Package | Description |
org.jclouds.atmos | |
org.jclouds.azureblob | |
org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm.features | |
org.jclouds.cloudstack.features | |
org.jclouds.gogrid.features | |
org.jclouds.googlecloudstorage.features | |
org.jclouds.openstack.swift.v1.features | |
org.jclouds.rackspace.clouddns.v1 | |
org.jclouds.rackspace.clouddns.v1.features | |
org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudfiles.v1.features | |
org.jclouds.s3 |
This package contains an Amazon S3 client implemented by
HttpCommandExecutorService commands. |
org.jclouds.softlayer.features |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
UserMetadata |
AtmosClient.getUserMetadata(String path) |
void |
AtmosClient.setGroupAcl(String path,
PutOptions options) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
AzureBlobClient.containerExists(String container)
Issues a HEAD command to determine if the container exists or not.
boolean |
AzureBlobClient.createContainer(String container,
CreateContainerOptions... options)
The Create Container operation creates a new container under the specified identity.
boolean |
AzureBlobClient.createRootContainer(CreateContainerOptions... options)
The root container is a default container that may be inferred from a URL requesting a blob
void |
AzureBlobClient.deleteContainer(String container)
The Delete Container operation marks the specified container for deletion.
void |
The Delete Container operation marks the specified container for deletion.
ListBlobBlocksResponse |
AzureBlobClient.getBlockList(String container,
String name) |
ContainerProperties |
AzureBlobClient.getContainerProperties(String container)
The Get Container Properties operation returns all user-defined metadata and system properties
for the specified container.
PublicAccess |
AzureBlobClient.getPublicAccessForContainer(String container)
Returns whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and the level of access
ListBlobsResponse |
AzureBlobClient.listBlobs(ListBlobsOptions... options) |
ListBlobsResponse |
AzureBlobClient.listBlobs(String container,
ListBlobsOptions... options)
The List Blobs operation enumerates the list of blobs under the specified container.
BoundedSet<ContainerProperties> |
AzureBlobClient.listContainers(ListOptions... listOptions)
The List Containers operation returns a list of the containers under the specified identity.
void |
AzureBlobClient.putBlock(String container,
String name,
String blockId,
Payload part)
The Put Block operation creates a block blob on Azure which can be later assembled into
a single, large blob object with the Put Block List operation.
String |
AzureBlobClient.putBlockList(String container,
AzureBlob object,
List<String> blockIdList)
The Put Block List assembles a list of blocks previously uploaded with Put Block into a single
String |
AzureBlobClient.putBlockList(String container,
String name,
List<String> blockIdList)
call putBlockList(String, AzureBlob, List<String>) instead
String |
AzureBlobClient.setBlobMetadata(String container,
String name,
Map<String,String> metadata) |
String |
AzureBlobClient.setBlobProperties(String container,
String name,
ContentMetadata contentMetadata) |
void |
AzureBlobClient.setBlobTier(String container,
String name,
AccessTier tier) |
String |
AzureBlobClient.setPublicAccessForContainer(String container,
PublicAccess access)
Returns whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and the level of access
void |
AzureBlobClient.setResourceMetadata(String container,
Map<String,String> metadata)
The Set Container Metadata operation sets one or more user-defined name/value pairs for the
specified container.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
VirtualMachine |
VirtualMachineApi.createOrUpdate(String vmname,
String location,
VirtualMachineProperties properties,
Map<String,String> tags,
Plan plan) |
ServicePrincipal |
GraphRBACApi.getCurrentServicePrincipal() |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Provides synchronous access to cloudstack via their REST API.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to cloudstack via their REST API.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to cloudstack via their REST API.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to cloudstack via their REST API.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to CloudStack Account features available to Domain
Admin users.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to CloudStack Domain features available to Domain
Admin users.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to CloudStack Limit features available to Domain
Admin users.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to CloudStack User features available to Domain
Admin users.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to cloudstack via their REST API.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to cloudstack via their REST API.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to CloudStack Account features available to Global
Admin users.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to CloudStack Account features available to Global
Admin users.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to CloudStack Account features available to Global
Admin users.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to CloudStack Configuration features available to Global
Admin users.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to CloudStack Domain features available to Global
Admin users.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to cloudstack via their REST API.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to cloudstack via their REST API.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to CloudStack Pod features available to Global
Admin users.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to CloudStack storage pool features.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to CloudStack usage features.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to CloudStack User features available to Global
Admin users.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to cloudstack via their REST API.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to CloudStack Account features available to Global
Admin users.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to cloudstack via their REST API.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to cloudstack via their REST API.
interface |
interface |
Provides synchronous access to CloudStack SSHKeyPair features.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to cloudstack via their REST API.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to cloudstack via their REST API.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to cloudstack via their REST API.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to cloudstack via their REST API.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to CloudStack project features.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to cloudstack via their REST API.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to Cloudstack Sessions
interface |
Provides synchronous access to CloudStack Snapshot features.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to CloudStack SSHKeyPair features.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to cloudstack via their REST API.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to cloudstack via their REST API.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to cloudstack via their REST API.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to CloudStack VM group features.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to cloudstack via their REST API.
interface |
Provides synchronous access to cloudstack via their REST API.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Cluster |
GlobalHostApi.addCluster(String zoneId,
String clusterName,
Host.ClusterType clusterType,
String hypervisor,
AddClusterOptions... options)
Adds a new cluster.
