Class IpPermission

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
IpPermissions, IpPermissions

@Beta public class IpPermission extends Object implements Comparable<IpPermission>
Ingress access to a destination protocol on particular ports by source, which could be an ip range (cidrblock), set of explicit security group ids in the current tenant, or security group names in another tenant.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • builder

      public static IpPermission.Builder builder()
    • getIpProtocol

      public IpProtocol getIpProtocol()
      destination IP protocol
    • getFromPort

      public int getFromPort()
      Start of destination port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type number. An ICMP type number of -1 indicates a wildcard (i.e., any ICMP type number).
    • getToPort

      public int getToPort()
      End of destination port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP code. An ICMP code of -1 indicates a wildcard (i.e., any ICMP code).
    • getTenantIdGroupNamePairs

      public<String,String> getTenantIdGroupNamePairs()
      source of traffic allowed is on basis of another group in a tenant, as opposed to by cidr
    • getGroupIds

      public Set<String> getGroupIds()
      source of traffic allowed is on basis of another groupid in the same tenant
    • getCidrBlocks

      public Set<String> getCidrBlocks()
      source of traffic is a cidrRange
    • getExclusionCidrBlocks

      @Beta public Set<String> getExclusionCidrBlocks()
      Traffic whose source matches any of these CIDR blocks will be blocked
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(IpPermission that)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<IpPermission>
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • string

      protected string()