Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AtmosClient.createFile(String parent,
AtmosObject object,
PutOptions... options) |
SystemMetadata |
AtmosClient.getSystemMetadata(String path) |
UserMetadata |
AtmosClient.getUserMetadata(String path) |
AtmosObject |
AtmosClient.headFile(String path) |
boolean |
AtmosClient.isPublic(String path) |
BoundedSet<? extends DirectoryEntry> |
AtmosClient.listDirectories(ListOptions... options) |
BoundedSet<? extends DirectoryEntry> |
AtmosClient.listDirectory(String directoryName,
ListOptions... options) |
AtmosObject |
AtmosClient.readFile(String path,
GetOptions... options) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
AzureBlobClient.copyBlob(URI copySource,
String toContainer,
String toName,
CopyBlobOptions options) |
AzureBlob |
AzureBlobClient.getBlob(String container,
String name,
GetOptions... options)
The Get Blob operation reads or downloads a blob from the system, including its metadata and
BlobProperties |
AzureBlobClient.getBlobProperties(String container,
String name)
The Get Blob Properties operation returns all user-defined metadata, standard HTTP properties,
and system properties for the blob.
ContainerProperties |
AzureBlobClient.getContainerProperties(String container)
The Get Container Properties operation returns all user-defined metadata and system properties
for the specified container.
PublicAccess |
AzureBlobClient.getPublicAccessForContainer(String container)
Returns whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and the level of access
String |
AzureBlobClient.putBlob(String container,
AzureBlob object)
The Put Blob operation creates a new blob or updates the content of an existing blob.
String |
AzureBlobClient.putBlockList(String container,
AzureBlob object,
List<String> blockIdList)
The Put Block List assembles a list of blocks previously uploaded with Put Block into a single
String |
AzureBlobClient.putBlockList(String container,
String name,
List<String> blockIdList)
call putBlockList(String, AzureBlob, List<String>) instead
String |
AzureBlobClient.setBlobMetadata(String container,
String name,
Map<String,String> metadata) |
String |
AzureBlobClient.setBlobProperties(String container,
String name,
ContentMetadata contentMetadata) |
String |
AzureBlobClient.setPublicAccessForContainer(String container,
PublicAccess access)
Returns whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and the level of access
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
VirtualMachineApi.capture(String name,
String vhdPrefix,
String destinationContainerName)
Capture the virtual machine image
destinationContainerName: the name of the folder created under the "system" container in the storage account
Folder structure: Microsoft.Computer > Images > destinationContainerName
Within the folder, there will be 1 page blob for the osDisk vhd and 1 block blob for the vmTemplate json file
StorageAccountApi.create(String storageAccountName,
String location,
Map<String,String> tags,
Map<String,String> properties)
The Create Storage Account asynchronous operation creates a new storage account in Microsoft Azure.
boolean |
VirtualNetworkApi.delete(String virtualnetworkname) |
VirtualMachineScaleSetApi.delete(String name) |
VirtualMachineApi.delete(String name) |
boolean |
SubnetApi.delete(String subnetname) |
boolean |
StorageAccountApi.delete(String storageAccountName)
ResourceGroupApi.delete(String name) |
boolean |
PublicIPAddressApi.delete(String publicipaddressname) |
NetworkSecurityRuleApi.delete(String ruleName) |
NetworkSecurityGroupApi.delete(String nsgName) |
NetworkInterfaceCardApi.delete(String networkinterfacecardname) |
LoadBalancerApi.delete(String lbName) |
ImageApi.delete(String imageName) |
DiskApi.delete(String diskName) |
DeploymentApi.delete(String deploymentname)
The Delete Template Deployment operation starts the process of an ARM Template removal.
AvailabilitySetApi.delete(String name) |
ParseJobStatus.JobStatus |
JobApi.jobStatus(URI jobURI) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
B2Object |
ObjectApi.downloadFileById(String fileId) |
B2Object |
ObjectApi.downloadFileById(String fileId,
GetOptions options) |
B2Object |
ObjectApi.downloadFileByName(String bucketName,
String fileName) |
B2Object |
ObjectApi.downloadFileByName(String bucketName,
String fileName,
GetOptions options) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CookbookDefinition |
ChefApi.getCookbookInEnvironment(String environmentName,
String cookbookName)
Gets the definition of the cookbook in the given environment.
