Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Sandbox |
ChefApi.commitSandbox(String id,
boolean isCompleted)
Confirms if the sandbox is completed or not.
void |
ChefApi.createDatabag(String databagName)
Creates a new data bag.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
OrganizationApi.createGroup(String name)
Creates a new group.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Role |
RoleAdminApi.create(String name)
Creates a new Role
Service |
ServiceAdminApi.create(String name,
String type,
String description)
Creates a new Service
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
UserApi.changePassword(String id,
String originalPassword,
String newPassword) |
Project |
ProjectApi.create(String name,
String description,
boolean enabled,
boolean isDomain,
String domainId,
String parentId) |
User |
UserApi.create(String name,
String password,
Boolean enabled,
String domainId,
String defaultProjectId) |
Region |
RegionApi.create(String id,
String description,
String parentId) |
Region |
RegionApi.update(String id,
String description,
String parentId) |
User |
UserApi.update(String id,
String name,
String password,
Boolean enabled,
String domainId,
String defaultProjectId) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Project |
ProjectApi.update(String id,
Project project) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Firewall |
FWaaSApi.create(CreateFirewall firewall)
Create a new firewall
Router |
RouterApi.create(Router.CreateRouter router)
Create a new router
FirewallPolicy |
FWaaSApi.createFirewallPolicy(CreateFirewallPolicy firewallPolicy) |
FirewallRule |
FWaaSApi.createFirewallRule(CreateFirewallRule firewallRule) |
FirewallPolicy |
FWaaSApi.insertFirewallRuleToPolicy(String policyId,
String firewallRuleId) |
FirewallPolicy |
FWaaSApi.removeFirewallRuleFromPolicy(String policyId,
String firewallRuleId) |
Router |
RouterApi.update(String id,
Router.UpdateRouter router)
Update a router
Firewall |
FWaaSApi.update(String id,
UpdateFirewall updateFirewall)
Update a firewall
FirewallPolicy |
FWaaSApi.updateFirewallPolicy(String id,
UpdateFirewallPolicy updateFirewallPolicy) |
FirewallRule |
FWaaSApi.updateFirewallRule(String id,
UpdateFirewallRule updateFirewallRule) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HealthMonitor |
LBaaSApi.createHealthMonitor(HealthMonitor.CreateHealthMonitor healthMonitor)
Creates a new HealthMonitor.
Member |
LBaaSApi.createMember(Member.CreateMember member)
Creates a new Member.
Pool |
LBaaSApi.createPool(Pool.CreatePool pool)
Creates a new Pool.
LBaaSApi.createVIP(VIP.CreateVIP vip)
Creates a new VIP.
HealthMonitor |
LBaaSApi.updateHealthMonitor(String id,
HealthMonitor.UpdateHealthMonitor healthMonitor)
Update a HealthMonitor.
Member |
LBaaSApi.updateMember(String id,
Member.UpdateMember member)
Update a Member.
Pool |
LBaaSApi.updatePool(String id,
Pool.UpdatePool pool)
Update a Pool.
LBaaSApi.updateVIP(String id,
VIP.UpdateVIP vip)
Update a VIP.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FloatingIP |
FloatingIPApi.create(FloatingIP.CreateFloatingIP createFloatingIP)
Creates a floating IP.
Network |
NetworkApi.create(Network.CreateNetwork network)
Create a new network with the specified type
Port |
PortApi.create(Port.CreatePort port)
Create a new port in the specified network
Rule |
SecurityGroupApi.create(Rule.CreateRule securityGroupRule)
Creates a new Security Group Rule.
SecurityGroup |
SecurityGroupApi.create(SecurityGroup.CreateSecurityGroup securityGroup)
Creates a new SecurityGroup.
