Interface TemplateBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • any

        TemplateBuilder any()
        prime this builder with parameters known to work on the current compute provider.
      • fromHardware

        TemplateBuilder fromHardware​(Hardware hardware)
        Configure this template to require the minimum hardware of the parameter.
      • fromImage

        TemplateBuilder fromImage​(Image image)
        Configure this template to fuzzy-match on the image parameter
      • fromTemplate

        TemplateBuilder fromTemplate​(Template image)
        Configure this template to match the resources of the template parameter.
      • from

        TemplateBuilder from​(String spec)
        Configure and return this template, updating it with the populated values of the given spec. This is especially useful for command-line configuration of a TemplateBuilder.
        spec - a String in the format specified by TemplateBuilderSpec
      • smallest

        TemplateBuilder smallest()
        configure this template to the smallest hardware, based on cores, ram, then disk
      • fastest

        TemplateBuilder fastest()
        configure this template to the fastest hardware, based on cpu
      • biggest

        TemplateBuilder biggest()
        configure this template to the largest hardware, based on cores, ram, then disk
      • hypervisorMatches

        TemplateBuilder hypervisorMatches​(String hypervisorRegex)
        Configure this template to have an hypervisor that matches the regular expression
      • osFamily

        TemplateBuilder osFamily​(OsFamily os)
        Configure this template to use a specific operating system image.
      • locationId

        TemplateBuilder locationId​(String locationId)
        Configure this template to start in a specific location
        NoSuchElementException - if no location matches the id specified
      • imageId

        TemplateBuilder imageId​(String imageId)
        Configure this template to require a specific imageId.

        Note that image Ids are often scoped to location

      • hardwareId

        TemplateBuilder hardwareId​(String hardwareId)
        Configure this template to require a specific hardwareId.
      • osNameMatches

        TemplateBuilder osNameMatches​(String osNameRegex)
        Configure this template to have an operating system name that matches the regular expression
      • osDescriptionMatches

        TemplateBuilder osDescriptionMatches​(String osDescriptionRegex)
        Configure this template to have an operating system description that matches the regular expression
      • osVersionMatches

        TemplateBuilder osVersionMatches​(String osVersionRegex)
        Configure this template to have an os version that matches the regular expression
      • osArchMatches

        TemplateBuilder osArchMatches​(String architecture)
        Configure this template to require a specific architecture. ex. virtualizationType or
      • os64Bit

        TemplateBuilder os64Bit​(boolean is64bit)
        Configure this template to require a 64 bit operating system.
      • imageNameMatches

        TemplateBuilder imageNameMatches​(String imageNameRegex)
        Configure this template to have an image name that matches the regular expression
      • imageVersionMatches

        TemplateBuilder imageVersionMatches​(String imageVersionRegex)
        Configure this template to have an image version that matches the regular expression
      • imageDescriptionMatches

        TemplateBuilder imageDescriptionMatches​(String imageDescriptionRegex)
        Configure this template to have an image description that matches the regular expression
      • imageMatches

        TemplateBuilder imageMatches​(<Image> condition)
        Configure this template to have an image that matches the supplied condition ex.
         builder.imageMatches(ImagePredicates.userMetadataContains("author", "sue"));
      • imageChooser

        TemplateBuilder imageChooser​(<Iterable<? extends Image>,​Image> imageChooser)
        Configure this template with a specific preference function which operates on images which match the other criteria.

        If no function is supplied, jclouds will select one according to an internal strategy. This strategy may change from version to version.

      • minCores

        TemplateBuilder minCores​(double minCores)
        Configure this template to require the minimum cores below
      • minRam

        TemplateBuilder minRam​(int megabytes)
        Configure this template to require the minimum ram in megabytes below
      • minDisk

        TemplateBuilder minDisk​(double gigabytes)
        Configure this template with required minimum disk space in gigabytes
      • build

        Template build()
        Generate an immutable template from the current builder.
      • options

        TemplateBuilder options​(TemplateOptions options)
        Sets options on the template (i.e. items which adorn a created node rather than restricting selection of the node). Note that this method typically replaces any options previously specified in the builder. Normal usage is to build up all options and pass them to the builder with a single call to this method.
      • forceCacheReload

        TemplateBuilder forceCacheReload()
        Forces an image lookup against the provider to reload the image cache.

        Use with caution. In some providers getting the list of images is an expensive operation, and the use of the image cache is recommended. If there is a need to minimize the amount of time the images are cached, consider configuring the cache expiration time by setting the Constants.PROPERTY_SESSION_INTERVAL property.
