Interface PayloadSlicer

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PayloadSlicer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    slice(Payload input, long size)
    Returns an Iterable of Payload instances that are no larger than size bytes in length.
    slice(Payload input, long offset, long length)
    Returns a Payload that returns input streams from the an underlying payload, where each stream starts at the given offset and is limited to the specified number of bytes.
  • Method Details

    • slice

      Payload slice(Payload input, long offset, long length)
      Returns a Payload that returns input streams from the an underlying payload, where each stream starts at the given offset and is limited to the specified number of bytes.
      input - the payload from which to get the raw streams
      offset - the offset in bytes into the underlying stream where the returned streams will start
      length - the maximum length of the returned streams
      IllegalArgumentException - if offset or length are negative
    • slice

      Iterable<Payload> slice(Payload input, long size)
      Returns an Iterable of Payload instances that are no larger than size bytes in length.
      input - the Payload to be sliced
      size - the maximum size of each slice
      an Iterable of Payload instances