Class ListOptions

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ListOptions
    extends BaseHttpRequestOptions
    To reduce load on the service, list operations will return a maximum of 100 items at a time. To navigate the collection, the limit and marker parameters (for example, ?limit=50&marker=1 ) can be set in the URI. If a marker beyond the end of a list is given, an empty list is returned. Note that list operations never return 404 (itemNotFound) faults.
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • ListOptions

        public ListOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • marker

        public ListOptions marker​(String marker)
        Indicates where to begin listing, if the previous list was larger than the limit.
      • limit

        public ListOptions limit​(int limit)
        To reduce load on the service, list operations will return a maximum of 100 items at a time.

        Note that list operations never return itemNotFound (404) faults.