Uses of Class
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm.features
Methods in org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm.features with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description String
VaultApi. backupKey(URI vaultBaseUrl, String keyName)
VaultApi. backupSecret(URI vaultBaseUrl, String secretName)
JobApi. captureStatus(URI jobURI)
Get status of captured custom image after capture callList<ResourceProviderMetaData>
ResourceProviderApi. get(String namespace)
VaultApi. getCertificateIssuers(URI vaultBaseUrl)
VaultApi. getCertificates(URI vaultBaseUrl)
VaultApi. getCertificateVersions(URI vaultBaseUrl, String certificateName)
GraphRBACApi. getCurrentServicePrincipal()
VaultApi. getDeletedCertificates(URI vaultBaseUrl)
VaultApi. getKeyVersions(URI vaultBaseUrl, String keyName)
VaultApi. getSecretVersions(URI vaultBaseUrl, String secretName)
AvailabilitySetApi. list()
DeploymentApi. list()
List all deployments in a resource groupList<Disk>
DiskApi. list()
ImageApi. list()
LoadBalancerApi. list()
LocalNetworkGatewayApi. list()
LocationApi. list()
The List Locations operation lists all of the data center locations that are valid for your subscription.List<MetricDefinition>
MetricDefinitionsApi. list(String filter)
MetricsApi. list(String filter)
NetworkInterfaceCardApi. list()
NetworkSecurityGroupApi. list()
NetworkSecurityRuleApi. list()
PublicIPAddressApi. list()
ResourceGroupApi. list()
StorageAccountApi. list()
The List Storage Accounts operation lists the storage accounts that are available in the specified subscription and resource group.List<Subnet>
SubnetApi. list()
VirtualMachineApi. list()
VirtualMachineScaleSetApi. list()
VirtualNetworkApi. list()
VirtualNetworkGatewayApi. list()
VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionApi. list()
VMSizeApi. list()
LoadBalancerApi. listAll()
NetworkSecurityGroupApi. listAll()
VirtualMachineApi. listAll()
VirtualNetworkApi. listAll()
NetworkInterfaceCardApi. listAllInSubscription()
PublicIPAddressApi. listAllInSubscription()
VirtualMachineApi. listAvailableSizes(String name)
VirtualMachineApi. listByLocation(String location)
NetworkSecurityRuleApi. listDefaultRules()
VaultApi. listDeletedKeys(URI vaultBaseUrl)
VaultApi. listDeletedSecrets(URI vaultBaseUrl)
VaultApi. listDeletedVaults()
VaultApi. listKeys(URI keyVaultUri)
VaultApi. listSecrets(URI keyVaultUri)
VaultApi. listVaults()
ResourceGroupApi. resources(String name)
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.chef
Methods in org.jclouds.chef with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description DatabagItem
ChefApi. deleteDatabagItem(String databagName, String databagItemId)
Deletes an item from a data bag. -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.cloudstack.features
Methods in org.jclouds.cloudstack.features with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description Cluster
GlobalHostApi. addCluster(String zoneId, String clusterName, Host.ClusterType clusterType, String hypervisor, AddClusterOptions... options)
Adds a new cluster.Host
GlobalHostApi. addHost(String zoneId, String url, String hypervisor, String username, String password, AddHostOptions... options)
Adds a new host.Host
GlobalHostApi. addSecondaryStorage(String url, AddSecondaryStorageOptions... options)
Adds secondary storage.VirtualMachine
VirtualMachineApi. assignVirtualMachine(String virtualMachineId, AssignVirtualMachineOptions... options)
Re-assign a virtual machine to a different account/domain.String
LoadBalancerApi. assignVirtualMachinesToLoadBalancerRule(String id, Iterable<String> virtualMachineIds)
Assigns virtual machine or a list of virtual machines to a load balancer rule.String
LoadBalancerApi. assignVirtualMachinesToLoadBalancerRule(String id, String... virtualMachineIds)
Assigns virtual machine or a list of virtual machines to a load balancer rule.String
SecurityGroupApi. authorizeIngressICMPToCIDRs(String securityGroupId, int ICMPCode, int ICMPType, Iterable<String> cidrList, AccountInDomainOptions... options)
Authorizes a particular ICMP ingress rule for this security groupString
SecurityGroupApi. authorizeIngressICMPToSecurityGroups(String securityGroupId, int ICMPCode, int ICMPType,<String,String> accountToGroup, AccountInDomainOptions... options)
Authorizes a particular ICMP ingress rule for this security groupString
SecurityGroupApi. authorizeIngressPortsToCIDRs(String securityGroupId, String protocol, int startPort, int endPort, Iterable<String> cidrList, AccountInDomainOptions... options)
Authorizes a particular TCP or UDP ingress rule for this security groupString
SecurityGroupApi. authorizeIngressPortsToSecurityGroups(String securityGroupId, String protocol, int startPort, int endPort,<String,String> accountToGroup, AccountInDomainOptions... options)
Authorizes a particular TCP or UDP ingress rule for this security groupString
GlobalHostApi. cancelHostMaintenance(String hostId)
Cancels host maintenance.String
VirtualMachineApi. changeServiceForVirtualMachine(String id, String serviceOfferingId)
Changes the service offering for a virtual machine.Account
GlobalAccountApi. createAccount(String userName, Account.Type accountType, String email, String firstName, String lastName, String hashedPassword, CreateAccountOptions... options)
Create a new Cloudstack accountDiskOffering
GlobalOfferingApi. createDiskOffering(String name, String displayText, CreateDiskOfferingOptions... options)
Create a new disk offeringDomain
GlobalDomainApi. createDomain(String name, CreateDomainOptions... options)
Create new DomainVMGroup
VMGroupApi. createInstanceGroup(String name, CreateVMGroupOptions... options)
Creates a VM groupString
LoadBalancerApi. createLoadBalancerRuleForPublicIP(String publicIPId, LoadBalancerRule.Algorithm algorithm, String name, int privatePort, int publicPort, CreateLoadBalancerRuleOptions... options)
Creates a load balancer rule.Network
NetworkApi. createNetworkInZone(String zoneId, String networkOfferingId, String name, String displayText, CreateNetworkOptions... options)
Creates a networkPod
GlobalPodApi. createPod(String name, String zoneId, String startIp, String endIp, String gateway, String netmask, CreatePodOptions... createPodOptions)
