Uses of Class
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.atmos
Methods in org.jclouds.atmos with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description URI
AtmosClient. createFile(String parent, AtmosObject object, PutOptions... options)
AtmosClient. getSystemMetadata(String path)
AtmosClient. getUserMetadata(String path)
AtmosClient. headFile(String path)
AtmosClient. isPublic(String path)
BoundedSet<? extends DirectoryEntry>
AtmosClient. listDirectories(ListOptions... options)
BoundedSet<? extends DirectoryEntry>
AtmosClient. listDirectory(String directoryName, ListOptions... options)
AtmosClient. readFile(String path, GetOptions... options)
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.azureblob
Methods in org.jclouds.azureblob with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description String
AzureBlobClient. copyBlob(URI copySource, String toContainer, String toName, CopyBlobOptions options)
AzureBlobClient. getBlob(String container, String name, GetOptions... options)
The Get Blob operation reads or downloads a blob from the system, including its metadata and properties.BlobProperties
AzureBlobClient. getBlobProperties(String container, String name)
The Get Blob Properties operation returns all user-defined metadata, standard HTTP properties, and system properties for the blob.ContainerProperties
AzureBlobClient. getContainerProperties(String container)
The Get Container Properties operation returns all user-defined metadata and system properties for the specified container.PublicAccess
AzureBlobClient. getPublicAccessForContainer(String container)
Returns whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and the level of accessString
AzureBlobClient. putBlob(String container, AzureBlob object)
The Put Blob operation creates a new blob or updates the content of an existing blob.String
AzureBlobClient. putBlockList(String container, String name, List<String> blockIdList) putBlockList(String, AzureBlob, List<String>) insteadString
AzureBlobClient. putBlockList(String container, AzureBlob object, List<String> blockIdList)
The Put Block List assembles a list of blocks previously uploaded with Put Block into a single blob.String
AzureBlobClient. setBlobMetadata(String container, String name, Map<String,String> metadata)
AzureBlobClient. setBlobProperties(String container, String name, ContentMetadata contentMetadata)
AzureBlobClient. setPublicAccessForContainer(String container, PublicAccess access)
Returns whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and the level of access -
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm.features
Methods in org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm.features with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description URI
VirtualMachineApi. capture(String name, String vhdPrefix, String destinationContainerName)
Capture the virtual machine image destinationContainerName: the name of the folder created under the "system" container in the storage account Folder structure: Microsoft.Computer > Images > destinationContainerName Within the folder, there will be 1 page blob for the osDisk vhd and 1 block blob for the vmTemplate json fileURI
StorageAccountApi. create(String storageAccountName, String location, Map<String,String> tags, Map<String,String> properties)
The Create Storage Account asynchronous operation creates a new storage account in Microsoft Azure.URI
AvailabilitySetApi. delete(String name)
DeploymentApi. delete(String deploymentname)
The Delete Template Deployment operation starts the process of an ARM Template removal.URI
DiskApi. delete(String diskName)
ImageApi. delete(String imageName)
LoadBalancerApi. delete(String lbName)
LocalNetworkGatewayApi. delete(String name)
NetworkInterfaceCardApi. delete(String networkinterfacecardname)
NetworkSecurityGroupApi. delete(String nsgName)
NetworkSecurityRuleApi. delete(String ruleName)
PublicIPAddressApi. delete(String publicipaddressname)
ResourceGroupApi. delete(String name)
StorageAccountApi. delete(String storageAccountName) DELETEboolean
SubnetApi. delete(String subnetname)
VirtualMachineApi. delete(String name)
VirtualMachineScaleSetApi. delete(String name)
VirtualNetworkApi. delete(String virtualnetworkname)
VirtualNetworkGatewayApi. delete(String name)
VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionApi. delete(String name)
JobApi. jobStatus(URI jobURI)
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.b2.features