CookbookDefinition |
ChefApi.getCookbookInEnvironment(String environmentName,
String cookbookName,
String numVersions)
Gets the definition of the cookbook in the given environment.
Set<String> |
Lists the names of the existing clients.
Set<String> |
Lists the names of the existing cookbooks.
Set<CookbookDefinition> |
ChefApi.listCookbooksInEnvironment(String environmentName)
Lists the cookbooks that are available in the given environment.
Set<CookbookDefinition> |
ChefApi.listCookbooksInEnvironment(String environmentName,
String numVersions)
Lists the cookbooks that are available in the given environment, limiting
the number of versions returned for each cookbook.
Set<String> |
ChefApi.listDatabagItems(String databagName)
Lists the names of the items in a data bag.
Set<String> |
Lists the names of the existing data bags.
Set<String> |
Lists the names of the existing environments.
Set<String> |
Lists the names of the existing nodes.
Set<String> |
ChefApi.listNodesInEnvironment(String environmentName)
Lists the names of the nodes in the given environment.
Set<String> |
Lists the names of the existing roles.
Set<String> |
Lists the names of the available search indexes.
Set<String> |
ChefApi.listVersionsOfCookbook(String cookbookName)
Lists the available versions of the given cookbook.
SearchResult<? extends Client> |
Searches all clients.
SearchResult<? extends Client> |
ChefApi.searchClients(SearchOptions options)
Searches all clients that match the given options.
SearchResult<? extends DatabagItem> |
ChefApi.searchDatabagItems(String databagName)
Searches all items in a data bag.
SearchResult<? extends DatabagItem> |
ChefApi.searchDatabagItems(String databagName,
SearchOptions options)
Searches all items in a data bag that match the given options.
SearchResult<? extends Environment> |
Searches all environments.
SearchResult<? extends Environment> |
ChefApi.searchEnvironments(SearchOptions options)
Searches all environments that match the given options.
SearchResult<? extends Node> |
Searches all nodes.
SearchResult<? extends Node> |
ChefApi.searchNodes(SearchOptions options)
Searches all nodes that match the given options.
SearchResult<? extends Role> |
Searches all roles.
SearchResult<? extends Role> |
ChefApi.searchRoles(SearchOptions options)
Searches all roles that match the given options.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<String> |
List all existing groups.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> AsyncJob<T> |
AsyncJobApi.getAsyncJob(String id)
get a specific asyncJob by id
Map.Entry<String,String> |
GuestOSApi.getOSCategory(String id)
get a specific os category by id
Set<AsyncJob<?>> |
AsyncJobApi.listAsyncJobs(ListAsyncJobsOptions... options)
Lists asyncJobs
Set<String> |
List Event Types
Set<String> |
HypervisorApi.listHypervisors() |
Set<String> |
HypervisorApi.listHypervisorsInZone(String zoneId) |
Map<String,String> |
Lists all supported OS categories for this cloud.
LoginResponse |
SessionApi.loginUserInDomainWithHashOfPassword(String userName,
String domain,
String hashedPassword)
Logs a user into Cloudstack.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---|<RecordId> |
Retrieves a list of resource record ids for all records of any type in the
given zone.