Creates a new Pod.Pod
GlobalPodApi. createPod(String name, String zoneId, String startIp, String gateway, String netmask, CreatePodOptions... createPodOptions)
Creates a new Pod.SecurityGroup
SecurityGroupApi. createSecurityGroup(String name)
Creates a security groupServiceOffering
GlobalOfferingApi. createServiceOffering(String name, String displayText, int cpuNumber, int cpuSpeedInMHz, int memoryInMB, CreateServiceOfferingOptions... options)
Create a new service offeringSshKeyPair
SSHKeyPairApi. createSSHKeyPair(String name)
Creates aSshKeyPair
with specified name.User
GlobalUserApi. createUser(String userName, String accountName, String email, String hashedPassword, String firstName, String lastName, CreateUserOptions... options)
Create an user for an account that already existsVlanIPRange
GlobalVlanApi. createVlanIPRange(String startIP, String endIP, CreateVlanIPRangeOptions... options)
Creates a VLAN IP range.Zone
GlobalZoneApi. createZone(String name, NetworkType networkType, String externalDns1, String internalDns1, CreateZoneOptions... options)
Create a new ZoneString
NATApi. deleteIPForwardingRule(String id)
Deletes an ip forwarding ruleString
LoadBalancerApi. deleteLoadBalancerRule(String id)
deletes a loadbalancer ruleString
NetworkApi. deleteNetwork(String id)
Deletes a networkAsyncCreateResponse
VirtualMachineApi. deployVirtualMachineInZone(String zoneId, String serviceOfferingId, String templateId, DeployVirtualMachineOptions... options)
Creates and automatically starts a virtual machine based on a service offering, disk offering, and template.String
VirtualMachineApi. destroyVirtualMachine(String id)
Destroys a virtual machine.String
NATApi. disableStaticNATOnPublicIP(String IPAddressId)
Disables static rule for given ip addressAccount
DomainAccountApi. enableAccount(String accountName, String domainId)
Enable an accountUser
DomainUserApi. enableUser(String userId)
Enable a user with a specific IDJobResult
GlobalUsageApi. generateUsageRecords(Date start, Date end, GenerateUsageRecordsOptions... options)
AccountApi. getAccount(String id)
get a specific Account by idDiskOffering
OfferingApi. getDiskOffering(String id)
get a specific disk offering by idDomain
DomainDomainApi. getDomainById(String domainId)
Get a domain by IDFirewallRule
FirewallApi. getEgressFirewallRule(String id)
VirtualMachineApi. getEncryptedPasswordForVirtualMachine(String id)
Return an encrypted password for the virtual machine.FirewallRule
FirewallApi. getFirewallRule(String id)
VMGroupApi. getInstanceGroup(String id)
NATApi. getIPForwardingRule(String id)
get a specific IPForwardingRule by idSet<IPForwardingRule>
NATApi. getIPForwardingRulesForIPAddress(String id)
get a set of IPForwardingRules by ipaddress idSet<IPForwardingRule>
NATApi. getIPForwardingRulesForVirtualMachine(String id)
get a set of IPForwardingRules by virtual machine idISO
ISOApi. getISO(String id)
Gets information about an ISO by its ID.LoadBalancerRule
LoadBalancerApi. getLoadBalancerRule(String id)
get a specific LoadBalancerRule by idNetwork
NetworkApi. getNetwork(String id)
get a specific network by idNetworkOffering
OfferingApi. getNetworkOffering(String id)
get a specific service offering by idOSType
GuestOSApi. getOSType(String id)
get a specific os type by idPod
GlobalPodApi. getPod(String id)
get a specific pod by idPortForwardingRule
FirewallApi. getPortForwardingRule(String id)
ProjectApi. getProject(String id)
gets a specific Project by idPublicIPAddress
AddressApi. getPublicIPAddress(String id)
get a specific IPAddress by idSecurityGroup
SecurityGroupApi. getSecurityGroup(String id)
get a specific security group by idSecurityGroup
SecurityGroupApi. getSecurityGroupByName(String securityGroupName)
get a specific security group by nameServiceOffering
OfferingApi. getServiceOffering(String id)
get a specific service offering by idSnapshot
SnapshotApi. getSnapshot(String id)
Gets a snapshot by its ID.SshKeyPair
SSHKeyPairApi. getSSHKeyPair(String name)
Retrieves theSSHKeyPairApi
with given name.Template
TemplateApi. getTemplateInZone(String templateId, String zoneId)
get a specific template by idVirtualMachine
VirtualMachineApi. getVirtualMachine(String id)
get a specific VirtualMachine by idVlanIPRange
GlobalVlanApi. getVlanIPRange(String id)
Get the details of an IP range by its id.Volume
VolumeApi. getVolume(String id)
Get volume by idZone
ZoneApi. getZone(String id)
get a specific zone by idSet<Account>
AccountApi. listAccounts(ListAccountsOptions... options)
Lists AccountsSet<Alert>
GlobalAlertApi. listAlerts(ListAlertsOptions... options)
List AlertsCapabilities
ConfigurationApi. listCapabilities()
Lists capabilitiesSet<Capacity>
GlobalCapacityApi. listCapacity(ListCapacityOptions... options)
List CapacitiesSet<Cluster>
GlobalHostApi. listClusters(ListClustersOptions... options)
GlobalConfigurationApi. listConfigurationEntries(ListConfigurationEntriesOptions... options)
List all configuration entriesSet<DiskOffering>
OfferingApi. listDiskOfferings(ListDiskOfferingsOptions... options)
Lists disk offeringsSet<Domain>
DomainDomainApi. listDomainChildren(ListDomainChildrenOptions... options)
Lists all children domains belonging to a specified domainSet<Domain>
DomainDomainApi. listDomains(ListDomainsOptions... options)
List domains with detailed informationSet<FirewallRule>
FirewallApi. listEgressFirewallRules(ListEgressFirewallRulesOptions... options)
EventApi. listEvents(ListEventsOptions... options)
List EventsSet<FirewallRule>
FirewallApi. listFirewallRules(ListFirewallRulesOptions... options)
GlobalHostApi. listHosts(ListHostsOptions... options)
Lists hostsSet<VMGroup>
VMGroupApi. listInstanceGroups(ListVMGroupsOptions... options)
Lists VM groupsSet<IPForwardingRule>
NATApi. listIPForwardingRules(ListIPForwardingRulesOptions... options)
List the ip forwarding rulesISOPermissions
ISOApi. listISOPermissions(String id, AccountInDomainOptions... options)
List template visibility and all accounts that have permissions to view this template.Set<ISO>
ISOApi. listISOs(ListISOsOptions... options)
Lists all available ISO files.Set<LoadBalancerRule>
LoadBalancerApi. listLoadBalancerRules(ListLoadBalancerRulesOptions... options)
List the load balancer rulesSet<NetworkOffering>
