.
BucketAccessControls |
BucketAccessControlsApi.patchBucketAccessControls(String bucketName,
String entity,
BucketAccessControlsTemplate template)
Updates an ACL entry on the specified bucket.
ObjectAccessControls |
DefaultObjectAccessControlsApi.patchDefaultObjectAccessControls(String bucketName,
String entity,
ObjectAccessControls payload)
Retrieves ACL entries on a specified object
GoogleCloudStorageObject |
ObjectApi.patchObject(String bucketName,
String objectName,
ObjectTemplate objectTemplate)
Updates an object according to patch semantics
GoogleCloudStorageObject |
ObjectApi.patchObject(String bucketName,
String objectName,
ObjectTemplate objectTemplate,
UpdateObjectOptions options)
Updates an object according to patch semantics
ObjectAccessControls |
ObjectAccessControlsApi.patchObjectAccessControls(String bucketName,
String objectName,
String entity,
ObjectAccessControlsTemplate template)
Updates an acl entry on the specified object
ObjectAccessControls |
ObjectAccessControlsApi.patchObjectAccessControls(String bucketName,
String objectName,
String entity,
ObjectAccessControlsTemplate template,
Long generation)
Updates an acl entry on the specified object
Bucket |
BucketApi.updateBucket(String bucketName,
BucketTemplate bucketTemplate)
Updates a bucket
Bucket |
BucketApi.updateBucket(String bucketName,
BucketTemplate bucketTemplate,
UpdateBucketOptions options)
Updates a bucket
BucketAccessControls |
BucketAccessControlsApi.updateBucketAccessControls(String bucketName,
String entity,
BucketAccessControlsTemplate template)
Updates an ACL entry on the specified bucket
ObjectAccessControls |
DefaultObjectAccessControlsApi.updateDefaultObjectAccessControls(String bucketName,
String entity,
ObjectAccessControls payload)
Retrieves ACL entries on a specified object
ObjectAccessControls |
DefaultObjectAccessControlsApi.updateDefaultObjectAccessControls(String bucketName,
String entity,
ObjectAccessControls payload,
DomainResourceReferences.ObjectRole role)
Retrieves ACL entries on a specified object
GoogleCloudStorageObject |
ObjectApi.updateObject(String bucketName,
String objectName,
ObjectTemplate objectTemplate)
Updates an object metadata
GoogleCloudStorageObject |
ObjectApi.updateObject(String bucketName,
String objectName,
ObjectTemplate objectTemplate,
UpdateObjectOptions options)
Updates an object
ObjectAccessControls |
ObjectAccessControlsApi.updateObjectAccessControls(String bucketName,
String objectName,
String entity,
ObjectAccessControlsTemplate template)
Updates an acl entry on the specified object
ObjectAccessControls |
ObjectAccessControlsApi.updateObjectAccessControls(String bucketName,
String objectName,
String entity,
ObjectAccessControlsTemplate template,
Long generation)
Updates an acl entry on the specified object
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Operation |
InstanceApi.addAccessConfigToNic(String instance,
Instance.NetworkInterface.AccessConfig accessConfig,
String networkInterfaceName)
Adds an access config to an instance's network interface.
Operation |
InstanceApi.attachDisk(String instance,
AttachDisk attachDiskOptions)
Attaches a disk to an instance
Operation |
AddressApi.create(AddressCreationOptions options) |
Operation |
BackendServiceApi.create(BackendServiceOptions backendService)
Creates a backend service resource in the specified project using the data
included in the request.
Operation |
ImageApi.create(ImageCreationOptions options) |
Operation |
NetworkApi.create(NetworkCreationOptions options)
Creates a persistent network resource in the specified project with the specified options.
Operation |
InstanceApi.create(NewInstance template)
Creates a instance resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.
Operation |
TargetInstanceApi.create(NewTargetInstance targetInstance)
Creates a instance resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.
Operation |
TargetHttpProxyApi.create(TargetHttpProxyOptions targetHttpProxyOptions)
Creates a TargetHttpProxy resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.
Operation |
TargetPoolApi.create(TargetPoolCreationOptions options)
Creates a TargetPool resource in the specified project and region using the data included in the request.