|<RecordId> |
RecordApi.listByFQDN(String fqdn)
Retrieves a list of resource record ids for all records of the fqdn in the
given zone
|<RecordId> |
RecordApi.listByFQDNAndType(String fqdn,
String type)
Retrieves a list of resource record ids for all records of the fqdn and
type in the given zone
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ServerInfo |
ElasticStackApi.createAndStartServer(Server createServer)
create and start a new server
DriveInfo |
ElasticStackApi.createDrive(Drive createDrive)
create a new drive
ServerInfo |
ElasticStackApi.createServer(Server createServer)
create a new server
DriveInfo |
ElasticStackApi.getDriveInfo(String uuid) |
ServerInfo |
ElasticStackApi.getServerInfo(String uuid) |
Set<DriveInfo> |
Get all drives info
Set<String> |
list of drive uuids in your account
Set<ServerInfo> |
Get all servers info
Set<String> |
list of server uuids in your account
Set<StandardDrive> |
Gets information about all standard drives
Set<String> |
Lists standard drive UUIDs in your account
Payload |
ElasticStackApi.readDrive(String uuid,
long offset,
long size)
Read binary data from a drive
DriveInfo |
ElasticStackApi.setDriveData(String uuid,
DriveData setDrive)
set extra drive data
ServerInfo |
ElasticStackApi.setServerConfiguration(String uuid,
Server setServer)
set server configuration
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---|<OSTemplate> |
Get information about valid arguments to #createServer for each platform
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
LoadBalancer |
GridLoadBalancerApi.addLoadBalancer(String name,
IpPortPair virtualIp,
List<IpPortPair> realIps,
AddLoadBalancerOptions... options)
Creates a load balancer with given properties.
ServerImage |
GridImageApi.deleteById(long id)
Deletes an existing image
LoadBalancer |
GridLoadBalancerApi.deleteById(Long id)
Deletes the load balancer by Id
LoadBalancer |
GridLoadBalancerApi.deleteByName(String name)
Deletes the load balancer by name;
NOTE: Using this parameter may generate an error if one or more load balancers share a
non-unique name.
ServerImage |
GridImageApi.editImageDescription(String idOrName,
String newDescription)
Edits an existing image
ServerImage |
GridImageApi.editImageFriendlyName(String idOrName,
String newFriendlyName)
Edits an existing image
LoadBalancer |
GridLoadBalancerApi.editLoadBalancer(long id,
List<IpPortPair> realIps)
Edits the existing load balancer to change the real IP mapping.
LoadBalancer |
GridLoadBalancerApi.editLoadBalancerNamed(String name,
List<IpPortPair> realIps)
Edits the existing load balancer to change the real IP mapping.
Set<Ip> |
Returns the list of assigned IPs
NOTE: this returns both public and private IPs!
Set<Option> |
Retrieves the list of supported Datacenters to launch servers into.
Set<Option> |
Retrieves the list of supported Datacenters to launch servers into.
Set<Option> |
Retrieves the list of supported Datacenters to retrieve ips from.
Set<Option> |
Retrieves the list of supported Datacenters to save images in.
Set<ServerImage> |
GridImageApi.getImageList(GetImageListOptions... options)
Returns all server images.
Set<ServerImage> |
GridImageApi.getImagesById(Long... ids)
Returns images, found by specified ids
Set<ServerImage> |
GridImageApi.getImagesByName(String... names)
Returns images, found by specified names
Set<Ip> |
GridIpApi.getIpList(GetIpListOptions... options)
Returns all IPs in the system that match the options
Set<Job> |
GridJobApi.getJobList(GetJobListOptions... options)
Returns all jobs found.
Set<Job> |
GridJobApi.getJobsById(long... ids)
Returns jobs for the corresponding id(s).
Set<Job> |
GridJobApi.getJobsForObjectName(String objectName)
Returns jobs found for an object with a provided name.
Set<LoadBalancer> |
Returns all load balancers found for the current user.
Set<LoadBalancer> |
GridLoadBalancerApi.getLoadBalancersById(Long... ids)
Returns the load balancer(s) by unique id(s).
Set<LoadBalancer> |
GridLoadBalancerApi.getLoadBalancersByName(String... names)
Returns the load balancer(s) by unique name(s).
Set<Option> |
Retrieves the list of supported RAM configurations.
Credentials |
GridServerApi.getServerCredentials(long id) |
Map<String,Credentials> |
Returns a map of running servers' names to the log in credentials.
Set<Option> |
Retrieves the list of supported server types, for example Web/App Server and Database Server.
Set<Ip> |
Returns the list of unassigned IPs.
Set<Ip> |
Returns the list of unassigned public IPs.