Host |
GlobalHostApi.addHost(String zoneId,
String url,
String hypervisor,
String username,
String password,
AddHostOptions... options)
Adds a new host.
Host |
GlobalHostApi.addSecondaryStorage(String url,
AddSecondaryStorageOptions... options)
Adds secondary storage.
VirtualMachine |
VirtualMachineApi.assignVirtualMachine(String virtualMachineId,
AssignVirtualMachineOptions... options)
Re-assign a virtual machine to a different account/domain.
String |
LoadBalancerApi.assignVirtualMachinesToLoadBalancerRule(String id,
Iterable<String> virtualMachineIds)
Assigns virtual machine or a list of virtual machines to a load balancer
String |
LoadBalancerApi.assignVirtualMachinesToLoadBalancerRule(String id,
String... virtualMachineIds)
Assigns virtual machine or a list of virtual machines to a load balancer
AsyncCreateResponse |
AddressApi.associateIPAddressInZone(String zoneId,
AssociateIPAddressOptions... options)
Acquires and associates a public IP to an account.
AsyncCreateResponse |
ISOApi.attachISO(String isoId,
String vmId)
Attaches an ISO to a virtual machine.
AsyncCreateResponse |
VolumeApi.attachVolume(String volumeId,
String virtualMachineId)
Attaches a disk volume to a virtual machine.
String |
SecurityGroupApi.authorizeIngressICMPToCIDRs(String securityGroupId,
int ICMPCode,
int ICMPType,
Iterable<String> cidrList,
AccountInDomainOptions... options)
Authorizes a particular ICMP ingress rule for this security group
String |
SecurityGroupApi.authorizeIngressICMPToSecurityGroups(String securityGroupId,
int ICMPCode,
int ICMPType,<String,String> accountToGroup,
AccountInDomainOptions... options)
Authorizes a particular ICMP ingress rule for this security group
String |
SecurityGroupApi.authorizeIngressPortsToCIDRs(String securityGroupId,
String protocol,
int startPort,
int endPort,
Iterable<String> cidrList,
AccountInDomainOptions... options)
Authorizes a particular TCP or UDP ingress rule for this security group
String |
SecurityGroupApi.authorizeIngressPortsToSecurityGroups(String securityGroupId,
String protocol,
int startPort,
int endPort,<String,String> accountToGroup,
AccountInDomainOptions... options)
Authorizes a particular TCP or UDP ingress rule for this security group
String |
GlobalHostApi.cancelHostMaintenance(String hostId)
Cancels host maintenance.
String |
VirtualMachineApi.changeServiceForVirtualMachine(String id,
String serviceOfferingId)
Changes the service offering for a virtual machine.
AsyncCreateResponse |
ISOApi.copyISO(String isoId,
String sourceZoneId,
String destZoneId)
Copies a template from one zone to another.
AsyncCreateResponse |
TemplateApi.copyTemplateToZone(String id,
String sourceZoneId,
String destZoneId)
Copies a template from one zone to another.
Account |
GlobalAccountApi.createAccount(String userName,
Account.Type accountType,
String email,
String firstName,
String lastName,
String hashedPassword,
CreateAccountOptions... options)
Create a new Cloudstack account
DiskOffering |
GlobalOfferingApi.createDiskOffering(String name,
String displayText,
CreateDiskOfferingOptions... options)
Create a new disk offering
Domain |
GlobalDomainApi.createDomain(String name,
CreateDomainOptions... options)
Create new Domain
AsyncCreateResponse |
FirewallApi.createEgressFirewallRuleForNetworkAndProtocol(String networkId,
FirewallRule.Protocol protocol,
CreateFirewallRuleOptions... options) |
AsyncCreateResponse |
FirewallApi.createEgressFirewallRuleForNetworkProtocolAndPort(String networkId,
FirewallRule.Protocol protocol,
int startPort,
int endPort) |
AsyncCreateResponse |
FirewallApi.createFirewallRuleForIpAndProtocol(String ipAddressId,
FirewallRule.Protocol protocol,
CreateFirewallRuleOptions... options) |
AsyncCreateResponse |
FirewallApi.createFirewallRuleForIpProtocolAndPort(String ipAddressId,
FirewallRule.Protocol protocol,
int startPort,
int endPort) |
VMGroup |
VMGroupApi.createInstanceGroup(String name,
CreateVMGroupOptions... options)
Creates a VM group
AsyncCreateResponse |
NATApi.createIPForwardingRule(String IPAddressId,
String protocol,
int startPort,
CreateIPForwardingRuleOptions... options)
Creates an ip forwarding rule
String |
LoadBalancerApi.createLoadBalancerRuleForPublicIP(String publicIPId,
LoadBalancerRule.Algorithm algorithm,
String name,
int privatePort,
int publicPort,
CreateLoadBalancerRuleOptions... options)
Creates a load balancer rule.