OfferingApi. listNetworkOfferings(ListNetworkOfferingsOptions... options)
Lists service offeringsSet<Network>
NetworkApi. listNetworks(ListNetworksOptions... options)
Lists networksSet<OSType>
GuestOSApi. listOSTypes(ListOSTypesOptions... options)
Lists all supported OS types for this cloud.Set<Pod>
GlobalPodApi. listPods(ListPodsOptions... options)
Lists podsSet<PortForwardingRule>
FirewallApi. listPortForwardingRules(ListPortForwardingRulesOptions... options)
ProjectApi. listProjects(ListProjectsOptions... options)
Lists the projects this account has access to.Set<PublicIPAddress>
AddressApi. listPublicIPAddresses(ListPublicIPAddressesOptions... options)
Lists IPAddressesSet<ResourceLimit>
LimitApi. listResourceLimits(ListResourceLimitsOptions... options)
List the resource limits.Set<SecurityGroup>
SecurityGroupApi. listSecurityGroups(ListSecurityGroupsOptions... options)
Lists security groupsSet<ServiceOffering>
OfferingApi. listServiceOfferings(ListServiceOfferingsOptions... options)
Lists service offeringsSet<Snapshot>
SnapshotApi. listSnapshots(ListSnapshotsOptions... options)
Lists all available snapshots for the account, matching the query described by the options.Set<SshKeyPair>
SSHKeyPairApi. listSSHKeyPairs(ListSSHKeyPairsOptions... options)
Returns a list ofSshKeyPair
s registered by current user.Set<StoragePool>
GlobalStoragePoolApi. listStoragePools(ListStoragePoolsOptions... options)
TagApi. listTags(ListTagsOptions... options)
Lists tagsSet<Template>
TemplateApi. listTemplates()
List all executable templates.Set<Template>
TemplateApi. listTemplates(ListTemplatesOptions options)
List all public, private, and privileged templates.Set<UsageRecord>
GlobalUsageApi. listUsageRecords(Date start, Date end, ListUsageRecordsOptions... options)
DomainUserApi. listUsers(ListUsersOptions... options)
Lists UsersSet<VirtualMachine>
VirtualMachineApi. listVirtualMachines(ListVirtualMachinesOptions... options)
Lists VirtualMachinesSet<VirtualMachine>
LoadBalancerApi. listVirtualMachinesAssignedToLoadBalancerRule(String id)
List all virtual machine instances that are assigned to a load balancer rule.Set<VlanIPRange>
GlobalVlanApi. listVlanIPRanges(ListVlanIPRangesOptions... options)
Lists all VLAN IP ranges.Set<Volume>
VolumeApi. listVolumes(ListVolumesOptions... options)
List volumesSet<Zone>
ZoneApi. listZones(ListZonesOptions... options)
Lists zonesString
GlobalHostApi. prepareHostForMaintenance(String hostId)
Prepares a host for maintenance.String
VirtualMachineApi. rebootVirtualMachine(String id)
Reboots a virtual machine.String
GlobalHostApi. reconnectHost(String hostId)
Reconnects a host.ISO
ISOApi. registerISO(String name, String displayText, String url, String zoneId, RegisterISOOptions... options)
Registers an existing ISO into the Cloud.SshKeyPair
SSHKeyPairApi. registerSSHKeyPair(String name, String publicKey)
Registers aSshKeyPair
with the given name and public kay material.Set<Template>
TemplateApi. registerTemplate(TemplateMetadata templateMetadata, String format, String hypervisor, String url, String zoneId, RegisterTemplateOptions... options)
Registers an existing template into the cloud.ApiKeyPair
GlobalUserApi. registerUserKeys(String userId)
This command allows a user to register for the developer API, returning a secret key and an API keyString
LoadBalancerApi. removeVirtualMachinesFromLoadBalancerRule(String id, Iterable<String> virtualMachineIds)
Removes a virtual machine or a list of virtual machines from a load balancer rule.String
LoadBalancerApi. removeVirtualMachinesFromLoadBalancerRule(String id, String... virtualMachineIds)
Removes a virtual machine or a list of virtual machines from a load balancer rule.String
VirtualMachineApi. resetPasswordForVirtualMachine(String id)
Resets the password for virtual machine.String
SecurityGroupApi. revokeIngressRule(String id, AccountInDomainOptions... options)
Deletes a particular ingress rule from this security groupString
VirtualMachineApi. startVirtualMachine(String id)
Starts a virtual machine.String
VirtualMachineApi. stopVirtualMachine(String id)
Stops a virtual machine.String
VirtualMachineApi. stopVirtualMachine(String id, StopVirtualMachineOptions options)
Stops a virtual machine.Account
GlobalAccountApi. updateAccount(String accountName, String domainId, String newName, UpdateAccountOptions... options)
Update an existing accountCluster
GlobalHostApi. updateCluster(String clusterId, UpdateClusterOptions... options)
Updates an existing cluster.void
GlobalHostApi. updateClusterPassword(String clusterId, String username, String password)
Update password of a cluster on management server.ConfigurationEntry
GlobalConfigurationApi. updateConfigurationEntry(String name, String value)
Update a configuration entryDiskOffering
GlobalOfferingApi. updateDiskOffering(String id, UpdateDiskOfferingOptions... options)
Update a disk offeringDomain
GlobalDomainApi. updateDomain(String domainId, UpdateDomainOptions... options)
Update a domainHost
GlobalHostApi. updateHost(String hostId, UpdateHostOptions... options)
Updates a host.VMGroup
VMGroupApi. updateInstanceGroup(String id, UpdateVMGroupOptions... options)
Modify a VM groupLoadBalancerRule
LoadBalancerApi. updateLoadBalancerRule(String id, UpdateLoadBalancerRuleOptions... options)
Update a load balancer rule.NetworkOffering
GlobalOfferingApi. updateNetworkOffering(String id, UpdateNetworkOfferingOptions... options)
Update network offeringPod
GlobalPodApi. updatePod(String id, UpdatePodOptions... updatePodOptions)
Updates a Pod.ResourceLimit
DomainLimitApi. updateResourceLimit(ResourceLimit limit)
Updates resource limits for an account in a domain.ServiceOffering
GlobalOfferingApi. updateServiceOffering(String id, UpdateServiceOfferingOptions... options)
Update an existing service offeringTemplate
TemplateApi. updateTemplate(String id, UpdateTemplateOptions... options)
Updates attributes of a template.User
GlobalUserApi. updateUser(String id, UpdateUserOptions... options)
Update an userString
VirtualMachineApi. updateVirtualMachine(String id, UpdateVirtualMachineOptions options)
Updates parameters of a virtual machine.Zone
GlobalZoneApi. updateZone(String id, UpdateZoneOptions... options)
Update a zone -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.digitalocean2.features