ServerImage |
GridImageApi.saveImageFromServer(String friendlyName,
String idOrName,
SaveImageOptions... options)
This call will save a private (visible to only you) server image to your
library of available images.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ResumableUpload |
ResumableUploadApi.checkStatus(String bucketName,
String uploadId,
String contentRange)
Check the status of a resumable upload
ResumableUpload |
ResumableUploadApi.chunkUpload(String bucketName,
String uploadId,
String contentType,
Long contentLength,
String contentRange,
Payload payload)
Facilitate to use resumable upload operation to upload files in chunks
PayloadEnclosing | bucketName,
String objectName)
Retrieve an object or their metadata
PayloadEnclosing | bucketName,
String objectName,
HttpRequestOptions options)
Retrieves objects
ResumableUpload |
ResumableUploadApi.initResumableUpload(String bucketName,
String contentType,
Long contentLength,
ObjectTemplate metadata)
initiate a Resumable Upload Session
ResumableUpload |
ResumableUploadApi.initResumableUpload(String bucketName,
String objectName,
String contentType,
String contentLength)
initiate a Resumable Upload Session
ResumableUpload |
ResumableUploadApi.upload(String bucketName,
String uploadId,
String contentType,
String contentLength,
Payload payload)
Stores a new object
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ImageDetails |
ImageApi.get(String id)
Returns metadata about an image with id
PagedIterable<Image> |
Lists all images (IDs, names, links)
PaginatedCollection<Image> |
ImageApi.list(ListImageOptions options) |
PagedIterable<ImageDetails> |
Lists all images (all details)
PaginatedCollection<ImageDetails> |
ImageApi.listInDetail(ListImageOptions options) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AuthenticationResponse |
OpenStackAuthClient.authenticate(String user,
String key) |
AuthenticationResponse |
OpenStackAuthClient.authenticateStorage(String user,
String key) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PagedIterable<Service> |
Retrieve the list of services
PaginatedCollection<Service> |
ServiceAdminApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PagedIterable<User> |
Retrieve the list of users
NOTE: this method is not in API documentation for keystone, but does work
PagedIterable<Tenant> |
The operation returns a list of tenants which the current token provides access to.
PaginatedCollection<User> |
UserApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
PaginatedCollection<Tenant> |
TenantApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Token |
V3AuthenticationApi.authenticatePassword(TenantOrDomainAndCredentials<PasswordCredentials> credentials) |
Token |
V3AuthenticationApi.authenticateToken(TenantOrDomainAndCredentials<TokenCredentials> credentials) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Message> |
ClaimApi.claim(int ttl,
int grace,
int limit)
This operation claims a set of messages (up to the value of the limit parameter) from oldest to newest and skips
any messages that are already claimed.
MessagesCreated |
MessageApi.create(List<CreateMessage> messages)
Create message(s) on a queue.
Message |
MessageApi.get(String id)
Gets a specific message.
Claim |
ClaimApi.get(String claimId)
Gets a specific claim and the associated messages.
QueueStats |
QueueApi.getStats(String name)
Gets stats for the specified queue.
PagedIterable<Queue> |
QueueApi.list(boolean detailed)
Lists the queues.
List<Message> |
MessageApi.list(Iterable<String> ids)
Lists specific messages.
Queues |
QueueApi.list(ListQueuesOptions options)
Use this method to manually page through the list of queues.
MessageStream | options)
Streams the messages off of a queue.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PagedIterable<Router> |
Returns the list of all routers currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant.
PagedIterable<Firewall> |
Returns the list of all routers currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant.
Routers |
RouterApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
PaginatedCollection<Firewall> |
FWaaSApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
PagedIterable<FirewallPolicy> |
FWaaSApi.listFirewallPolicies() |
PaginatedCollection<FirewallPolicy> |
FWaaSApi.listFirewallPolicies(PaginationOptions options) |
PagedIterable<FirewallRule> |
FWaaSApi.listFirewallRules() |
PaginatedCollection<FirewallRule> |
FWaaSApi.listFirewallRules(PaginationOptions options) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PagedIterable<HealthMonitor> |
Returns a list of HealthMonitors to which the tenant has access.
HealthMonitors |
LBaaSApi.listHealthMonitors(PaginationOptions options) |
PagedIterable<Member> |
Returns a list of Members to which the tenant has access.
Members |
LBaaSApi.listMembers(PaginationOptions options) |
PagedIterable<Pool> |
Returns a list of Pools to which the tenant has access.
