Interface NeutronApi

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable

@Path("v2.0") public interface NeutronApi extends Closeable
Provides access to the OpenStack Networking (Neutron) v2 API. The service-side API will always have a v2.0 in the path. However, the endpoint will sometimes contain a v2.0 and sometimes it will not. The @Path annotation here ensures the path is always added. The VersionAwareRegionToEndpoint ensures that the endpoint will always look the same. Cannot leave labs until fixed: TODO:
  • Method Details

    • getConfiguredRegions

      @Provides Set<String> getConfiguredRegions()
      the Region codes configured
    • getExtensionApi

      ExtensionApi getExtensionApi(String region)
      Provides access to Extension features.
    • getNetworkApi

      NetworkApi getNetworkApi(String region)
      Provides access to Network features.
    • getSubnetApi

      SubnetApi getSubnetApi(String region)
      Provides access to Subnet features.
    • getPortApi

      PortApi getPortApi(String region)
      Provides access to Port features.
    • getSecurityGroupApi

      SecurityGroupApi getSecurityGroupApi(String region)
      Provides access to SecurityGroup features.
    • getFloatingIPApi

      FloatingIPApi getFloatingIPApi(String region)
      Provides access to Floating IP features.
    • getRouterApi<RouterApi> getRouterApi(String region)
      Provides access to Router features.


      This API is an extension that may or may not be present in your OpenStack cloud. Use the Optional return type to determine if it is present.
    • getLBaaSApi<LBaaSApi> getLBaaSApi(String region)
      Provides access to LBaaS features.


      This API is an extension that may or may not be present in your OpenStack cloud. Use the Optional return type to determine if it is present.
    • getFWaaSApi<FWaaSApi> getFWaaSApi(String region)
      Provides access to FWaaS features.


      This API is an extension that may or may not be present in your OpenStack cloud. Use the Optional return type to determine if it is present.