Methods in org.jclouds.digitalocean2.features with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description Key
KeyApi. create(String name, String key)
ActionApi. get(int id)
DropletApi. get(int id)
ImageApi. get(int id)
ImageApi. get(String slug)
KeyApi. get(int id)
KeyApi. get(String fingerprint)
DropletApi. powerCycle(int id)
DropletApi. powerOff(int id)
DropletApi. powerOn(int id)
DropletApi. reboot(int id)
DropletApi. shutdown(int id)
DropletApi. snapshot(int id, String name)
KeyApi. update(int id, String name)
KeyApi. update(String fingerprint, String name)
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.dynect.v3.features
Methods in org.jclouds.dynect.v3.features with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description GeoRegionGroup
GeoRegionGroupApi. get(String groupName)
Retrieves information about the specified geo region groupGeoService
GeoServiceApi. get(String serviceName)
Retrieves information about the specified geo service.Record<? extends Map<String,Object>>
RecordApi. get(RecordId recordId)
retrieves a resource record without regard to typeZone
ZoneApi. get(String fqdn)
Retrieves information about the specified zone.Record<AData>
RecordApi. getA(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets theARecord
or null if not present.Record<AAAAData>
RecordApi. getAAAA(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets theAAAARecord
or null if not present.Record<CNAMEData>
RecordApi. getCNAME(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets theCNAMERecord
or null if not present.Record<MXData>
RecordApi. getMX(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets theMXRecord
or null if not present.Record<NSData>
RecordApi. getNS(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets theNSRecord
or null if not present.Record<PTRData>
RecordApi. getPTR(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets thePTRRecord
or null if not present.SOARecord
RecordApi. getSOA(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets theSOARecord
or null if not present.Record<SPFData>
RecordApi. getSPF(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets theSPFRecord
or null if not present.Record<SRVData>
RecordApi. getSRV(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets theSRVRecord
or null if not present.Record<SSHFPData>
RecordApi. getSSHFP(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets theSSHFPRecord
or null if not present.Record<TXTData>
RecordApi. getTXT(String fqdn, long recordId)
Gets theTXTRecord
or null if not<String>
GeoRegionGroupApi. list()
Lists all geo region group<String>
GeoServiceApi. list()
Lists all geo service<String>
ZoneApi. list()
Lists all zone ids.Session
SessionApi. login(SessionCredentials credentials)
ZoneApi. publish(String fqdn)
Publishes the current zone -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.glesys.features
Methods in org.jclouds.glesys.features with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description IpDetails
IpApi. addToServer(String ipAddress, String serverId)
Add an IP address to an server.Archive
ArchiveApi. changePassword(String username, String password)
Change the password for an archive user.ServerDetails
ServerApi. clone(String serverid, String hostname, CloneServerOptions... options)
Clone a serverDomain
DomainApi. create(String name, AddDomainOptions... options)
Add a domain to the Glesys dns-systemEmailAlias
EmailAccountApi. createAlias(String aliasAddress, String toEmailAddress)
Create an e-mail alias for an e-mail accountDomainRecord
DomainApi. createRecord(String domain, String host, String type, String data, AddRecordOptions... options)
Add a DNS RecordArchive
ArchiveApi. createWithCredentialsAndSize(String username, String password, int size)
Create a new backup volume.ServerDetails
ServerApi. createWithHostnameAndRootPassword(ServerSpec serverSpec, String hostname, String rootPassword, CreateServerOptions... options)
Create a new serverEmailAccount
EmailAccountApi. createWithPassword(String accountAddress, String password, CreateAccountOptions... options)
Create a new e-mail accountArchive
ArchiveApi. get(String username)
Get detailed information about an archive volume.Domain
DomainApi. get(String name)
Get a specific domain.IpDetails
IpApi. get(String ipAddress)
Get details about the given IP address such as gateway and netmask.ServerDetails
ServerApi. get(String id)
Get detailed information about a server such as hostname, hardware configuration (cpu, memory and disk), ip addresses, cost, transfer, os and more.ArchiveAllowedArguments
ArchiveApi. getAllowedArguments()
Lists the allowed arguments for some of the functions in this module such as archive size.Map<String,AllowedArgumentsForCreateServer>
ServerApi. getAllowedArgumentsForCreateByPlatform()
Get information about the OS templates availableConsole
ServerApi. getConsole(String id)
Get information about how to connect to a server via VNCSortedMap<String,ServerLimit>
ServerApi. getLimits(String id)
Get detailed information about a server's limits (for OpenVZ only).EmailOverview
EmailAccountApi. getOverview()
Get a summary of e-mail accounts associated with this Glesys accountResourceUsage
ServerApi. getResourceUsage(String id, String resource, String resolution)
Return resource usage over time for serverServerStatus
ServerApi. getStatus(String id, ServerStatusOptions... options)
Get detailed information about a server status including up-time and hardware usage (cpu, disk, memory and bandwidth)ServerDetails
ServerApi. hardStop(String id)
hard stop a<Archive>
ArchiveApi. list()
Lists all active disks on this<Domain>
DomainApi. list()
Get a list of all domains for this<IpDetails>
IpApi. list(ListIpOptions... options)
Get IP addresses associated with your account (reserved, assigned to servers, etc)<Server>
ServerApi. list()
Get a list of all servers on this<EmailAlias>
EmailAccountApi. listAliasesInDomain(String domain)
Get the set of details about e-mail<EmailAccount>
EmailAccountApi. listDomain(String domain)
Get the set of detailed information about e-mail<String>
IpApi. listFree(int ipVersion, String datacenter, String platform)
Get a set of all IP addresses that are available and not used on any account or server.Set<DomainRecord>
