Class Port.CreatePort
- Enclosing class:
Create and Update options - extend the domain class, passed to API update and create calls.
Essentially the same as the domain class. Ensure validation and safe typing.
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.domain.Port
Port.CreateBuilder, Port.CreatePort, Port.UpdateBuilder, Port.UpdatePort
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.domain.Port
createBuilder, equals, getAdminStateUp, getAllowedAddressPairs, getDeviceId, getDeviceOwner, getExtraDhcpOptions, getFixedIps, getHostId, getId, getMacAddress, getMacLearning, getName, getNetworkId, getPortSecurity, getProfile, getProfileId, getQosQueueId, getQosRxtxFactor, getSecurityGroups, getStatus, getTenantId, getVifDetails, getVifType, getVnicType, hashCode, toString, updateBuilder