Network |
NetworkApi.createNetworkInZone(String zoneId,
String networkOfferingId,
String name,
String displayText,
CreateNetworkOptions... options)
Creates a network
Pod |
GlobalPodApi.createPod(String name,
String zoneId,
String startIp,
String gateway,
String netmask,
CreatePodOptions... createPodOptions)
Creates a new Pod.
Pod |
GlobalPodApi.createPod(String name,
String zoneId,
String startIp,
String endIp,
String gateway,
String netmask,
CreatePodOptions... createPodOptions)
Creates a new Pod.
AsyncCreateResponse |
FirewallApi.createPortForwardingRuleForVirtualMachine(String ipAddressId,
PortForwardingRule.Protocol protocol,
int publicPort,
String virtualMachineId,
int privatePort) |
SecurityGroup |
SecurityGroupApi.createSecurityGroup(String name)
Creates a security group
ServiceOffering |
GlobalOfferingApi.createServiceOffering(String name,
String displayText,
int cpuNumber,
int cpuSpeedInMHz,
int memoryInMB,
CreateServiceOfferingOptions... options)
Create a new service offering
AsyncCreateResponse |
SnapshotApi.createSnapshot(String volumeId,
CreateSnapshotOptions... options)
Creates an instant snapshot of a volume.
SnapshotPolicy |
SnapshotApi.createSnapshotPolicy(SnapshotPolicySchedule schedule,
String numberToRetain,
String timezone,
String volumeId)
Creates a snapshot policy for the account.
SshKeyPair |
SSHKeyPairApi.createSSHKeyPair(String name)
Creates a
SshKeyPair with specified name. |
AsyncCreateResponse |
TagApi.createTags(CreateTagsOptions options)
Creates one or more tags on the specified resources.
AsyncCreateResponse |
TemplateApi.createTemplate(TemplateMetadata templateMetadata,
CreateTemplateOptions... options)
Creates a template of a virtual machine.
User |
GlobalUserApi.createUser(String userName,
String accountName,
String email,
String hashedPassword,
String firstName,
String lastName,
CreateUserOptions... options)
Create an user for an account that already exists
VlanIPRange |
GlobalVlanApi.createVlanIPRange(String startIP,
String endIP,
CreateVlanIPRangeOptions... options)
Creates a VLAN IP range.
AsyncCreateResponse |
VolumeApi.createVolumeFromCustomDiskOfferingInZone(String name,
String diskOfferingId,
String zoneId,
int size)
Create a volume with given name, size and diskOfferingId
AsyncCreateResponse |
VolumeApi.createVolumeFromDiskOfferingInZone(String name,
String diskOfferingId,
String zoneId)
Create a volume with given name and diskOfferingId
AsyncCreateResponse |
VolumeApi.createVolumeFromSnapshotInZone(String name,
String snapshotId,
String zoneId)
Create a volume with given name and snapshotId
Zone |
GlobalZoneApi.createZone(String name,
NetworkType networkType,
String externalDns1,
String internalDns1,
CreateZoneOptions... options)
Create a new Zone
void |
GlobalAccountApi.deleteAccount(String id)
Delete an account with the specified ID
void |
GlobalHostApi.deleteCluster(String clusterId)
Deletes a cluster.
void |
GlobalOfferingApi.deleteDiskOffering(String id)
Delete disk offering
void |
GlobalDomainApi.deleteDomainAndAttachedResources(String id)
Delete domain and cleanup all attached resources
void |
FirewallApi.deleteEgressFirewallRule(String id) |
void |
FirewallApi.deleteFirewallRule(String id) |
void |
GlobalHostApi.deleteHost(String hostId,
DeleteHostOptions... options)
Deletes a host.
void |
VMGroupApi.deleteInstanceGroup(String id)
Delete a VM group
String |
NATApi.deleteIPForwardingRule(String id)
Deletes an ip forwarding rule
AsyncCreateResponse |
ISOApi.deleteISO(String id,
DeleteISOOptions... options)
Deletes an ISO file.