Pools |
LBaaSApi.listPools(PaginationOptions options) |
PagedIterable<VIP> |
Returns a list of VIPs to which the tenant has access.
VIPs |
LBaaSApi.listVIPs(PaginationOptions options) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PagedIterable<Subnet> |
Returns the list of all subnets currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant.
PagedIterable<Port> |
Returns the list of all ports currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant.
PagedIterable<Network> |
Returns all networks currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant.
PagedIterable<FloatingIP> |
Returns a list of floating IPs to which the tenant has access.
Subnets |
SubnetApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
Ports |
PortApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
Networks |
NetworkApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
FloatingIPs |
FloatingIPApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
PagedIterable<Rule> |
SecurityGroupApi.listRules() |
Rules |
SecurityGroupApi.listRules(PaginationOptions options) |
PagedIterable<SecurityGroup> |
SecurityGroupApi.listSecurityGroups() |
SecurityGroups |
SecurityGroupApi.listSecurityGroups(PaginationOptions options) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ServerAdminApi.createBackup(String id,
String imageName,
BackupType backupType,
int rotation,
CreateBackupOfServerOptions... options)
Create backup of a server.
boolean |
HostAdministrationApi.disable(String hostId)
Prevent the specified host from accepting new instances.
boolean |
HostAdministrationApi.enable(String hostId)
Allow the specified host to accept new instances.
|<KeyPair> |
Lists all Key Pairs.
boolean |
HostAdministrationApi.reboot(String hostId)
Reboot a host.
boolean |
HostAdministrationApi.shutdown(String hostId)
Shutdown a host.
boolean |
HostAdministrationApi.startMaintenance(String hostId)
Start host maintenance window.
boolean |
HostAdministrationApi.startup(String hostId)
Startup a host.
boolean |
HostAdministrationApi.stopMaintenance(String hostId)
Stop host maintenance window.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
ServerApi.createImageFromServer(String name,
String id)
Create an image from a server.
|<Map<String,String>> |
ServerApi.getDiagnostics(String id)
Get usage information about the server such as CPU usage, Memory and IO.
String |
ServerApi.getMetadata(String id,
String key)
Update the metadata for a server.
String |
ImageApi.getMetadata(String id,
String key)
Update the metadata for an image.
PagedIterable<Resource> |
List all servers (IDs, names, links)
PagedIterable<Resource> |
List all images (IDs, names, links)
PagedIterable<Resource> |
List all flavors (IDs, names, links)
PaginatedCollection<Resource> |
ServerApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
PaginatedCollection<Resource> |
ImageApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
PaginatedCollection<Resource> |
FlavorApi.list(PaginationOptions options) |
PagedIterable<Server> |
List all servers (all details)
PagedIterable<Image> |
List all images (all details)
PagedIterable<Flavor> |
List all flavors (all details)
PaginatedCollection<Server> |
ServerApi.listInDetail(PaginationOptions options) |
PaginatedCollection<Image> |
ImageApi.listInDetail(PaginationOptions options) |
PaginatedCollection<Flavor> |
FlavorApi.listInDetail(PaginationOptions options) |
String |
ServerApi.updateMetadata(String id,
String key,
String value)
Set a metadata item for a server.
String |
ImageApi.updateMetadata(String id,
String key,
String value)
Set a metadata item for an image.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ContainerApi.create(String containerName)
Creates a container, if not already present.
boolean |
ContainerApi.create(String containerName,
CreateContainerOptions options)
Creates a container, if not already present.
Account |
Gets the
Account . |
SwiftObject |
ObjectApi.get(String objectName)
Gets the
SwiftObject including its body . |
Container |
ContainerApi.get(String containerName)
Gets the
Container . |
SwiftObject |
ObjectApi.get(String objectName,
GetOptions options)
Gets the
SwiftObject including its body . |
SwiftObject |
ObjectApi.getWithoutBody(String objectName)
Gets the
SwiftObject metadata without its body . |
ObjectList |
Lists up to 10,000 objects.
ObjectList |
ObjectApi.list(ListContainerOptions options)
Lists up to 10,000 objects.