DomainApi. listRecords(String domain)
Retrieve the DNS records for a given domainServerDetails
ServerApi. reboot(String id)
Reboot a serverIpDetails
IpApi. release(String ipAddress)
Return an unused IP address to the pool of free ips.IpDetails
IpApi. removeFromServer(String ipAddress, String serverId)
Remove an IP address from a server.IpDetails
IpApi. removeFromServerAndRelease(String ipAddress, String serverId)
Remove an IP address from a server and release it back to GleSYS pool of free ips.ServerDetails
ServerApi. resetPassword(String id, String password)
Reset the root password of a serverIpDetails
IpApi. resetPtr(String ipAddress)
Resets PTR data for an IP back to the default valueArchive
ArchiveApi. resize(String username, int size)
Resize an archive volume.IpDetails
IpApi. setPtr(String ipAddress, String ptr)
Sets PTR data for an IP.ServerDetails
ServerApi. start(String id)
Start a serverServerDetails
ServerApi. stop(String id)
Stop a serverIpDetails
IpApi. take(String ipAddress)
Take a free IP address and add it to this account.Domain
DomainApi. update(String domain, DomainOptions options)
Update a domain to the Glesys dns-systemEmailAccount
EmailAccountApi. update(String accountAddress, UpdateAccountOptions... options)
Adjust an e-mail account's settingsServerDetails
ServerApi. update(String serverid, UpdateServerOptions options)
Update the configuration of a serverEmailAlias
EmailAccountApi. updateAlias(String aliasAddress, String toEmailAddress)
Adjust (re-target) an e-mail aliasDomainRecord
DomainApi. updateRecord(String recordId, UpdateRecordOptions options)
Modify a specific DNS Record -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.gogrid.features
Methods in org.jclouds.gogrid.features with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description Server
GridServerApi. addServer(String name, String image, String ram, String ip, AddServerOptions... addServerOptions)
Adds a server with specified attributesServer
GridServerApi. deleteById(long id)
Deletes the server by IdServer
GridServerApi. deleteByName(String name)
Deletes the server by name; NOTE: Using this parameter may generate an error if one or more servers share a non-unique name.Server
GridServerApi. editServerDescription(long id, String newDescription)
Edits an existing serverServer
GridServerApi. editServerRam(long id, String ram)
Edits an existing serverServer
GridServerApi. editServerType(long id, String newType)
Edits an existing serverSet<Server>
GridServerApi. getServerList(GetServerListOptions... getServerListOptions)
Returns the list of all servers.Set<Server>
GridServerApi. getServersById(long... ids)
Returns the server(s) by unique id(s).Set<Server>
GridServerApi. getServersByName(String... names)
Returns the server(s) by unique name(s).Server
GridServerApi. power(String idOrName, PowerCommand power)
Changes the server's state according toPowerCommand
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.googlecloudstorage.features
Methods in org.jclouds.googlecloudstorage.features with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description List<BucketAccessControls>
BucketAccessControlsApi. listBucketAccessControls(String bucketName)
Retrieves all ACL entries on a specified bucketList<ObjectAccessControls>
DefaultObjectAccessControlsApi. listDefaultObjectAccessControls(String bucketName)
Retrieves ACL entries on a specified objectList<ObjectAccessControls>
ObjectAccessControlsApi. listObjectAccessControls(String bucketName, String objectName)
Retrieves acl entries on a specified objectList<ObjectAccessControls>
ObjectAccessControlsApi. listObjectAccessControls(String bucketName, String objectName, Long generation)
Retrieves acl entries on a specified object -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.openstack.cinder.v1.extensions
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.cinder.v1.extensions with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description<AvailabilityZone>
AvailabilityZoneApi. list()
Lists all availability zones -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.openstack.cinder.v1.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.cinder.v1.features with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description Snapshot
SnapshotApi. create(String volumeId, CreateSnapshotOptions... options)
Creates a new Snapshot.Volume
VolumeApi. create(int sizeGB, CreateVolumeOptions... options)
Creates a new VolumeSnapshot
SnapshotApi. get(String snapshotId)
Return data about the given Snapshot.Volume
VolumeApi. get(String volumeId)
Return data about the given Volume.VolumeType
VolumeTypeApi. get(String volumeTypeId)
Return data about the given VolumeType.VolumeQuota
QuotaApi. getByTenant(String tenantId)<? extends Snapshot>
SnapshotApi. list()
Returns a summary list of<? extends Volume>
VolumeApi. list()
Returns a summary list of<? extends VolumeType>
VolumeTypeApi. list()
Returns a summary list of<? extends Snapshot>
SnapshotApi. listInDetail()
Returns a detailed list of<? extends Volume>
VolumeApi. listInDetail()
Returns a detailed list of Volumes. -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.openstack.glance.v1_0.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.glance.v1_0.features with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description ImageDetails
ImageApi. create(String name, Payload payload, CreateImageOptions... options)
Creates a new imageImageDetails
ImageApi. reserve(String name, CreateImageOptions... options)
Reserves a new image to be uploaded laterImageDetails
ImageApi. update(String id, UpdateImageOptions... options)
Adjusts the metadata stored for an existing imageImageDetails
ImageApi. upload(String id, Payload imageData, UpdateImageOptions... options)
Uploads image data for a previously-reserved image -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v1_1
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v1_1 with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description Auth
AuthenticationClient. authenticate(String username, String key)
Authenticate to generate a token. -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0 with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description ApiMetadata