String |
LoadBalancerApi.deleteLoadBalancerRule(String id)
deletes a loadbalancer rule
String |
NetworkApi.deleteNetwork(String id)
Deletes a network
void |
GlobalDomainApi.deleteOnlyDomain(String id)
Delete domain (without deleting attached resources)
void |
GlobalPodApi.deletePod(String id)
Deletes a Pod.
void |
FirewallApi.deletePortForwardingRule(String id) |
void |
SecurityGroupApi.deleteSecurityGroup(String id)
delete a specific security group by id
void |
GlobalOfferingApi.deleteServiceOffering(String id)
Delete service offering
void |
SnapshotApi.deleteSnapshot(String id)
Deletes a snapshot of a disk volume.
void |
SnapshotApi.deleteSnapshotPolicies(Iterable<String> id)
Deletes snapshot policies for the account.
void |
SnapshotApi.deleteSnapshotPolicy(String id)
Deletes a snapshot policy for the account.
void |
SSHKeyPairApi.deleteSSHKeyPair(String name)
Deletes the
SSHKeyPairApi with given name. |
AsyncCreateResponse |
TagApi.deleteTags(DeleteTagsOptions options)
Deletes one or more tags from the specified resources.
AsyncCreateResponse |
TemplateApi.deleteTemplate(String id,
DeleteTemplateOptions... options)
Deletes a template from the system.
void |
GlobalUserApi.deleteUser(String id)
Delete an user with the specified ID
void |
GlobalVlanApi.deleteVlanIPRange(String rangeId)
Deletes a VLAN IP range.
void |
VolumeApi.deleteVolume(String id)
Deletes a detached disk volume
void |
GlobalZoneApi.deleteZone(String id)
Delete a zone with a specific ID
AsyncCreateResponse |
VirtualMachineApi.deployVirtualMachineInZone(String zoneId,
String serviceOfferingId,
String templateId,
DeployVirtualMachineOptions... options)
Creates and automatically starts a virtual machine based on a service
offering, disk offering, and template.
String |
VirtualMachineApi.destroyVirtualMachine(String id)
Destroys a virtual machine.
AsyncCreateResponse |
ISOApi.detachISO(String vmId)
Detaches any ISO file (if any) currently attached to a virtual machine.
AsyncCreateResponse |
VolumeApi.detachVolume(String volumeId)
Detaches a disk volume from a virtual machine.
AsyncCreateResponse |
DomainAccountApi.disableAccount(String accountName,
String domainId,
boolean onlyLock)
Disable or lock an account
String |
NATApi.disableStaticNATOnPublicIP(String IPAddressId)
Disables static rule for given ip address
AsyncCreateResponse |
DomainUserApi.disableUser(String userId)
Disable a user with a specific ID
void |
AddressApi.disassociateIPAddress(String id)
Disassociates an ip address from the account.
Account |
DomainAccountApi.enableAccount(String accountName,
String domainId)
Enable an account
void |
NATApi.enableStaticNATForVirtualMachine(String virtualMachineId,
String IPAddressId) |
User |
DomainUserApi.enableUser(String userId)
Enable a user with a specific ID
AsyncCreateResponse |
ISOApi.extractISO(String id,
ExtractMode mode,
String zoneId,
ExtractISOOptions... options)
Extracts an ISO
AsyncCreateResponse |
TemplateApi.extractTemplate(String id,
ExtractMode mode,
String zoneId,
ExtractTemplateOptions... options) |
JobResult |
GlobalUsageApi.generateUsageRecords(Date start,
Date end,
GenerateUsageRecordsOptions... options) |
Account |
AccountApi.getAccount(String id)
get a specific Account by id
<T> AsyncJob<T> |
AsyncJobApi.getAsyncJob(String id)
get a specific asyncJob by id
DiskOffering |
OfferingApi.getDiskOffering(String id)
get a specific disk offering by id
Domain |
DomainDomainApi.getDomainById(String domainId)
Get a domain by ID
FirewallRule |
FirewallApi.getEgressFirewallRule(String id) |
String |
VirtualMachineApi.getEncryptedPasswordForVirtualMachine(String id)
Return an encrypted password for the virtual machine.
FirewallRule |
FirewallApi.getFirewallRule(String id) |
VMGroup |
VMGroupApi.getInstanceGroup(String id) |
IPForwardingRule |
NATApi.getIPForwardingRule(String id)
get a specific IPForwardingRule by id
Set<IPForwardingRule> |
NATApi.getIPForwardingRulesForIPAddress(String id)
get a set of IPForwardingRules by ipaddress id
Set<IPForwardingRule> |
NATApi.getIPForwardingRulesForVirtualMachine(String id)
get a set of IPForwardingRules by virtual machine id
ISOApi.getISO(String id)
Gets information about an ISO by its ID.