String |
ObjectApi.put(String objectName,
Payload payload)
Creates or updates a
SwiftObject . |
String |
ObjectApi.put(String objectName,
Payload payload,
PutOptions options)
Creates or updates a
SwiftObject . |
String |
DynamicLargeObjectApi.putManifest(String objectName,
Map<String,String> metadata)
String |
DynamicLargeObjectApi.putManifest(String objectName,
Map<String,String> metadata,
Map<String,String> headers)
String |
StaticLargeObjectApi.replaceManifest(String objectName,
List<Segment> segments,
Map<String,String> metadata)
Creates or updates a static large object's manifest.
String |
StaticLargeObjectApi.replaceManifest(String objectName,
List<Segment> segments,
Map<String,String> metadata,
Map<String,String> headers)
Creates or updates a static large object's manifest.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
InstanceApi.enableRoot(String instanceId)
Enables root for an instance.
|<String> |
UserApi.getDatabaseList(String userName)
This operation shows a list of all databases to which a user has access.
|<String> |
This operation lists the databases for the specified database instance.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
PagedIterable<SshKey> |
SshKeyApi.list() |
PagedIterable<Project> |
ProjectApi.list() |
PagedIterable<Plan> |
PlanApi.list() |
PagedIterable<OperatingSystem> |
OperatingSystemApi.list() |
PagedIterable<Facility> |
FacilityApi.list() |
PagedIterable<Device> |
DeviceApi.list() |
IterableWithMarker<SshKey> |
SshKeyApi.list(ListOptions options) |
IterableWithMarker<Project> |
ProjectApi.list(ListOptions options) |
IterableWithMarker<Plan> |
PlanApi.list(ListOptions options) |
IterableWithMarker<OperatingSystem> |
OperatingSystemApi.list(ListOptions options) |
IterableWithMarker<Facility> |
FacilityApi.list(ListOptions options) |
IterableWithMarker<Device> |
DeviceApi.list(ListOptions options) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Group |
GroupApi.create(GroupConfiguration groupConfiguration,
LaunchConfiguration launchConfiguration,
List<CreateScalingPolicy> scalingPolicies)
Create a scaling group.
|<ScalingPolicy> |
PolicyApi.create(List<CreateScalingPolicy> scalingPolicies)
Create a scaling policy.
ScalingPolicy |
PolicyApi.get(String scalingPolicyId)
This operation returns the details for a single scaling policy.
Group |
GroupApi.get(String id)
This operation gets group details for a group
LaunchConfiguration |
GroupApi.getLaunchConfiguration(String id)
This operation gets the launch configuration for the scaling group.
|<ScalingPolicy> |
This operation lists all scaling policies.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<T> Job<T> |
CloudDNSApi.getJob(String jobId)
Returns the current status of a job.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Job<Set<Domain>> |
DomainApi.create(Iterable<CreateDomain> createDomains)
Provisions one or more new DNS domains based on the configuration defined in CreateDomain.
Job<Set<RecordDetail>> |
RecordApi.create(Iterable<Record> createRecords)
Create Records for a Domain or Subdomain.
Job<Set<RecordDetail>> |
ReverseDNSApi.create(URI deviceURI,
Iterable<Record> records)
Create Reverse DNS (PTR) records for a device.
Job<Void> |
DomainApi.delete(Iterable<Integer> ids,
boolean deleteSubdomains)
This call removes one or more specified domains from the account; when a domain is deleted, its immediate resource
records are also deleted from the account.
Job<Void> |
RecordApi.delete(Iterable<String> recordId)
Delete the specified records in the specified domain.
Job<Void> |
RecordApi.delete(String recordId)
Delete the specified record in the specified domain.
Job<Void> |
ReverseDNSApi.delete(URI deviceURI,
String ipAddress)
Delete the Reverse DNS (PTR) record with the specified IP address for a device.
Job<Void> |
ReverseDNSApi.deleteAll(URI deviceURI)
Delete all Reverse DNS (PTR) records for a device.
Job<List<String>> |
DomainApi.exportFormat(int id,
Domain.Format format)
This call provides the BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) 9 formatted contents of the requested domain.
Domain |
DomainApi.get(int id)
Get all information for a Domain, including records and subdomains.
