Interface NodeMetadata

All Superinterfaces:
Comparable<ResourceMetadata<ComputeType>>, ComputeMetadata, ComputeMetadataIncludingStatus<NodeMetadata.Status>, ResourceMetadata<ComputeType>
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface NodeMetadata extends ComputeMetadataIncludingStatus<NodeMetadata.Status>
  • Method Details

    • getHostname

      @Nullable String getHostname()


      hostname is something that is set in the operating system image, so this value, if present, cannot be guaranteed on images not directly controlled by the cloud provider.
      hostname of the node, or null if unknown
    • getGroup

      @Nullable String getGroup()
      Tag used for all resources that belong to the same logical group. run, destroy commands are scoped to group.
      group for this node, or null, if not a part of a group
    • getHardware

      @Nullable Hardware getHardware()
      The hardware this node is running, if possible to determine.
    • getImageId

      @Nullable String getImageId()
      The id of the image this node was created from, if possible to correlate.
    • getOperatingSystem

      @Nullable OperatingSystem getOperatingSystem()
      The operating system this node is running, if possible to determine.
    • getLoginPort

      int getLoginPort()
      the TCP port used for terminal connections. Generally, this is port 22 for ssh.
    • getCredentials

      @Nullable LoginCredentials getCredentials()
      If possible, these are returned upon all detail requests. However, it is often the case that credentials are only available when a node is initially created.
      See Also:
      • invalid reference
    • getPublicAddresses

      Set<String> getPublicAddresses()
      All public IP addresses, potentially including shared ips.
    • getPrivateAddresses

      Set<String> getPrivateAddresses()
      All private IP addresses.