Operation |
UrlMapApi.create(UrlMapOptions urlMapOptions)
Creates a urlMap resource in the specified project using the data included in the request.
Operation |
SubnetworkApi.createInNetwork(SubnetworkCreationOptions newSubnetwork)
Creates a persistent network resource in the specified project with the specified range and specified gateway.
Operation |
ImageApi.deprecate(String image,
DeprecateOptions deprecated)
Sets the deprecation status of an image.
Operation |
BackendServiceApi.patch(String backendServiceName,
BackendServiceOptions backendServiceOptions)
Updates the specified backend service resource, with patch semantics, with
the data included in the request.
Operation |
FirewallApi.patch(String firewall,
FirewallOptions firewallOptions)
Updates the specified firewall resource, with patch semantics, with the data included in the request.
Operation |
UrlMapApi.patch(String urlMapName,
UrlMapOptions urlMapOptions)
Updates the specified urlMap resource, with patch semantics, with the data included in the request.
Operation |
ProjectApi.setCommonInstanceMetadata(Metadata metadata)
Sets metadata common to all instances within the current project using the data included in the request.
Operation |
InstanceApi.setMetadata(String instance,
Metadata metadata)
Sets metadata for an instance using the data included in the request.
Operation |
BackendServiceApi.update(String backendServiceName,
BackendServiceOptions backendServiceOptions)
Updates the specified backend service resource with the data included in
the request.
Operation |
FirewallApi.update(String firewall,
FirewallOptions firewallOptions)
Updates the specified firewall resource with the data included in the request.
Operation |
UrlMapApi.update(String urlMapName,
UrlMapOptions urlMapOptions)
Updates the specified urlMap resource with the data included in the request.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MessagesCreated |
MessageApi.create(List<CreateMessage> messages)
Create message(s) on a queue.
boolean |
MessageApi.delete(Iterable<String> ids)
Deletes specific messages.
List<Message> |
MessageApi.list(Iterable<String> ids)
Lists specific messages.
void |
QueueApi.setMetadata(String name,
Map<String,String> metadata)
Sets metadata for the specified queue.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BulkDeleteResponse |
BulkApi.bulkDelete(Iterable<String> paths)
Deletes multiple objects or containers, if present.
void |
ObjectApi.copy(String destinationObject,
String sourceContainer,
String sourceObject,
Map<String,String> userMetadata,
Map<String,String> objectMetadata)
call copy(String, String, String, Map, Map, CopyOptions) instead
void |
ObjectApi.copy(String destinationObject,
String sourceContainer,
String sourceObject,
Map<String,String> userMetadata,
Map<String,String> objectMetadata)
call copy(String, String, String, Map, Map, CopyOptions) instead
void |
ObjectApi.copy(String destinationObject,
String sourceContainer,
String sourceObject,
Map<String,String> userMetadata,
Map<String,String> objectMetadata,
CopyOptions options)
Copies an object from one container to another, replacing metadata.
void |
ObjectApi.copy(String destinationObject,
String sourceContainer,
String sourceObject,
Map<String,String> userMetadata,
Map<String,String> objectMetadata,
CopyOptions options)
Copies an object from one container to another, replacing metadata.
void |
ObjectApi.copyAppendMetadata(String destinationObject,
String sourceContainer,
String sourceObject,
Map<String,String> userMetadata,
Map<String,String> objectMetadata)
call copyAppendMetadata(String, String, String, Map, Map, CopyOptions) instead
void |
ObjectApi.copyAppendMetadata(String destinationObject,
String sourceContainer,
String sourceObject,
Map<String,String> userMetadata,
Map<String,String> objectMetadata)
call copyAppendMetadata(String, String, String, Map, Map, CopyOptions) instead
void |
ObjectApi.copyAppendMetadata(String destinationObject,
String sourceContainer,
String sourceObject,
Map<String,String> userMetadata,
Map<String,String> objectMetadata,
CopyOptions options)
Copies an object from one container to another, appending metadata.
void |
ObjectApi.copyAppendMetadata(String destinationObject,
String sourceContainer,
String sourceObject,
Map<String,String> userMetadata,
Map<String,String> objectMetadata,
CopyOptions options)
Copies an object from one container to another, appending metadata.
