Class TemplateOptions

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AzureTemplateOptions, CloudStackTemplateOptions, DigitalOcean2TemplateOptions, DockerTemplateOptions, EC2TemplateOptions, GleSYSTemplateOptions, GoGridTemplateOptions, GoogleComputeEngineTemplateOptions, NovaTemplateOptions, PacketTemplateOptions, SoftLayerTemplateOptions, TemplateOptions.ImmutableTemplateOptions

public class TemplateOptions extends RunScriptOptions implements Cloneable
Contains options supported in the ComputeService#createNodesInGroup operation.


The recommended way to instantiate a TemplateOptions object is to statically import TemplateOptions.* and invoke a static creation method followed by any/all desired instance mutators.

import static org.jclouds.compute.options.TemplateOptions.Builder.*;

ComputeService client = // get connection templateBuilder.options(inboundPorts(22, 80, 8080, 443)); Setinvalid input: '<'? extends NodeMetadata> set = client.createNodesInGroup(tag, 2,;

Note that options can only be assigned to a builder once, so if assigning e.g. inboundPorts and tags, that must be done in with mutators in a single call to options -- templateBuilder.options(inboundPorts(22, 80, 8080, 443).tags("I love it!")) -- not as repeated calls to options.