LoadBalancerRule |
LoadBalancerApi.getLoadBalancerRule(String id)
get a specific LoadBalancerRule by id
Network |
NetworkApi.getNetwork(String id)
get a specific network by id
NetworkOffering |
OfferingApi.getNetworkOffering(String id)
get a specific service offering by id
Map.Entry<String,String> |
GuestOSApi.getOSCategory(String id)
get a specific os category by id
OSType |
GuestOSApi.getOSType(String id)
get a specific os type by id
Pod |
GlobalPodApi.getPod(String id)
get a specific pod by id
PortForwardingRule |
FirewallApi.getPortForwardingRule(String id) |
Project |
ProjectApi.getProject(String id)
gets a specific Project by id
PublicIPAddress |
AddressApi.getPublicIPAddress(String id)
get a specific IPAddress by id
SecurityGroup |
SecurityGroupApi.getSecurityGroup(String id)
get a specific security group by id
SecurityGroup |
SecurityGroupApi.getSecurityGroupByName(String securityGroupName)
get a specific security group by name
ServiceOffering |
OfferingApi.getServiceOffering(String id)
get a specific service offering by id
Snapshot |
SnapshotApi.getSnapshot(String id)
Gets a snapshot by its ID.
SshKeyPair |
SSHKeyPairApi.getSSHKeyPair(String name)
Retrieves the
SSHKeyPairApi with given name. |
Template |
TemplateApi.getTemplateInZone(String templateId,
String zoneId)
get a specific template by id
VirtualMachine |
VirtualMachineApi.getVirtualMachine(String id)
get a specific VirtualMachine by id
VlanIPRange |
GlobalVlanApi.getVlanIPRange(String id)
Get the details of an IP range by its id.
Volume |
VolumeApi.getVolume(String id)
Get volume by id
Zone |
ZoneApi.getZone(String id)
get a specific zone by id
Set<Account> |
AccountApi.listAccounts(ListAccountsOptions... options)
Lists Accounts
Set<Alert> |
GlobalAlertApi.listAlerts(ListAlertsOptions... options)
List Alerts
Set<AsyncJob<?>> |
AsyncJobApi.listAsyncJobs(ListAsyncJobsOptions... options)
Lists asyncJobs
Capabilities |
Lists capabilities
Set<Capacity> |
GlobalCapacityApi.listCapacity(ListCapacityOptions... options)
List Capacities
Set<Cluster> |
GlobalHostApi.listClusters(ListClustersOptions... options) |
Set<ConfigurationEntry> |
GlobalConfigurationApi.listConfigurationEntries(ListConfigurationEntriesOptions... options)
List all configuration entries
Set<DiskOffering> |
OfferingApi.listDiskOfferings(ListDiskOfferingsOptions... options)
Lists disk offerings
Set<Domain> |
DomainDomainApi.listDomainChildren(ListDomainChildrenOptions... options)
Lists all children domains belonging to a specified domain
Set<Domain> |
DomainDomainApi.listDomains(ListDomainsOptions... options)
List domains with detailed information
Set<FirewallRule> |
FirewallApi.listEgressFirewallRules(ListEgressFirewallRulesOptions... options) |
Set<Event> |
EventApi.listEvents(ListEventsOptions... options)
List Events
Set<String> |
List Event Types
Set<FirewallRule> |
FirewallApi.listFirewallRules(ListFirewallRulesOptions... options) |
Set<Host> |
GlobalHostApi.listHosts(ListHostsOptions... options)
Lists hosts
Set<String> |
HypervisorApi.listHypervisors() |
Set<String> |
HypervisorApi.listHypervisorsInZone(String zoneId) |
Set<VMGroup> |
VMGroupApi.listInstanceGroups(ListVMGroupsOptions... options)
Lists VM groups
Set<IPForwardingRule> |
NATApi.listIPForwardingRules(ListIPForwardingRulesOptions... options)
List the ip forwarding rules
ISOPermissions |
ISOApi.listISOPermissions(String id,
AccountInDomainOptions... options)
List template visibility and all accounts that have permissions to view this template.
Set<ISO> |
ISOApi.listISOs(ListISOsOptions... options)
Lists all available ISO files.
Set<LoadBalancerRule> |
LoadBalancerApi.listLoadBalancerRules(ListLoadBalancerRulesOptions... options)
List the load balancer rules
Set<NetworkOffering> |
OfferingApi.listNetworkOfferings(ListNetworkOfferingsOptions... options)
Lists service offerings
Set<Network> |
NetworkApi.listNetworks(ListNetworksOptions... options)
Lists networks
Map<String,String> |
Lists all supported OS categories for this cloud.
Set<OSType> |
GuestOSApi.listOSTypes(ListOSTypesOptions... options)
Lists all supported OS types for this cloud.
Set<Pod> |
GlobalPodApi.listPods(ListPodsOptions... options)
Lists pods
Set<PortForwardingRule> |
FirewallApi.listPortForwardingRules(ListPortForwardingRulesOptions... options) |
Set<Project> |
ProjectApi.listProjects(ListProjectsOptions... options)
Lists the projects this account has access to.