RecordDetail |
RecordApi.get(String recordId)
Get the details for the specified record in the specified domain.
RecordDetail |
ReverseDNSApi.get(URI deviceURI,
String recordId)
List all of the Reverse DNS (PTR) records for a device.
RecordDetail |
RecordApi.getByNameAndTypeAndData(String nameFilter,
String typeFilter,
String dataFilter)
RecordDetails filtered by name and type and data.
Job<Domain> |
DomainApi.importFormat(List<String> contents,
Domain.Format format)
This call provisions a new DNS domain under the account specified by the BIND 9 formatted file configuration
PagedIterable<RecordDetail> |
This call lists all records configured for the specified domain.
PagedIterable<Domain> |
The resulting list is flat, and does not break the domains down hierarchically by subdomain.
PaginatedCollection<RecordDetail> |
RecordApi.list(PaginationOptions options)
Use PaginationOptions to manually control the list of RecordDetail pages returned.
PaginatedCollection<Domain> |
DomainApi.list(PaginationOptions options)
The resulting list is flat, and does not break the domains down hierarchically by subdomain.
PagedIterable<RecordDetail> |
ReverseDNSApi.list(URI deviceURI)
List all of the Reverse DNS (PTR) records for a device.
PagedIterable<RecordDetail> |
RecordApi.listByNameAndType(String nameFilter,
String typeFilter)
RecordDetails filtered by name and type.
PagedIterable<RecordDetail> |
RecordApi.listByType(String typeFilter)
RecordDetails filtered by type.
PagedIterable<RecordDetail> |
RecordApi.listByTypeAndData(String typeFilter,
String dataFilter)
RecordDetails filtered by type and data.
PagedIterable<Subdomain> |
DomainApi.listSubdomains(int domainId)
List the subdomains of a domain.
PaginatedCollection<Subdomain> |
DomainApi.listSubdomains(int domainId,
PaginationOptions options)
List the subdomains of a domain and manually control pagination.
PagedIterable<Domain> |
DomainApi.listWithFilterByNamesMatching(String nameFilter)
Filtering the search to limit the results returned can be performed by using the nameFilter parameter.
Job<Void> |
DomainApi.update(int id,
UpdateDomain updateDomain)
This call modifies the domain attributes only.
Job<Void> |
RecordApi.update(Map<String,Record> idsToRecords)
Update the configuration of the specified records in the specified domain.
Job<Void> |
RecordApi.update(String recordId,
Record record)
Update the configuration of the specified record in the specified domain.
Job<Void> |
ReverseDNSApi.update(URI deviceURI,
Map<String,Record> idsToRecords)
Update Reverse DNS (PTR) records for a device.
Job<Void> |
DomainApi.updateEmail(Iterable<Integer> ids,
String email)
This call modifies the domain's email only.
Job<Void> |
DomainApi.updateTTL(Iterable<Integer> ids,
int ttl)
This call modifies the domain's TTL only.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CDNApi.enable(String containerName)
Enables the
CDNContainer . |
CDNApi.enable(String containerName,
int ttl)
Enables the
CDNContainer with a TTL. |
CDNContainer |
CDNApi.get(String containerName)
Gets the specified CDN Container.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
LoadBalancer |
LoadBalancerApi.create(CreateLoadBalancer createLB)
Create a new load balancer with the configuration defined by the request.
Metadata |
NodeApi.createMetadata(int id,
Map<String,String> metadata)
When a metadata item is added, it is assigned a unique identifier that can be used for mutating operations such
as changing the value attribute or removing it.
Metadata |
LoadBalancerApi.createMetadata(int id,
Map<String,String> metadata)
When a metadata item is added, it is assigned a unique identifier that can be used for mutating operations such
as changing the value attribute or removing it.
SessionPersistence |
Get the current session persistence.
String |
Get the error page HTML content.
Node |
NodeApi.get(int id)
Get a node.
LoadBalancer |
LoadBalancerApi.get(int id)
Get a load balancer.
Metadata |
NodeApi.getMetadata(int lb)
List a load balancer's metadata.
Metadata |
LoadBalancerApi.getMetadata(int id)
List a load balancer's metadata.
boolean |
Determine if the load balancer is logging connections.
boolean |
Determine if the load balancer is content caching.
