Class CreateNodesWithGroupEncodedIntoNameThenAddToSet

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ApplyNovaTemplateOptionsCreateNodesWithGroupEncodedIntoNameThenAddToSet, AssignDataCenterToTemplate, CreateKeyPairsThenCreateNodes, CreateNodesWithGroupEncodedIntoNameThenAddToSet, CreateResourcesThenCreateNodes, CreateSshKeysThenCreateNodes

@Singleton public class CreateNodesWithGroupEncodedIntoNameThenAddToSet extends Object implements CreateNodesInGroupThenAddToSet
creates futures that correlate to
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • execute

      public Map<?,<Void>> execute(String group, int count, Template template, Set<NodeMetadata> goodNodes, Map<NodeMetadata,Exception> badNodes,<NodeMetadata,CustomizationResponse> customizationResponses)
      This implementation gets a list of acceptable node names to encode the group into, then it simultaneously runs the nodes and applies options to them.
      Specified by:
      execute in interface CreateNodesInGroupThenAddToSet
    • createNodeInGroupWithNameAndTemplate

      protected<AtomicReference<NodeMetadata>> createNodeInGroupWithNameAndTemplate(String group, String name, Template template)
      This calls logic necessary to create a node and convert it from its provider-specific object to the jclouds NodeMetadata object. This call directly precedes customization, such as executing scripts.

      The outcome of this operation does not imply the node is
      invalid reference
      . If you want to insert logic after the node is created, yet before an attempt to customize the node, then append your behaviour to this method. ex. to attach an ip address post-creation
       protected ListenableFuture<AtomicReference<NodeMetadata>> createNodeInGroupWithNameAndTemplate(String group, String name,
                Template template) {
          ListenableFuture<AtomicReference<NodeMetadata>> future = super.addNodeIntoGroupWithNameAndTemplate(group, name, template);
          return Futures.compose(future, new Function<AtomicReference<NodeMetadata>, AtomicReference<NodeMetadata>>() {
             public AtomicReference<NodeMetadata> apply(AtomicReference<NodeMetadata> input) {
                NodeMetadata node = input.get();
                // allocate and attach an ip
                return input;
          }, executor);
      group - group the node belongs to
      name - generated name of the node
      template - user-specified template
      node that is created, yet not necessarily in
      invalid reference
    • getNextNames

      protected Set<String> getNextNames(String group, Template template, int count)
      Find the next node names that can be used. If the nodeNames template option is not specified or is empty, these will be derived from the group and the template. We will pre-allocate a specified quantity, and attempt to verify that there is no name conflict with the current service. If the nodeNames option is specified, names from that will be used instead, without any check for name conflicts. If there are insufficient names in nodeNames, subsequent names will be generated in the default format.
      group -
      template -
      count -