Class ArgsToPagedIterable.FromCaller<T,I extends ArgsToPagedIterable.FromCaller<T,I>>

All Implemented Interfaces:<IterableWithMarker<T>,PagedIterable<T>>, Function<IterableWithMarker<T>,PagedIterable<T>>, InvocationContext<I>
Enclosing class:
ArgsToPagedIterable<T,I extends ArgsToPagedIterable<T,I>>

public abstract static class ArgsToPagedIterable.FromCaller<T,I extends ArgsToPagedIterable.FromCaller<T,I>> extends ArgsToPagedIterable<T,I>
Sometimes the arguments in the invoked method do not provide enough information to fetch the next page of the result set. This, for example, is common in APIs dealing with several endpoints.

This class provides a way to propagate the arguments passed to the caller of the method, so they can be used to fetch the next page of the result set. For example, in the call api.getUserApi(region).list(), the caller arg0 is the value of region, and the callee is UserApi.list()

See Also:
  • invalid reference
    function in openstack-glance for a usage example.