Class ListCDNContainerOptions

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ListCDNContainerOptions extends BaseHttpRequestOptions
Options for listing containers.
  • Constructor Details

    • ListCDNContainerOptions

      public ListCDNContainerOptions()
  • Method Details

    • limit

      public ListCDNContainerOptions limit(int limit)
      For an integer value n, limits the number of results to n.
    • marker

      public ListCDNContainerOptions marker(String marker)
      Given a string value x, returns container names greater in value than the specified marker. Only strings using UTF-8 encoding are valid. Using marker provides a mechanism for iterating through the entire list of containers.
    • endMarker

      public ListCDNContainerOptions endMarker(String endMarker)
      Given a string value x, returns container names lesser in value than the specified end marker. Only strings using UTF-8 encoding are valid.