Class InvalidateSessionAndRetryOn401AndLogoutOnClose

All Implemented Interfaces:
HttpRetryHandler, IOExceptionRetryHandler

public class InvalidateSessionAndRetryOn401AndLogoutOnClose extends BackoffLimitedRetryHandler
This will parse and set an appropriate exception on the command object.
  • Constructor Details

    • InvalidateSessionAndRetryOn401AndLogoutOnClose

      @Inject protected InvalidateSessionAndRetryOn401AndLogoutOnClose(<Credentials,LoginResponse> authenticationResponseCache, SessionApi sessionClient)
  • Method Details

    • shouldRetryRequest

      public boolean shouldRetryRequest(HttpCommand command, HttpResponse response)
      Description copied from interface: HttpRetryHandler
      Return true if the command should be retried. This method should only be invoked when the response has failed with a HTTP 5xx error indicating a server-side error.
      Specified by:
      shouldRetryRequest in interface HttpRetryHandler
      shouldRetryRequest in class BackoffLimitedRetryHandler
    • logoutOnClose

      @PreDestroy public void logoutOnClose()
      it is important that we close any sessions on close to help the server not become overloaded.