KeystoneApi. getApiMetadata()
Discover API version information, links to documentation (PDF, HTML, WADL), and supported media types -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.auth
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.auth with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description Access
V2AuthenticationApi. authenticateAccessKey(TenantOrDomainAndCredentials<ApiAccessKeyCredentials> credentials)
Authenticate to generate a token.Access
V2AuthenticationApi. authenticatePassword(TenantOrDomainAndCredentials<PasswordCredentials> credentials)
Authenticate to generate a token. -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.extensions
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.extensions with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description Role
RoleAdminApi. create(String name)
Creates a new RoleService
ServiceAdminApi. create(String name, String type, String description)
Creates a new ServiceTenant
TenantAdminApi. create(String name)
Creates a new tenantTenant
TenantAdminApi. create(String name, CreateTenantOptions options)
Creates a new tenantUser
UserAdminApi. create(String name, String password)
Creates a new userUser
UserAdminApi. create(String name, String password, CreateUserOptions options)
Creates a new userRole
RoleAdminApi. get(String roleId)
Gets the roleService
ServiceAdminApi. get(String serviceId)
Gets the<? extends Role>
RoleAdminApi. list()
Returns a summary list of roles.Tenant
TenantAdminApi. update(String id, UpdateTenantOptions options)
Updates a tenantUser
UserAdminApi. update(String id, UpdateUserOptions options)
Updates an user -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.features with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description Tenant
TenantApi. get(String tenantId)
Retrieve information about a tenant, by tenant IDToken
TokenApi. get(String token)
Validate a token and, if it is valid, return access information regarding the tenant (though not the service catalog)/User
UserApi. get(String userId)
Retrieve information about a user, by user IDTenant
TenantApi. getByName(String tenantName)
Retrieve information about a tenant, by tenant nameUser
UserApi. getByName(String userName)
Retrieve information about a user, by user nameUser
TokenApi. getUserOfToken(String token)
Validate a token and, if it is valid, return access information regarding the tenant (though not the service catalog)/Set<Endpoint>
TokenApi. listEndpointsForToken(String token)
List all endpoints for a tokenSet<Role>
UserApi. listRolesOfUser(String userId)
Retrieves the list of global roles associated with a specific user (excludes tenant roles).Set<Role>
UserApi. listRolesOfUserOnTenant(String userId, String tenantId)
List the roles a user has been granted on a specific tenantSet<Tenant>
ServiceApi. listTenants()
The operation returns a list of tenants which the current token provides access to. -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v3.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v3.features with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description Project
ProjectApi. create(String name, String description, boolean enabled, boolean isDomain, String domainId, String parentId)
RegionApi. create(String id, String description, String parentId)
UserApi. create(String name, String password, Boolean enabled, String domainId, String defaultProjectId)
CatalogApi. endpoints()
List all endpoints for a token.Token
AuthApi. get(String token)
Validate a token and, if it is valid, return access information regarding the tenant (though not the service catalog).Project
ProjectApi. get(String id)
RegionApi. get(String id)
UserApi. get(String id)
AuthApi. getUserOfToken(String token)
Validate a token and, if it is valid, return access information regarding the tenant (though not the service catalog).List<Project>
ProjectApi. list()
RegionApi. list()
UserApi. list()
UserApi. listGroups(String id)
UserApi. listProjects(String id)
ProjectApi. listTags(String projectId)
ProjectApi. update(String id, Project project)
RegionApi. update(String id, String description, String parentId)
UserApi. update(String id, String name, String password, Boolean enabled, String domainId, String defaultProjectId)
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.extensions
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.extensions with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description Firewall
FWaaSApi. create(CreateFirewall firewall)
Create a new firewallRouter
RouterApi. create(Router.CreateRouter router)
Create a new routerFirewallPolicy
FWaaSApi. createFirewallPolicy(CreateFirewallPolicy firewallPolicy)
FWaaSApi. createFirewallRule(CreateFirewallRule firewallRule)
FWaaSApi. get(String id)
Returns the details for a specific firewall.Router
RouterApi. get(String id)
Returns a Routers collection that should contain a single router with the id requested.FirewallPolicy
FWaaSApi. getFirewallPolicy(String id)
FWaaSApi. getFirewallRule(String firewallRuleId)
FWaaSApi. update(String id, UpdateFirewall updateFirewall)
Update a firewallRouter
RouterApi. update(String id, Router.UpdateRouter router)
Update a routerFirewallPolicy
FWaaSApi. updateFirewallPolicy(String id, UpdateFirewallPolicy updateFirewallPolicy)
FWaaSApi. updateFirewallRule(String id, UpdateFirewallRule updateFirewallRule)
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.extensions.lbaas.v1
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.extensions.lbaas.v1 with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description HealthMonitor
LBaaSApi. associateHealthMonitor(String poolId, String healthMonitorId)
Associate a HealthMonitor to a Pool.HealthMonitor
LBaaSApi. createHealthMonitor(HealthMonitor.CreateHealthMonitor healthMonitor)
Creates a new HealthMonitor.Member
LBaaSApi. createMember(Member.CreateMember member)
Creates a new Member.Pool
LBaaSApi. createPool(Pool.CreatePool pool)
Creates a new Pool.VIP
LBaaSApi. createVIP(VIP.CreateVIP vip)
Creates a new VIP.HealthMonitor
LBaaSApi. getHealthMonitor(String id)
Returns the details for a specific HealthMonitor.Member
LBaaSApi. getMember(String id)
Returns the details for a specific Member.Pool
LBaaSApi. getPool(String id)