Methods in org.jclouds.b2.features with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description B2Object
ObjectApi. downloadFileById(String fileId)
ObjectApi. downloadFileById(String fileId, GetOptions options)
ObjectApi. downloadFileByName(String bucketName, String fileName)
ObjectApi. downloadFileByName(String bucketName, String fileName, GetOptions options)
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.chef
Methods in org.jclouds.chef with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description CookbookDefinition
ChefApi. getCookbookInEnvironment(String environmentName, String cookbookName)
Gets the definition of the cookbook in the given environment.CookbookDefinition
ChefApi. getCookbookInEnvironment(String environmentName, String cookbookName, String numVersions)
Gets the definition of the cookbook in the given environment.Set<String>
ChefApi. listClients()
Lists the names of the existing clients.Set<String>
ChefApi. listCookbooks()
Lists the names of the existing cookbooks.Set<CookbookDefinition>
ChefApi. listCookbooksInEnvironment(String environmentName)
Lists the cookbooks that are available in the given environment.Set<CookbookDefinition>
ChefApi. listCookbooksInEnvironment(String environmentName, String numVersions)
Lists the cookbooks that are available in the given environment, limiting the number of versions returned for each cookbook.Set<String>
ChefApi. listDatabagItems(String databagName)
Lists the names of the items in a data bag.Set<String>
ChefApi. listDatabags()
Lists the names of the existing data bags.Set<String>
ChefApi. listEnvironments()
Lists the names of the existing environments.Set<String>
ChefApi. listNodes()
Lists the names of the existing nodes.Set<String>
ChefApi. listNodesInEnvironment(String environmentName)
Lists the names of the nodes in the given environment.Set<String>
ChefApi. listRoles()
Lists the names of the existing roles.Set<String>
ChefApi. listSearchIndexes()
Lists the names of the available search indexes.Set<String>
ChefApi. listVersionsOfCookbook(String cookbookName)
Lists the available versions of the given cookbook.SearchResult<? extends Client>
ChefApi. searchClients()
Searches all clients.SearchResult<? extends Client>
ChefApi. searchClients(SearchOptions options)
Searches all clients that match the given options.SearchResult<? extends DatabagItem>
ChefApi. searchDatabagItems(String databagName)
Searches all items in a data bag.SearchResult<? extends DatabagItem>
ChefApi. searchDatabagItems(String databagName, SearchOptions options)
Searches all items in a data bag that match the given options.SearchResult<? extends Environment>
ChefApi. searchEnvironments()
Searches all environments.SearchResult<? extends Environment>
ChefApi. searchEnvironments(SearchOptions options)
Searches all environments that match the given options.SearchResult<? extends Node>
ChefApi. searchNodes()
Searches all nodes.SearchResult<? extends Node>
ChefApi. searchNodes(SearchOptions options)
Searches all nodes that match the given options.SearchResult<? extends Role>
ChefApi. searchRoles()
Searches all roles.SearchResult<? extends Role>
ChefApi. searchRoles(SearchOptions options)
Searches all roles that match the given options. -
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.chef.features
Methods in org.jclouds.chef.features with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description Set<String>
OrganizationApi. listGroups()
List all existing groups. -
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.cloudstack.features
Methods in org.jclouds.cloudstack.features with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description <T> AsyncJob<T>
AsyncJobApi. getAsyncJob(String id)
get a specific asyncJob by idMap.Entry<String,String>
GuestOSApi. getOSCategory(String id)
get a specific os category by idSet<AsyncJob<?>>
AsyncJobApi. listAsyncJobs(ListAsyncJobsOptions... options)
Lists asyncJobsSet<String>
EventApi. listEventTypes()
List Event TypesSet<String>
HypervisorApi. listHypervisors()
HypervisorApi. listHypervisorsInZone(String zoneId)
GuestOSApi. listOSCategories()
Lists all supported OS categories for this cloud.LoginResponse
SessionApi. loginUserInDomainWithHashOfPassword(String userName, String domain, String hashedPassword)
Logs a user into Cloudstack. -
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.digitalocean2.features
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.dynect.v3.features
Methods in org.jclouds.dynect.v3.features with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description<RecordId>