Set<PublicIPAddress> |
AddressApi.listPublicIPAddresses(ListPublicIPAddressesOptions... options)
Lists IPAddresses
Set<ResourceLimit> |
LimitApi.listResourceLimits(ListResourceLimitsOptions... options)
List the resource limits.
Set<SecurityGroup> |
SecurityGroupApi.listSecurityGroups(ListSecurityGroupsOptions... options)
Lists security groups
Set<ServiceOffering> |
OfferingApi.listServiceOfferings(ListServiceOfferingsOptions... options)
Lists service offerings
Set<SnapshotPolicy> |
SnapshotApi.listSnapshotPolicies(String volumeId,
ListSnapshotPoliciesOptions... options)
Lists snapshot policies.
Set<Snapshot> |
SnapshotApi.listSnapshots(ListSnapshotsOptions... options)
Lists all available snapshots for the account, matching the query described by the options.
Set<SshKeyPair> |
SSHKeyPairApi.listSSHKeyPairs(ListSSHKeyPairsOptions... options)
Returns a list of
SshKeyPair s registered by current user. |
Set<StoragePool> |
GlobalStoragePoolApi.listStoragePools(ListStoragePoolsOptions... options) |
Set<Tag> |
TagApi.listTags(ListTagsOptions... options)
Lists tags
Set<TemplatePermission> |
TemplateApi.listTemplatePermissions(String id,
AccountInDomainOptions... options)
List template visibility and all accounts that have permissions to view
this template.
Set<Template> |
List all executable templates.
Set<Template> |
TemplateApi.listTemplates(ListTemplatesOptions options)
List all public, private, and privileged templates.
Set<UsageRecord> |
GlobalUsageApi.listUsageRecords(Date start,
Date end,
ListUsageRecordsOptions... options) |
Set<User> |
DomainUserApi.listUsers(ListUsersOptions... options)
Lists Users
Set<VirtualMachine> |
VirtualMachineApi.listVirtualMachines(ListVirtualMachinesOptions... options)
Lists VirtualMachines
Set<VirtualMachine> |
LoadBalancerApi.listVirtualMachinesAssignedToLoadBalancerRule(String id)
List all virtual machine instances that are assigned to a load balancer
Set<VlanIPRange> |
GlobalVlanApi.listVlanIPRanges(ListVlanIPRangesOptions... options)
Lists all VLAN IP ranges.
Set<Volume> |
VolumeApi.listVolumes(ListVolumesOptions... options)
List volumes
Set<Zone> |
ZoneApi.listZones(ListZonesOptions... options)
Lists zones
LoginResponse |
SessionApi.loginUserInDomainWithHashOfPassword(String userName,
String domain,
String hashedPassword)
Logs a user into Cloudstack.
void |
SessionApi.logoutUser(String sessionKey)
Logs out the user by invalidating the session key
String |
GlobalHostApi.prepareHostForMaintenance(String hostId)
Prepares a host for maintenance.
String |
VirtualMachineApi.rebootVirtualMachine(String id)
Reboots a virtual machine.
String |
GlobalHostApi.reconnectHost(String hostId)
Reconnects a host.
ISOApi.registerISO(String name,
String displayText,
String url,
String zoneId,
RegisterISOOptions... options)
Registers an existing ISO into the Cloud.
SshKeyPair |
SSHKeyPairApi.registerSSHKeyPair(String name,
String publicKey)
Registers a
SshKeyPair with the given name and public kay material. |
Set<Template> |
TemplateApi.registerTemplate(TemplateMetadata templateMetadata,
String format,
String hypervisor,
String url,
String zoneId,
RegisterTemplateOptions... options)
Registers an existing template into the cloud.
ApiKeyPair |
GlobalUserApi.registerUserKeys(String userId)
This command allows a user to register for the developer API, returning a
secret key and an API key
String |
LoadBalancerApi.removeVirtualMachinesFromLoadBalancerRule(String id,
Iterable<String> virtualMachineIds)
Removes a virtual machine or a list of virtual machines from a load
balancer rule.
String |
LoadBalancerApi.removeVirtualMachinesFromLoadBalancerRule(String id,
String... virtualMachineIds)
Removes a virtual machine or a list of virtual machines from a load
balancer rule.
String |
VirtualMachineApi.resetPasswordForVirtualMachine(String id)
Resets the password for virtual machine.
String |
SecurityGroupApi.revokeIngressRule(String id,
AccountInDomainOptions... options)
Deletes a particular ingress rule from this security group
String |
VirtualMachineApi.startVirtualMachine(String id)
Starts a virtual machine.
String |
VirtualMachineApi.stopVirtualMachine(String id)
Stops a virtual machine.
String |
VirtualMachineApi.stopVirtualMachine(String id,
StopVirtualMachineOptions options)
Stops a virtual machine.