Returns the details for a specific Pool.VIP
LBaaSApi. getVIP(String id)
Returns the details for a specific VIP.HealthMonitor
LBaaSApi. updateHealthMonitor(String id, HealthMonitor.UpdateHealthMonitor healthMonitor)
Update a HealthMonitor.Member
LBaaSApi. updateMember(String id, Member.UpdateMember member)
Update a Member.Pool
LBaaSApi. updatePool(String id, Pool.UpdatePool pool)
Update a Pool.VIP
LBaaSApi. updateVIP(String id, VIP.UpdateVIP vip)
Update a VIP. -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.features with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description FloatingIP
FloatingIPApi. create(FloatingIP.CreateFloatingIP createFloatingIP)
Creates a floating IP.Network
NetworkApi. create(Network.CreateNetwork network)
Create a new network with the specified typePort
PortApi. create(Port.CreatePort port)
Create a new port in the specified networkRule
SecurityGroupApi. create(Rule.CreateRule securityGroupRule)
Creates a new Security Group Rule.SecurityGroup
SecurityGroupApi. create(SecurityGroup.CreateSecurityGroup securityGroup)
Creates a new SecurityGroup.Subnet
SubnetApi. create(Subnet.CreateSubnet subnet)
Create a subnet within a specified<Network>
NetworkApi. createBulk(<Network.CreateNetwork> networks)
Create multiple<Port>
PortApi. createBulk(List<Port.CreatePort> ports)
Create multiple<Subnet>
SubnetApi. createBulk(List<Subnet.CreateSubnet> subnets)
Create multiple subnetsFloatingIP
FloatingIPApi. get(String id)
Returns the details for a specific floating IP.Network
NetworkApi. get(String id)
Return a specific networkPort
PortApi. get(String id)
Returns the specific portRule
SecurityGroupApi. get(String id)
SubnetApi. get(String id)
Returns the specific Subnet.SecurityGroup
SecurityGroupApi. getSecurityGroup(String id)
FloatingIPApi. update(String id, FloatingIP.UpdateFloatingIP updateFloatingIP)
Update a Floating IPNetwork
NetworkApi. update(String id, Network.UpdateNetwork network)
Update a networkPort
PortApi. update(String id, Port.UpdatePort port)
Update a portSubnet
SubnetApi. update(String id, Subnet.UpdateSubnet subnet)
Update a subnet -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.extensions
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.extensions with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description HostAggregate
HostAggregateApi. addHost(String id, String host)
Adds a host to an aggregateFloatingIP
FloatingIPApi. allocateFromPool(String pool)
Allocates a Floating IP address from a poolVolumeAttachment
VolumeAttachmentApi. attachVolumeToServerAsDevice(String volumeId, String serverId, String device)
Attaches a Volume to a Server.InterfaceAttachment
AttachInterfaceApi. create(String serverId, String portId)
Creates a new port interface and associate with the given portFloatingIP
FloatingIPApi. create()
Allocates a Floating IP addressKeyPair
KeyPairApi. create(String name)
Creates aKeyPair
VolumeApi. create(int sizeGB, CreateVolumeOptions... options)
Deprecated.Please useorg.jclouds.openstack.cinder.v1.features.VolumeApi#create(int, CreateVolumeOptions)
VolumeTypeApi. create(String name, CreateVolumeTypeOptions... options)
Creates a new volume typeHostAggregate
HostAggregateApi. createInAvailabilityZone(String name, String availabilityZone)
Creates an aggregate, given its name and availability zone.SecurityGroupRule
SecurityGroupApi. createRuleAllowingCidrBlock(String parentGroup, Ingress ip_protocol, String sourceCidr)
Create a Security Group Rule.SecurityGroupRule
SecurityGroupApi. createRuleAllowingSecurityGroupId(String parentGroup, Ingress ip_protocol, String groupId)
Create a Security Group Rule.VolumeSnapshot
VolumeApi. createSnapshot(String volumeId, CreateVolumeSnapshotOptions... options)
Deprecated.Please useorg.jclouds.openstack.cinder.v1.features.SnapshotApi#create(String, CreateVolumeSnapshotOptions)
SecurityGroupApi. createWithDescription(String name, String description)
Create a Security GroupKeyPair
KeyPairApi. createWithPublicKey(String name, String publicKey)
Creates aKeyPair
with a public key.InterfaceAttachment
AttachInterfaceApi. get(String serverId, String attachmentId)
Returns information about a specified port interface for given serverFloatingIP
FloatingIPApi. get(String id)
Gets a specific Floating IP addressHostAggregate
HostAggregateApi. get(String id)
Retrieves the details of an aggregate, hosts and metadata included.KeyPair
KeyPairApi. get(String name)
Gets a specificKeyPair
by name.SecurityGroup
SecurityGroupApi. get(String id)
Get a specific Security GroupServerWithSecurityGroups
ServerWithSecurityGroupsApi. get(String id)
Retrieve details of the specified server, including security groupsSimpleTenantUsage
SimpleTenantUsageApi. get(String tenantId)
Retrieve tenant_usage for a specified tenantVolume
VolumeApi. get(String volumeId)
Deprecated.Please useVolumeApi.get(String)
VolumeTypeApi. get(String id)
Gets a volume typeVolumeAttachment
VolumeAttachmentApi. getAttachmentForVolumeOnServer(String volumeId, String serverId)
Gets a specific Volume Attachment for a Volume and Server.Quota
QuotaApi. getByTenant(String tenantId)
ConsolesApi. getConsole(String serverId, Console.Type type)
Gets the specified server Console.Quota
QuotaApi. getDefaultsForTenant(String tenantId)
VolumeTypeApi. getExtraSpecs(String id)
Gets the extra specs for a volume typeMap<String,String>
FlavorExtraSpecsApi. getMetadata(String flavorId)
Retrieves all extra specs for a flavorVolumeSnapshot
VolumeApi. getSnapshot(String snapshotId)
Deprecated.Please useSnapshotApi.get(String)<InterfaceAttachment>
AttachInterfaceApi. list(String serverId)
Returns list of port interfaces for given<AvailabilityZone>
AvailabilityZoneApi. list()
Deprecated.Please useAvailabilityZoneApi.listAvailabilityZones()<FloatingIP>
FloatingIPApi. list()
Lists all Floating IP<? extends FloatingIPPool>
FloatingIPPoolApi. list()
Lists all Floating IP<Host>
HostAdministrationApi. list()
Returns the list of<HostAggregate>
HostAggregateApi. list()
Lists all host<Hypervisor>
HypervisorApi. list()<SecurityGroup>
SecurityGroupApi. list()
List all Security<SimpleTenantUsage>
SimpleTenantUsageApi. list()
Retrieve tenant usage for all<Volume>
VolumeApi. list()
Deprecated.Please useVolumeApi.list()<VolumeType>
