Class RunningInstance

    • Method Detail

      • getRegion

        public String getRegion()
        To be removed in jclouds 1.6


        Especially on EC2 clones that may not support regions, this value is fragile. Consider alternate means to determine context.
      • getAmiLaunchIndex

        public String getAmiLaunchIndex()
        The AMI launch index, which can be used to find this instance within the launch group. For more information, go to the Metadata section of the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Developer Guide.
        See Also:
      • getDnsName

        public String getDnsName()
        The public DNS name assigned to the instance. This DNS name is contactable from outside the Amazon EC2 network. This element remains empty until the instance enters a running state.
      • getImageId

        public String getImageId()
        Image ID of the AMI used to launch the instance.
      • getId

        public String getId()
        Unique ID of the instance launched.
      • getInstanceState

        public InstanceState getInstanceState()
        The current state of the instance.
      • getRawState

        public String getRawState()
        The current state of the instance, as returned literally from the input XML
      • getInstanceType

        public String getInstanceType()
        The instance type.
      • getIpAddress

        public String getIpAddress()
        Specifies the IP address of the instance.
      • getKernelId

        public String getKernelId()
        Optional. Kernel associated with this instance.
      • getKeyName

        public String getKeyName()
        If this instance was launched with an associated key pair, this displays the key pair name.
      • getLaunchTime

        public Date getLaunchTime()
        The time the instance launched.
      • getAvailabilityZone

        public String getAvailabilityZone()
        The location where the instance launched.
      • getVirtualizationType

        public String getVirtualizationType()
        Specifies the instance's virtualization type. Valid values are paravirtual or hvm.
      • getPlatform

        public String getPlatform()
        Platform of the instance (e.g., Windows).
      • getPrivateDnsName

        public String getPrivateDnsName()
        The private DNS name assigned to the instance. This DNS name can only be used inside the Amazon EC2 network. This element remains empty until the instance enters a running state.
      • getPrivateIpAddress

        public String getPrivateIpAddress()
        Specifies the private IP address that is assigned to the instance (Amazon VPC).
      • getRamdiskId

        public String getRamdiskId()
        Optional. RAM disk associated with this instance.
      • getReason

        public String getReason()
        Reason for the most recent state transition. This might be an empty string.
      • getRootDeviceName

        public String getRootDeviceName()
      • getEbsBlockDevices

        public Map<String,​BlockDevice> getEbsBlockDevices()
        EBS volumes associated with the instance.
      • getGroupNames

        public Set<String> getGroupNames()
        Names of the security groups.
      • getTags

        public Map<String,​String> getTags()
        tags that are present in the instance
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • string

        protected string()