Account |
GlobalAccountApi.updateAccount(String accountName,
String domainId,
String newName,
UpdateAccountOptions... options)
Update an existing account
Cluster |
GlobalHostApi.updateCluster(String clusterId,
UpdateClusterOptions... options)
Updates an existing cluster.
void |
GlobalHostApi.updateClusterPassword(String clusterId,
String username,
String password)
Update password of a cluster on management server.
ConfigurationEntry |
GlobalConfigurationApi.updateConfigurationEntry(String name,
String value)
Update a configuration entry
DiskOffering |
GlobalOfferingApi.updateDiskOffering(String id,
UpdateDiskOfferingOptions... options)
Update a disk offering
Domain |
GlobalDomainApi.updateDomain(String domainId,
UpdateDomainOptions... options)
Update a domain
Host |
GlobalHostApi.updateHost(String hostId,
UpdateHostOptions... options)
Updates a host.
void |
GlobalHostApi.updateHostPassword(String hostId,
String username,
String password)
Update password of a host on management server.
VMGroup |
VMGroupApi.updateInstanceGroup(String id,
UpdateVMGroupOptions... options)
Modify a VM group
ISOApi.updateISO(String id,
UpdateISOOptions... options) |
void |
ISOApi.updateISOPermissions(String id,
UpdateISOPermissionsOptions... options)
Updates iso permissions
LoadBalancerRule |
LoadBalancerApi.updateLoadBalancerRule(String id,
UpdateLoadBalancerRuleOptions... options)
Update a load balancer rule.
NetworkOffering |
GlobalOfferingApi.updateNetworkOffering(String id,
UpdateNetworkOfferingOptions... options)
Update network offering
Pod |
GlobalPodApi.updatePod(String id,
UpdatePodOptions... updatePodOptions)
Updates a Pod.
ResourceLimit |
DomainLimitApi.updateResourceLimit(ResourceLimit limit)
Updates resource limits for an account in a domain.
ServiceOffering |
GlobalOfferingApi.updateServiceOffering(String id,
UpdateServiceOfferingOptions... options)
Update an existing service offering
Template |
TemplateApi.updateTemplate(String id,
UpdateTemplateOptions... options)
Updates attributes of a template.
void |
TemplateApi.updateTemplatePermissions(String id,
UpdateTemplatePermissionsOptions... options)
Updates a template visibility permissions.
User |
GlobalUserApi.updateUser(String id,
UpdateUserOptions... options)
Update an user
String |
VirtualMachineApi.updateVirtualMachine(String id,
UpdateVirtualMachineOptions options)
Updates parameters of a virtual machine.
Zone |
GlobalZoneApi.updateZone(String id,
UpdateZoneOptions... options)
Update a zone
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Manages the server images
interface |
GridIpApi |
interface |
Manages the customer's jobs.
interface |
GridLoadBalancerApi |
interface |
Provides synchronous access to GoGrid.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<Ip> |
Returns the list of assigned IPs
NOTE: this returns both public and private IPs!
Set<Option> |
Retrieves the list of supported Datacenters to launch servers into.
Set<Option> |
Retrieves the list of supported Datacenters to launch servers into.
Set<Option> |
Retrieves the list of supported Datacenters to retrieve ips from.
Set<Option> |
Retrieves the list of supported Datacenters to save images in.
Set<Option> |
Retrieves the list of supported RAM configurations.
Set<Option> |
Retrieves the list of supported server types, for example Web/App Server and Database Server.
Set<Ip> |
Returns the list of unassigned IPs.
Set<Ip> |
Returns the list of unassigned public IPs.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ResumableUpload |
ResumableUploadApi.checkStatus(String bucketName,
String uploadId,
String contentRange)
Check the status of a resumable upload
ResumableUpload |
ResumableUploadApi.chunkUpload(String bucketName,
String uploadId,
String contentType,
Long contentLength,
String contentRange,
Payload payload)
Facilitate to use resumable upload operation to upload files in chunks
PayloadEnclosing | bucketName,
String objectName)
Retrieve an object or their metadata
PayloadEnclosing | bucketName,
String objectName,
HttpRequestOptions options)
Retrieves objects
ResumableUpload |
ResumableUploadApi.initResumableUpload(String bucketName,
String contentType,
Long contentLength,
ObjectTemplate metadata)
initiate a Resumable Upload Session
ResumableUpload |
ResumableUploadApi.initResumableUpload(String bucketName,
String objectName,
String contentType,
String contentLength)
initiate a Resumable Upload Session
GoogleCloudStorageObject |
ObjectApi.multipartUpload(String bucketName,
ObjectTemplate objectTemplate,
Payload payload)
Stores a new object with metadata.
GoogleCloudStorageObject |
ObjectApi.simpleUpload(String bucketName,
String contentType,
Long contentLength,
Payload payload,
InsertObjectOptions options)
Stores a new object.
