Interface Logger

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    BaseLogger, ConsoleLogger, JDKLogger, Log4JLogger, NullLogger, SLF4JLogger

    public interface Logger
    JClouds log abstraction layer.

    Implementations of logging are optional and injected if they are configured.

    @Resource Logger logger = Logger.NULL; The above will get you a null-safe instance of Logger. If configured, this logger will be swapped with a real Logger implementation with category set to the current class name. This is done post-object construction, so do not attempt to use these loggers in your constructor.

    If you wish to initialize loggers like these yourself, do not use the @Resource annotation.

    This implementation first checks to see if the level is enabled before issuing the log command. In other words, don't do the following if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("message");.

    • Field Detail

      • NULL

        static final Logger NULL
        Assign to member to avoid NPE when no logging module is configured.
      • CONSOLE

        static final Logger CONSOLE
        Assign to member to avoid NPE when no logging module is configured.
    • Method Detail

      • getCategory

        String getCategory()
      • isTraceEnabled

        boolean isTraceEnabled()
      • isDebugEnabled

        boolean isDebugEnabled()
      • isInfoEnabled

        boolean isInfoEnabled()
      • isWarnEnabled

        boolean isWarnEnabled()
      • isErrorEnabled

        boolean isErrorEnabled()