Class ClientCredentialsClaims


public abstract class ClientCredentialsClaims extends Object
Claims corresponding to a JWT Token for use when making a client_credentials grant request.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • iss

      public abstract String iss()
      The issuer of this token. In Azure, it is either the email address for the Active Directory account or the ID of the application set up as a Service Principal.
    • sub

      public abstract String sub()
      The subject of the JWT. For Azure, "sub" is typically equal to "iss".
    • aud

      public abstract String aud()
      The oauth audience, who this token is intended for. For instance in JWT and for Azure Resource Manager APIs, this maps to
    • exp

      public abstract long exp()
      The expiration time, in seconds since the epoch after which the JWT must not be accepted for processing.
    • nbf

      public abstract long nbf()
      The time before which the JWT must not be accepted for processing, in seconds since the epoch.
    • jti

      @Nullable public abstract String jti()
      "JWT ID", a unique identifier for the JWT.
    • create

      public static ClientCredentialsClaims create(String iss, String sub, String aud, long exp, long nbf, @Nullable String jti)