Subnet |
SubnetApi.create(Subnet.CreateSubnet subnet)
Create a subnet within a specified network
|<Network> |
NetworkApi.createBulk(<Network.CreateNetwork> networks)
Create multiple networks
|<Port> |
PortApi.createBulk(List<Port.CreatePort> ports)
Create multiple ports
|<Subnet> |
SubnetApi.createBulk(List<Subnet.CreateSubnet> subnets)
Create multiple subnets
FloatingIP |
FloatingIPApi.update(String id,
FloatingIP.UpdateFloatingIP updateFloatingIP)
Update a Floating IP
Network |
NetworkApi.update(String id,
Network.UpdateNetwork network)
Update a network
Port |
PortApi.update(String id,
Port.UpdatePort port)
Update a port
Subnet |
SubnetApi.update(String id,
Subnet.UpdateSubnet subnet)
Update a subnet
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HostAggregate |
HostAggregateApi.addHost(String id,
String host)
Adds a host to an aggregate
VolumeAttachment |
VolumeAttachmentApi.attachVolumeToServerAsDevice(String volumeId,
String serverId,
String device)
Attaches a Volume to a Server.
VolumeType |
VolumeTypeApi.create(String name,
CreateVolumeTypeOptions... options)
Creates a new volume type
String |
ServerAdminApi.createBackup(String id,
String imageName,
BackupType backupType,
int rotation,
CreateBackupOfServerOptions... options)
Create backup of a server.
HostAggregate |
HostAggregateApi.createInAvailabilityZone(String name,
String availabilityZone)
Creates an aggregate, given its name and availability zone.
void |
ServerAdminApi.liveMigrate(String id,
String host,
boolean blockMigration,
boolean diskOverCommit)
Live migrate a server.
HostAggregate |
HostAggregateApi.removeHost(String id,
String host)
Removes a host from an aggregate
HostAggregate |
HostAggregateApi.setMetadata(String id,
Map<String,String> metadata)
Adds metadata to an aggregate
HostAggregate |
HostAggregateApi.updateAvailabilityZone(String id,
String availabilityZone)
Updates the availability zone for an aggregate.
HostAggregate |
HostAggregateApi.updateName(String id,
String name)
Updates the name of an aggregate.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Flavor |
FlavorApi.create(Flavor flavor)
Create flavor according to the provided object
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Job<Set<Domain>> |
DomainApi.create(Iterable<CreateDomain> createDomains)
Provisions one or more new DNS domains based on the configuration defined in CreateDomain.
Job<Set<RecordDetail>> |
RecordApi.create(Iterable<Record> createRecords)
Create Records for a Domain or Subdomain.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<Node> |
NodeApi.add(Iterable<AddNode> addNodes)
Add a new node with the configuration defined by the request.
LoadBalancer |
LoadBalancerApi.create(CreateLoadBalancer createLB)
Create a new load balancer with the configuration defined by the request.
void |
AccessRuleApi.create(Iterable<AccessRule> accessRules)
Create new access rules or append to existing access rules.
void |
HealthMonitorApi.createOrUpdate(HealthMonitor healthMonitor)
Create or update a health monitor.
void |
SSLTerminationApi.createOrUpdate(SSLTermination sslTermination)
Create or update SSL termination.
void |
ConnectionApi.createOrUpdateConnectionThrottle(ConnectionThrottle connectionThrottle)
The connection throttling feature imposes limits on the number of connections per IP address to help mitigate
malicious or abusive traffic to your applications.
void |
LoadBalancerApi.update(int id,
UpdateLoadBalancer updateLB)
Update the properties of a load balancer.
void |
NodeApi.update(int id,
UpdateNode updateNode)
Update the attributes of a node.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Network |
NetworkApi.createNetwork(List<Network.CreateNetwork> networkToBeCreated)
creates a network
Subnet |
NetworkApi.createSubnet(long id,
List<Object> subnetToBeCreated)
creates a subnet on the given network
boolean |
NetworkApi.deleteSubnet(long id,
List<Subnet.DeleteSubnet> subnetToBeDeleted)
removes the subnet of the given network
boolean |
NetworkApi.editNetwork(long id,
List<Network.EditNetwork> networkToBeEdited)
modifies a network with the given id
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