RecordApi. list()
Retrieves a list of resource record ids for all records of any type in the given<RecordId>
RecordApi. listByFQDN(String fqdn)
Retrieves a list of resource record ids for all records of the fqdn in the given<RecordId>
RecordApi. listByFQDNAndType(String fqdn, String type)
Retrieves a list of resource record ids for all records of the fqdn and type in the given zone -
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.elasticstack
Methods in org.jclouds.elasticstack with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description ServerInfo
ElasticStackApi. createAndStartServer(Server createServer)
create and start a new serverDriveInfo
ElasticStackApi. createDrive(Drive createDrive)
create a new driveServerInfo
ElasticStackApi. createServer(Server createServer)
create a new serverDriveInfo
ElasticStackApi. getDriveInfo(String uuid)
ElasticStackApi. getServerInfo(String uuid)
ElasticStackApi. listDriveInfo()
Get all drives infoSet<String>
ElasticStackApi. listDrives()
list of drive uuids in your accountSet<ServerInfo>
ElasticStackApi. listServerInfo()
Get all servers infoSet<String>
ElasticStackApi. listServers()
list of server uuids in your accountSet<StandardDrive>
ElasticStackApi. listStandardDriveInfo()
Gets information about all standard drivesSet<String>
ElasticStackApi. listStandardDrives()
Lists standard drive UUIDs in your accountPayload
ElasticStackApi. readDrive(String uuid, long offset, long size)
Read binary data from a driveDriveInfo
ElasticStackApi. setDriveData(String uuid, DriveData setDrive)
set extra drive dataServerInfo
ElasticStackApi. setServerConfiguration(String uuid, Server setServer)
set server configuration -
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.glesys.features
Methods in org.jclouds.glesys.features with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description<OSTemplate>
ServerApi. listTemplates()
Get information about valid arguments to #createServer for each platform -
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.gogrid.features
Methods in org.jclouds.gogrid.features with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description LoadBalancer
GridLoadBalancerApi. addLoadBalancer(String name, IpPortPair virtualIp, List<IpPortPair> realIps, AddLoadBalancerOptions... options)
Creates a load balancer with given properties.ServerImage
GridImageApi. deleteById(long id)
Deletes an existing imageLoadBalancer
GridLoadBalancerApi. deleteById(Long id)
Deletes the load balancer by IdLoadBalancer
GridLoadBalancerApi. deleteByName(String name)
Deletes the load balancer by name; NOTE: Using this parameter may generate an error if one or more load balancers share a non-unique name.ServerImage
GridImageApi. editImageDescription(String idOrName, String newDescription)
Edits an existing imageServerImage
GridImageApi. editImageFriendlyName(String idOrName, String newFriendlyName)
Edits an existing imageLoadBalancer
GridLoadBalancerApi. editLoadBalancer(long id, List<IpPortPair> realIps)
Edits the existing load balancer to change the real IP mapping.LoadBalancer
GridLoadBalancerApi. editLoadBalancerNamed(String name, List<IpPortPair> realIps)
Edits the existing load balancer to change the real IP mapping.Set<Ip>
GridIpApi. getAssignedIpList()
Returns the list of assigned IPs NOTE: this returns both public and private IPs!Set<Option>
GridImageApi. getDatacenters()
Retrieves the list of supported Datacenters to save images in.Set<Option>
GridIpApi. getDatacenters()
Retrieves the list of supported Datacenters to retrieve ips from.Set<Option>
GridLoadBalancerApi. getDatacenters()
Retrieves the list of supported Datacenters to launch servers into.Set<Option>
GridServerApi. getDatacenters()
Retrieves the list of supported Datacenters to launch servers into.Set<ServerImage>
GridImageApi. getImageList(GetImageListOptions... options)
Returns all server images.Set<ServerImage>
GridImageApi. getImagesById(Long... ids)
Returns images, found by specified idsSet<ServerImage>
GridImageApi. getImagesByName(String... names)
Returns images, found by specified namesSet<Ip>
GridIpApi. getIpList(GetIpListOptions... options)
Returns all IPs in the system that match the optionsSet<Job>
GridJobApi. getJobList(GetJobListOptions... options)
Returns all jobs found.Set<Job>
GridJobApi. getJobsById(long... ids)
Returns jobs for the corresponding id(s).Set<Job>
GridJobApi. getJobsForObjectName(String objectName)
Returns jobs found for an object with a provided name.Set<LoadBalancer>