VolumeTypeApi. list()<VolumeAttachment>
VolumeAttachmentApi. listAttachmentsOnServer(String serverId)
Lists Volume Attachments for a given<AvailabilityZone>
AvailabilityZoneApi. listAvailabilityZones()<AvailabilityZoneDetails>
AvailabilityZoneApi. listInDetail()<HypervisorDetails>
HypervisorApi. listInDetail()<Volume>
VolumeApi. listInDetail()
Deprecated.Please useVolumeApi.listInDetail()<VirtualInterface>
VirtualInterfaceApi. listOnServer(String serverId)
Returns the list of Virtual Interfaces for a given<HostResourceUsage>
HostAdministrationApi. listResourceUsage(String hostId)
Retrieves the physical/usage resource on a specific<VolumeSnapshot>
VolumeApi. listSnapshots()
Deprecated.Please useSnapshotApi.list()<VolumeSnapshot>
VolumeApi. listSnapshotsInDetail()
Deprecated.Please useSnapshotApi.listInDetail()
HostAggregateApi. removeHost(String id, String host)
Removes a host from an aggregateHostAggregate
HostAggregateApi. setMetadata(String id, Map<String,String> metadata)
Adds metadata to an aggregateHostAggregate
HostAggregateApi. updateAvailabilityZone(String id, String availabilityZone)
Updates the availability zone for an aggregate.HostAggregate
HostAggregateApi. updateName(String id, String name)
Updates the name of an aggregate. -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.features with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description Flavor
FlavorApi. get(String id)
List details of the specified flavorImage
ImageApi. get(String id)
List details of the specified imageServer
ServerApi. get(String id)
List details of the specified serverMap<String,String>
ImageApi. getMetadata(String id)
List all metadata for an image.Map<String,String>
ServerApi. getMetadata(String id)
List all metadata for a server.Set<PortInterface>
ServerApi. listPortInterfaces(String id)
Lists port interfaces that are attached to a server.Set<SecurityGroup>
ServerApi. listSecurityGroupForServer(String id)
Lists Security Groups for a server.Map<String,String>
ImageApi. setMetadata(String id, Map<String,String> metadata)
Sets the metadata for an image.Map<String,String>
ServerApi. setMetadata(String id, Map<String,String> metadata)
Set the metadata for a server.Map<String,String>
ImageApi. updateMetadata(String id, Map<String,String> metadata)
Update the metadata for a server.Map<String,String>
ServerApi. updateMetadata(String id, Map<String,String> metadata)
Update the metadata for a server. -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.openstack.trove.v1.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.trove.v1.features with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description Instance
InstanceApi. create(int flavor, int volumeSize, String name)
Same asInstanceApi.create(String, int, String)
but accept an integer Flavor ID.Instance
InstanceApi. create(String flavor, int volumeSize, String name)
Create a database instance by flavor type and volume size.Flavor
FlavorApi. get(int flavorId)
Returns a Flavor by id.Instance
InstanceApi. get(String instanceId)
Returns an Instance by id.User
UserApi. get(String name)
Returns a User by identifier.User
UserApi. get(String name, String hostname)
Returns a User by name and allowed host.boolean
InstanceApi. isRooted(String instanceId)
Checks to see if root is enabled for an<Flavor>
FlavorApi. list()
Returns a summary list of<Flavor>
FlavorApi. list(String accountId)
Returns a list of Flavors by Account ID (Tenant Id)<Instance>
InstanceApi. list()
Returns a summary list of<User>
UserApi. list()
This operation lists the users in the specified database instance. -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.openstack.v2_0.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.v2_0.features with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description Extension
ExtensionApi. get(String id)
Extensions may also be queried individually by their unique alias.Set<Extension>
ExtensionApi. list()
Lists all available extensions -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.rackspace.autoscale.v1.features
Methods in org.jclouds.rackspace.autoscale.v1.features with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description<Webhook>
WebhookApi. create(String name, Map<String,Object> metadata)
Create a<Webhook>
WebhookApi. create(List<CreateWebhook> webhooks)
Create webhooks.Webhook
WebhookApi. get(String id)
Get a webhook.GroupConfiguration
GroupApi. getGroupConfiguration(String id)
This operation gets the configuration for the scaling group.GroupState
GroupApi. getState(String id)
This operation gets the state of the Autoscaling<Webhook>
WebhookApi. list()
GroupApi. listGroupStates()
This operation lists all autoscaling groups. -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.rackspace.clouddns.v1.features
Methods in org.jclouds.rackspace.clouddns.v1.features with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description Limits
LimitApi. list()
Provides a list of all applicable limits.Iterable<String>
LimitApi. listTypes()
All applicable limit types. -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudidentity.v2_0
Methods in org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudidentity.v2_0 with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description Access
CloudIdentityAuthenticationApi. authenticateApiKey(TenantOrDomainAndCredentials<ApiKeyCredentials> credentials)
Authenticate to generate a token. -
Uses of SelectJson in org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudloadbalancers.v1.features
Methods in org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudloadbalancers.v1.features with annotations of type SelectJson Modifier and Type Method Description Set<Node>
NodeApi. add(Iterable<AddNode> addNodes)
Add a new node with the configuration defined by the request.HealthMonitor
HealthMonitorApi. get()
Get health monitor.SSLTermination
SSLTerminationApi. get()
Get SSL termination info.ConnectionThrottle
ConnectionApi. getConnectionThrottle()
Get connection throttle.Iterable<AccessRuleWithId>
AccessRuleApi. list()
List the AccessRules.Iterable<VirtualIPWithId>
VirtualIPApi. list()
List the virtual IPs.Iterable<Protocol>
ReportApi. listProtocols()
All load balancers must define the protocol of the service which is being load balanced.