ResumableUpload |
ResumableUploadApi.upload(String bucketName,
String uploadId,
String contentType,
String contentLength,
Payload payload)
Stores a new object
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
BulkDeleteResponse |
BulkApi.bulkDelete(Iterable<String> paths)
Deletes multiple objects or containers, if present.
DeleteStaticLargeObjectResponse |
StaticLargeObjectApi.delete(String objectName)
Deletes a static large object, if present, including all of its segments.
List<Segment> |
StaticLargeObjectApi.getManifest(String objectName)
Get a static large object's manifest.
ObjectList |
Lists up to 10,000 objects.
|<Container> |
Lists up to 10,000 containers.
ObjectList |
ObjectApi.list(ListContainerOptions options)
Lists up to 10,000 objects.
|<Container> |
ContainerApi.list(ListContainerOptions options)
Lists containers with the supplied
ListContainerOptions . |
String |
StaticLargeObjectApi.replaceManifest(String objectName,
List<Segment> segments,
Map<String,String> metadata)
Creates or updates a static large object's manifest.
String |
StaticLargeObjectApi.replaceManifest(String objectName,
List<Segment> segments,
Map<String,String> metadata,
Map<String,String> headers)
Creates or updates a static large object's manifest.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> Job<T> |
CloudDNSApi.getJob(String jobId)
Returns the current status of a job.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Domain |
DomainApi.get(int id)
Get all information for a Domain, including records and subdomains.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---|<CDNContainer> |
Lists up to 10,000 CDN containers.
|<CDNContainer> |
CDNApi.list(ListCDNContainerOptions options)
Lists CDN containers, with the given options.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DeleteResult |
S3Client.deleteObjects(String bucketName,
Iterable<String> keys)
The Multi-Object Delete operation enables you to delete multiple objects from a bucket using a
single HTTP request.
void |
S3Client.disableBucketLogging(String bucketName)
Disables logging for a bucket.
void |
S3Client.enableBucketLogging(String bucketName,
BucketLogging logging)
Enables logging for a bucket.
AccessControlList |
S3Client.getBucketACL(String bucketName)
A GET request operation directed at an object or bucket URI with the "acl" parameter retrieves
the Access Control List (ACL) settings for that S3 item.
String |
S3Client.getBucketLocation(String bucketName)
A GET location request operation using a bucket URI lists the location constraint of the
BucketLogging |
S3Client.getBucketLogging(String bucketName)
Inspects the logging status for a bucket.
Payer |
S3Client.getBucketPayer(String bucketName)
A GET request operation on a requestPayment resource returns the request payment configuration
of a bucket.
AccessControlList |
S3Client.getObjectACL(String bucketName,
String key)
A GET request operation directed at an object or bucket URI with the "acl" parameter retrieves
the Access Control List (ACL) settings for that S3 item.
String |
S3Client.initiateMultipartUpload(String bucketName,
ObjectMetadata objectMetadata,
PutObjectOptions... options)
This operation initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID.
ListMultipartUploadsResponse |
S3Client.listMultipartUploads(String bucketName,
String delimiter,
Integer maxUploads,
String keyMarker,
String prefix,
String uploadIdMarker) |
boolean |
S3Client.putBucketACL(String bucketName,
AccessControlList acl)
Update a bucket's Access Control List settings.
boolean |
S3Client.putObjectACL(String bucketName,
String key,
AccessControlList acl)
Update an object's Access Control List settings.
void |
S3Client.setBucketPayer(String bucketName,
Payer payer)
The PUT request operation with a requestPayment URI configures an existing bucket to be
Requester Pays or not.
boolean |
S3Client.updateBucketCannedACL(String bucketName,
CannedAccessPolicy acl)
Update a bucket's Access Control List settings.
boolean |
S3Client.updateObjectCannedACL(String bucketName,
String key,
CannedAccessPolicy acl)
Update an object's Access Control List settings.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<SoftwareDescription> |
SoftwareDescriptionApi.getAllObjects() |
Set<VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup> |
AccountApi.getBlockDeviceTemplateGroups() |
Datacenter |
DatacenterApi.getDatacenter(long id) |
Network |
NetworkApi.getNetwork(long id)
returns the details of the network of the given id
VirtualGuest |
VirtualGuestApi.getNotes(long id)
Get notes (visible in UI)
Don't include it in default getObject mask as it can get quite big (up to 1000 chars).
VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup |
VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroupApi.getObject(String id)
Retrieves a virtual block device template group structure.
Set<VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroup> |
VirtualGuestBlockDeviceTemplateGroupApi.getPublicImages() |
VirtualGuest |
VirtualGuestApi.getVirtualGuest(long id) |
Set<Datacenter> |
DatacenterApi.listDatacenters() |
List<Network> |
returns a list of networks belong to the account
Set<VirtualGuest> |
AccountApi.listVirtualGuests() |
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