GridLoadBalancerApi. getLoadBalancerList()
Returns all load balancers found for the current user.Set<LoadBalancer>
GridLoadBalancerApi. getLoadBalancersById(Long... ids)
Returns the load balancer(s) by unique id(s).Set<LoadBalancer>
GridLoadBalancerApi. getLoadBalancersByName(String... names)
Returns the load balancer(s) by unique name(s).Set<Option>
GridServerApi. getRamSizes()
Retrieves the list of supported RAM configurations.Credentials
GridServerApi. getServerCredentials(long id)
GridServerApi. getServerCredentialsList()
Returns a map of running servers' names to the log in credentials.Set<Option>
GridServerApi. getTypes()
Retrieves the list of supported server types, for example Web/App Server and Database Server.Set<Ip>
GridIpApi. getUnassignedIpList()
Returns the list of unassigned IPs.Set<Ip>
GridIpApi. getUnassignedPublicIpList()
Returns the list of unassigned public IPs.ServerImage
GridImageApi. saveImageFromServer(String friendlyName, String idOrName, SaveImageOptions... options)
This call will save a private (visible to only you) server image to your library of available images. -
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.googlecloudstorage.features
Methods in org.jclouds.googlecloudstorage.features with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description ResumableUpload
ResumableUploadApi. checkStatus(String bucketName, String uploadId, String contentRange)
Check the status of a resumable uploadResumableUpload
ResumableUploadApi. chunkUpload(String bucketName, String uploadId, String contentType, Long contentLength, String contentRange, Payload payload)
Facilitate to use resumable upload operation to upload files in chunksPayloadEnclosing
ObjectApi. download(String bucketName, String objectName)
Retrieve an object or their metadataPayloadEnclosing
ObjectApi. download(String bucketName, String objectName, HttpRequestOptions options)
Retrieves objectsResumableUpload
ResumableUploadApi. initResumableUpload(String bucketName, String contentType, Long contentLength, ObjectTemplate metadata)
initiate a Resumable Upload SessionResumableUpload
ResumableUploadApi. initResumableUpload(String bucketName, String objectName, String contentType, String contentLength)
initiate a Resumable Upload SessionResumableUpload
ResumableUploadApi. upload(String bucketName, String uploadId, String contentType, String contentLength, Payload payload)
Stores a new object -
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.openstack.glance.v1_0.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.glance.v1_0.features with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description ImageDetails
ImageApi. get(String id)
Returns metadata about an image with idPagedIterable<Image>
ImageApi. list()
Lists all images (IDs, names, links)PaginatedCollection<Image>
ImageApi. list(ListImageOptions options)
ImageApi. listInDetail()
Lists all images (all details)PaginatedCollection<ImageDetails>
ImageApi. listInDetail(ListImageOptions options)
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.openstack.internal
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.internal with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description AuthenticationResponse
OpenStackAuthClient. authenticate(String user, String key)
OpenStackAuthClient. authenticateStorage(String user, String key)
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.extensions
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.extensions with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description PagedIterable<Service>
ServiceAdminApi. list()
Retrieve the list of servicesPaginatedCollection<Service>
ServiceAdminApi. list(PaginationOptions options)
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.features with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description PagedIterable<Tenant>
TenantApi. list()
The operation returns a list of tenants which the current token provides access to.PaginatedCollection<Tenant>
TenantApi. list(PaginationOptions options)
UserApi. list()
Retrieve the list of usersPaginatedCollection<User>
UserApi. list(PaginationOptions options)
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v3.auth
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v3.auth with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description Token
V3AuthenticationApi. authenticatePassword(TenantOrDomainAndCredentials<PasswordCredentials> credentials)
V3AuthenticationApi. authenticateToken(TenantOrDomainAndCredentials<TokenCredentials> credentials)
