Interface LoadBalancerService

All Known Implementing Classes:

@Beta public interface LoadBalancerService
Provides portable access to load balancer services.
  • Method Details

    • listAssignableLocations

      Set<? extends Location> listAssignableLocations()
      The list locations command returns all the valid locations for load balancers. A location has a scope, which is typically region or zone. A region is a general area, like eu-west, where a zone is similar to a datacenter. If a location has a parent, that implies it is within that location. For example a location can be a rack, whose parent is likely to be a zone.
    • getContext

      a reference to the context that created this LoadBalancerService.
    • createLoadBalancerInLocation

      @Beta LoadBalancerMetadata createLoadBalancerInLocation(@Nullable Location location, String loadBalancerName, String protocol, int loadBalancerPort, int instancePort, Iterable<? extends NodeMetadata> nodes)
      location - null if default
      loadBalancerName - Load balancer name
      protocol - LoadBalancer transport protocol to use for routing - TCP or HTTP. This property cannot be modified for the life of the LoadBalancer.
      loadBalancerPort - The external TCP port of the LoadBalancer. Valid LoadBalancer ports are - 80, 443 and 1024 through 65535. This property cannot be modified for the life of the LoadBalancer.
      instancePort - The InstancePort data type is simple type of type: integer. It is the TCP port on which the server on the instance is listening. Valid instance ports are one (1) through 65535. This property cannot be modified for the life of the LoadBalancer.
      nodes - nodes to loadbalance
      See Also:
    • destroyLoadBalancer

      @Beta void destroyLoadBalancer(String id)
    • listLoadBalancers

      @Beta Set<? extends LoadBalancerMetadata> listLoadBalancers()
    • getLoadBalancerMetadata

      LoadBalancerMetadata getLoadBalancerMetadata(String id)