boolean |
AccountApi.deleteMetadata(Map<String,String> metadata)
Deletes metadata from the
Account . |
boolean |
ObjectApi.deleteMetadata(String objectName,
Map<String,String> metadata)
Deletes the metadata from a
SwiftObject . |
boolean |
ContainerApi.deleteMetadata(String containerName,
Map<String,String> metadata)
Container metadata. |
ExtractArchiveResponse |
BulkApi.extractArchive(String path,
Payload payload,
String format)
Extracts a tar archive at the path specified as
path . |
String |
ObjectApi.put(String objectName,
Payload payload)
Creates or updates a
SwiftObject . |
String |
ObjectApi.put(String objectName,
Payload payload,
PutOptions options)
Creates or updates a
SwiftObject . |
String |
DynamicLargeObjectApi.putManifest(String objectName,
Map<String,String> metadata)
String |
DynamicLargeObjectApi.putManifest(String objectName,
Map<String,String> metadata,
Map<String,String> headers)
String |
DynamicLargeObjectApi.putManifest(String objectName,
Map<String,String> metadata,
Map<String,String> headers)
String |
StaticLargeObjectApi.replaceManifest(String objectName,
List<Segment> segments,
Map<String,String> metadata)
Creates or updates a static large object's manifest.
String |
StaticLargeObjectApi.replaceManifest(String objectName,
List<Segment> segments,
Map<String,String> metadata)
Creates or updates a static large object's manifest.
String |
StaticLargeObjectApi.replaceManifest(String objectName,
List<Segment> segments,
Map<String,String> metadata,
Map<String,String> headers)
Creates or updates a static large object's manifest.
String |
StaticLargeObjectApi.replaceManifest(String objectName,
List<Segment> segments,
Map<String,String> metadata,
Map<String,String> headers)
Creates or updates a static large object's manifest.
String |
StaticLargeObjectApi.replaceManifest(String objectName,
List<Segment> segments,
Map<String,String> metadata,
Map<String,String> headers)
Creates or updates a static large object's manifest.
void |
ObjectApi.updateHeaders(String objectName,
Map<String,String> metadata)
Creates or updates the metadata for a
SwiftObject without escaping the key. |
void |
AccountApi.updateMetadata(Map<String,String> metadata)
Creates or updates the
Account metadata. |
void |
ObjectApi.updateMetadata(String objectName,
Map<String,String> metadata)
Creates or updates the metadata for a
SwiftObject . |
void |
ContainerApi.updateMetadata(String containerName,
Map<String,String> metadata)
Creates or updates the
Container metadata. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Device |
DeviceApi.create(Device.CreateDevice device) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Job<Void> |
DomainApi.update(int id,
UpdateDomain updateDomain)
This call modifies the domain attributes only.
Job<Void> |
RecordApi.update(Map<String,Record> idsToRecords)
Update the configuration of the specified records in the specified domain.
Job<Void> |
RecordApi.update(String recordId,
Record record)
Update the configuration of the specified record in the specified domain.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
CDNApi.purgeObject(String containerName,
String objectName,
Iterable<String> emails)
Purges an object from the CDN.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
VirtualIPWithId |
VirtualIPApi.create(VirtualIP virtualIP)
Create a new virtual IP.
Metadata |
NodeApi.createMetadata(int id,
Map<String,String> metadata)
When a metadata item is added, it is assigned a unique identifier that can be used for mutating operations such
as changing the value attribute or removing it.
Metadata |
LoadBalancerApi.createMetadata(int id,
Map<String,String> metadata)
When a metadata item is added, it is assigned a unique identifier that can be used for mutating operations such
as changing the value attribute or removing it.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Change |
ResourceRecordSetApi.apply(ChangeBatch changes)
applies a batch of changes atomically.
ResourceRecordSetIterable |
ResourceRecordSetApi.listAt(ResourceRecordSetIterable.NextRecord nextRecord)
retrieves up to 100 resource record sets in order, starting at
nextRecord |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
S3Client.abortMultipartUpload(String bucketName,
String key,
String uploadId)
This operation aborts a multipart upload.
boolean |
S3Client.bucketExists(String bucketName)
Issues a HEAD command to determine if the bucket exists or not.