PagedIterable<Node> |
List the nodes.
PagedIterable<LoadBalancer> |
List the load balancers.
IterableWithMarker<Node> |
NodeApi.list(PaginationOptions options)
List the nodes with full control of pagination.
IterableWithMarker<LoadBalancer> |
LoadBalancerApi.list(PaginationOptions options)
List the load balancers with full control of pagination.
Iterable<String> |
Get all of the possible algorthims usable by load balancers.
PagedIterable<LoadBalancer> |
ReportApi.listBillableLoadBalancers(Date startTime,
Date endTime)
List billable load balancers for the given date range.
IterableWithMarker<LoadBalancer> |
ReportApi.listBillableLoadBalancers(PaginationOptions options) |
PagedIterable<LoadBalancerUsage> |
ReportApi.listCurrentLoadBalancerUsage(int loadBalancerId)
Current usage represents all usage recorded within the preceding 24 hours.
IterableWithMarker<LoadBalancerUsage> |
ReportApi.listCurrentLoadBalancerUsage(PaginationOptions options) |
PagedIterable<LoadBalancerUsage> |
ReportApi.listLoadBalancerUsage(int loadBalancerId,
Date startTime,
Date endTime)
Historical usage data is available for up to 90 days of service activity.
IterableWithMarker<LoadBalancerUsage> |
ReportApi.listLoadBalancerUsage(PaginationOptions options) |
void |
LoadBalancerApi.update(int id,
UpdateLoadBalancer updateLB)
Update the properties of a load balancer.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String | location,
Payload payload) |
String |
HttpClient.put(URI location,
Payload payload) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
S3Client.completeMultipartUpload(String bucketName,
String key,
String uploadId,
Map<Integer,String> parts)
This operation completes a multipart upload by assembling previously uploaded parts.
S3Object |
S3Client.getObject(String bucketName,
String key,
GetOptions... options)
Retrieves the S3Object associated with the Key or KeyNotFoundException if not available;
To use GET, you must have READ access to the object.
ObjectMetadata |
S3Client.headObject(String bucketName,
String key)
Retrieves the
metadata of
the object associated with the key or null if not available. |
String |
S3Client.initiateMultipartUpload(String bucketName,
ObjectMetadata objectMetadata,
PutObjectOptions... options)
This operation initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID.
String |
S3Client.putObject(String bucketName,
S3Object object,
PutObjectOptions... options)
Store data by creating or overwriting an object.
String |
S3Client.uploadPart(String bucketName,
String key,
int partNumber,
String uploadId,
Payload part)
This operation uploads a part in a multipart upload.
String |
S3Client.uploadPartCopy(String bucketName,
String key,
int partNumber,
String uploadId,
String sourceBucket,
String sourceObject,
long startOffset,
long endOffset) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
QueueApi.create(String queueName)
The CreateQueue action creates a new queue.
QueueApi.create(String queueName,
CreateQueueOptions options)
same as
#create(String, String) except you can
control options such as delay seconds. |
QueueApi.get(String queueName)
The GetQueueUrl action returns the Uniform Resource Locater (URL) of a
QueueApi.getInAccount(String queueName,
String accountId)
QueueApi.get(String) , except specifying the owner of the queue. |<URI> |
The ListQueues action returns a list of your queues.
|<URI> |
QueueApi.list(ListQueuesOptions options) |
MessageIdAndMD5 |
MessageApi.send(String message)
The SendMessage action delivers a message to the specified queue.
MessageIdAndMD5 |
MessageApi.send(String message,
SendMessageOptions options)
same as
#sendMessage(URI, String) except you can control options
such as delay seconds. |
BatchResult<? extends MessageIdAndMD5> |
MessageApi.sendWithDelays(Map<String,Integer> messageBodyDelaySeconds)
Same as
MessageApi.sendWithDelays(Table) , except that we generate numeric
ids starting with 1 |
BatchResult<? extends MessageIdAndMD5> |
MessageApi.sendWithDelays(<String,String,Integer> idMessageBodyDelaySeconds)
Same as
MessageApi.send(Map) except you can set a delay for each message in
the request. |
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