Class SSLTermination.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static class SSLTermination.Builder extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder()
  • Method Details

    • enabled

      public SSLTermination.Builder enabled(boolean enabled)
      Required. Determines if the load balancer is enabled to terminate SSL traffic.

      If enabled = false, the load balancer will retain its specified SSL attributes, but will not terminate SSL traffic.
    • secureTrafficOnly

      public SSLTermination.Builder secureTrafficOnly(boolean secureTrafficOnly)
      Required. Determines if the load balancer may accept only secure traffic.

      If secureTrafficOnly = true, the load balancer will not accept non-secure traffic.
    • securePort

      public SSLTermination.Builder securePort(int securePort)
      Required. The port on which the SSL termination load balancer will listen for secure traffic.

      The securePort must be unique to the existing LB protocol/port combination. For example, port 443.
    • certificate

      public SSLTermination.Builder certificate(String certificate)
      Required. The certificate used for SSL termination.

      The certificate is validated and verified against the key and intermediate certificate if provided.

      All requests to SSL termination require the key/certificates to be in "proper" format, meaning that all raw line feed characters should be wrapped in a newline character. So if the user pastes in the key from a mykey.key file, it will not properly handle the field. For example, use string.replaceAll("\n", "\\n").
    • privatekey

      public SSLTermination.Builder privatekey(String privateKey)
      Required. The private key for the SSL certificate.

      The private key is validated and verified against the provided certificate(s).
      See Also:
      • invalid reference
    • intermediateCertificate

      public SSLTermination.Builder intermediateCertificate(String intermediateCertificate)
      Optional only when configuring Intermediate SSL Termination. The user's intermediate certificate used for SSL termination.

      The intermediate certificate is validated and verified against the key and certificate credentials provided.

      A user may only provide an intermediateCertificate when accompanied by a certificate, private key, and securePort. It may not be added to an existing SSL configuration as a single attribute in a future request.
      See Also:
      • invalid reference
    • build

      public SSLTermination build()
    • from