String |
S3Client.completeMultipartUpload(String bucketName,
String key,
String uploadId,
Map<Integer,String> parts)
This operation completes a multipart upload by assembling previously uploaded parts.
String |
S3Client.completeMultipartUpload(String bucketName,
String key,
String uploadId,
Map<Integer,String> parts)
This operation completes a multipart upload by assembling previously uploaded parts.
ObjectMetadata |
S3Client.copyObject(String sourceBucket,
String sourceObject,
String destinationBucket,
String destinationObject,
CopyObjectOptions... options)
Copies one object to another bucket, retaining UserMetadata from the source.
boolean |
S3Client.deleteBucketIfEmpty(String bucketName)
Deletes the bucket, if it is empty.
void |
S3Client.deleteObject(String bucketName,
String key)
Removes the object and metadata associated with the key.
DeleteResult |
S3Client.deleteObjects(String bucketName,
Iterable<String> keys)
The Multi-Object Delete operation enables you to delete multiple objects from a bucket using a
single HTTP request.
DeleteResult |
S3Client.deleteObjects(String bucketName,
Iterable<String> keys)
The Multi-Object Delete operation enables you to delete multiple objects from a bucket using a
single HTTP request.
void |
S3Client.disableBucketLogging(String bucketName)
Disables logging for a bucket.
void |
S3Client.enableBucketLogging(String bucketName,
BucketLogging logging)
Enables logging for a bucket.
void |
S3Client.enableBucketLogging(String bucketName,
BucketLogging logging)
Enables logging for a bucket.
AccessControlList |
S3Client.getBucketACL(String bucketName)
A GET request operation directed at an object or bucket URI with the "acl" parameter retrieves
the Access Control List (ACL) settings for that S3 item.
BucketLogging |
S3Client.getBucketLogging(String bucketName)
Inspects the logging status for a bucket.
Payer |
S3Client.getBucketPayer(String bucketName)
A GET request operation on a requestPayment resource returns the request payment configuration
of a bucket.
S3Object |
S3Client.getObject(String bucketName,
String key,
GetOptions... options)
Retrieves the S3Object associated with the Key or KeyNotFoundException if not available;
To use GET, you must have READ access to the object.
AccessControlList |
S3Client.getObjectACL(String bucketName,
String key)
A GET request operation directed at an object or bucket URI with the "acl" parameter retrieves
the Access Control List (ACL) settings for that S3 item.
ObjectMetadata |
S3Client.headObject(String bucketName,
String key)
Retrieves the
metadata of
the object associated with the key or null if not available. |
String |
S3Client.initiateMultipartUpload(String bucketName,
ObjectMetadata objectMetadata,
PutObjectOptions... options)
This operation initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID.
String |
S3Client.initiateMultipartUpload(String bucketName,
ObjectMetadata objectMetadata,
PutObjectOptions... options)
This operation initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID.
ListBucketResponse |
S3Client.listBucket(String bucketName,
ListBucketOptions... options)
Retrieve a
S3Bucket listing. |
Map<Integer,String> |
S3Client.listMultipartParts(String bucketName,
String key,
String uploadId)
see #listMultipartPartsFull
Map<Integer,ListMultipartUploadResponse> |
S3Client.listMultipartPartsFull(String bucketName,
String key,
String uploadId) |
ListMultipartUploadsResponse |
S3Client.listMultipartUploads(String bucketName,
String delimiter,
Integer maxUploads,
String keyMarker,
String prefix,
String uploadIdMarker) |
boolean |
S3Client.objectExists(String bucketName,
String key) |
boolean |
S3Client.putBucketACL(String bucketName,
AccessControlList acl)
Update a bucket's Access Control List settings.
boolean |
S3Client.putBucketACL(String bucketName,
AccessControlList acl)
Update a bucket's Access Control List settings.
boolean |
S3Client.putBucketInRegion(String region,
String bucketName,
PutBucketOptions... options)
Create and name your own bucket in which to store your objects.
boolean |
S3Client.putBucketInRegion(String region,
String bucketName,
PutBucketOptions... options)
Create and name your own bucket in which to store your objects.
String |
S3Client.putObject(String bucketName,
S3Object object,
PutObjectOptions... options)
Store data by creating or overwriting an object.
String |
S3Client.putObject(String bucketName,
S3Object object,
PutObjectOptions... options)
Store data by creating or overwriting an object.
boolean |
S3Client.putObjectACL(String bucketName,
String key,
AccessControlList acl)
Update an object's Access Control List settings.
boolean |
S3Client.putObjectACL(String bucketName,
String key,
AccessControlList acl)
Update an object's Access Control List settings.
void |
S3Client.setBucketPayer(String bucketName,
Payer payer)
The PUT request operation with a requestPayment URI configures an existing bucket to be
Requester Pays or not.
void |
S3Client.setBucketPayer(String bucketName,
Payer payer)
The PUT request operation with a requestPayment URI configures an existing bucket to be
Requester Pays or not.
boolean |
S3Client.updateBucketCannedACL(String bucketName,
CannedAccessPolicy acl)
Update a bucket's Access Control List settings.
boolean |
S3Client.updateBucketCannedACL(String bucketName,
CannedAccessPolicy acl)
Update a bucket's Access Control List settings.
boolean |
S3Client.updateObjectCannedACL(String bucketName,
String key,
CannedAccessPolicy acl)
Update an object's Access Control List settings.
boolean |
S3Client.updateObjectCannedACL(String bucketName,
String key,
CannedAccessPolicy acl)
Update an object's Access Control List settings.
String |
S3Client.uploadPart(String bucketName,
String key,
int partNumber,
String uploadId,
Payload part)
This operation uploads a part in a multipart upload.
String |
S3Client.uploadPartCopy(String bucketName,
String key,
int partNumber,
String uploadId,
String sourceBucket,
String sourceObject,
long startOffset,
long endOffset) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
VirtualGuest |
VirtualGuestApi.createVirtualGuest(VirtualGuest virtualGuest)
Enables the creation of computing instances on an account.
boolean |
VirtualGuestApi.setNotes(long id,
String notes)
Set notes (visible in UI)
boolean |
VirtualGuestApi.setTags(long id,
Set<String> tags)
Set the tags on the instance
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BatchResult<MessageIdAndMD5> |
MessageApi.changeVisibility(Map<String,Integer> receiptHandleVisibilityTimeout)
Same as
MessageApi.changeVisibility(Table) , except that we generate numeric
ids starting with 1 |
BatchResult<String> |
MessageApi.changeVisibility(<String,String,Integer> idReceiptHandleVisibilityTimeout)
Currently, you can send up to 10
MessageApi.changeVisibility(java.lang.String, int) requests. |
BatchResult<String> |
MessageApi.delete(Iterable<String> receiptHandles)
Same as
MessageApi.delete(Map) , except that we generate numeric ids starting
with 1 |
BatchResult<String> |
MessageApi.delete(Map<String,String> idReceiptHandle)
Currently, you can send up to 10
MessageApi.delete(java.lang.String) requests. |
Map<String,String> |
QueueApi.getAttributes(URI queue,
Iterable<String> attributeNames)
returns an attribute of a queue.
BatchResult<? extends MessageIdAndMD5> |
MessageApi.send(Iterable<String> messageBodies)
Same as
MessageApi.send(Map) , except that we generate numeric ids starting
with 1 |
BatchResult<? extends MessageIdAndMD5> |
MessageApi.send(Map<String,String> idMessageBody)
The SendMessageBatch action delivers up to ten messages to the specified
BatchResult<? extends MessageIdAndMD5> |
MessageApi.sendWithDelays(Map<String,Integer> messageBodyDelaySeconds)
Same as
MessageApi.sendWithDelays(Table) , except that we generate numeric
ids starting with 1 |
BatchResult<? extends MessageIdAndMD5> |
MessageApi.sendWithDelays(<String,String,Integer> idMessageBodyDelaySeconds)
Same as
MessageApi.send(Map) except you can set a delay for each message in
the request. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---|<DirectionalPoolRecordDetail> |
DirectionalGroupApi.listRecordsByGroupCoordinates(DirectionalGroupCoordinates group)
Returns all the directional pool records in the pool-level group.
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