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.openstack.marconi.v1.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.marconi.v1.features with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description List<Message>
ClaimApi. claim(int ttl, int grace, int limit)
This operation claims a set of messages (up to the value of the limit parameter) from oldest to newest and skips any messages that are already claimed.MessagesCreated
MessageApi. create(List<CreateMessage> messages)
Create message(s) on a queue.Claim
ClaimApi. get(String claimId)
Gets a specific claim and the associated messages.Message
MessageApi. get(String id)
Gets a specific message.QueueStats
QueueApi. getStats(String name)
Gets stats for the specified queue.List<Message>
MessageApi. list(Iterable<String> ids)
Lists specific messages.PagedIterable<Queue>
QueueApi. list(boolean detailed)
Lists the queues.Queues
QueueApi. list(ListQueuesOptions options)
Use this method to manually page through the list of queues.MessageStream
MessageApi. stream(StreamMessagesOptions... options)
Streams the messages off of a queue. -
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.extensions
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.extensions with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description PagedIterable<Firewall>
FWaaSApi. list()
Returns the list of all routers currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant.PaginatedCollection<Firewall>
FWaaSApi. list(PaginationOptions options)
RouterApi. list()
Returns the list of all routers currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant.Routers
RouterApi. list(PaginationOptions options)
FWaaSApi. listFirewallPolicies()
FWaaSApi. listFirewallPolicies(PaginationOptions options)
FWaaSApi. listFirewallRules()
FWaaSApi. listFirewallRules(PaginationOptions options)
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.extensions.lbaas.v1
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.extensions.lbaas.v1 with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description PagedIterable<HealthMonitor>
LBaaSApi. listHealthMonitors()
Returns a list of HealthMonitors to which the tenant has access.HealthMonitors
LBaaSApi. listHealthMonitors(PaginationOptions options)
LBaaSApi. listMembers()
Returns a list of Members to which the tenant has access.Members
LBaaSApi. listMembers(PaginationOptions options)
LBaaSApi. listPools()
Returns a list of Pools to which the tenant has access.Pools
LBaaSApi. listPools(PaginationOptions options)
LBaaSApi. listVIPs()
Returns a list of VIPs to which the tenant has access.VIPs
LBaaSApi. listVIPs(PaginationOptions options)
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.features with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description PagedIterable<FloatingIP>
FloatingIPApi. list()
Returns a list of floating IPs to which the tenant has access.FloatingIPs
FloatingIPApi. list(PaginationOptions options)
NetworkApi. list()
Returns all networks currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant.Networks
NetworkApi. list(PaginationOptions options)
PortApi. list()
Returns the list of all ports currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant.Ports
PortApi. list(PaginationOptions options)
SubnetApi. list()
Returns the list of all subnets currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant.Subnets
SubnetApi. list(PaginationOptions options)
SecurityGroupApi. listRules()
SecurityGroupApi. listRules(PaginationOptions options)
SecurityGroupApi. listSecurityGroups()
SecurityGroupApi. listSecurityGroups(PaginationOptions options)
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.extensions
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.extensions with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description String
ServerAdminApi. createBackup(String id, String imageName, BackupType backupType, int rotation, CreateBackupOfServerOptions... options)
Create backup of a server.boolean
HostAdministrationApi. disable(String hostId)
Prevent the specified host from accepting new instances.boolean
HostAdministrationApi. enable(String hostId)
Allow the specified host to accept new<KeyPair>
KeyPairApi. list()
Lists all Key Pairs.boolean
HostAdministrationApi. reboot(String hostId)
Reboot a host.boolean
HostAdministrationApi. shutdown(String hostId)
Shutdown a host.boolean
HostAdministrationApi. startMaintenance(String hostId)
Start host maintenance window.boolean
HostAdministrationApi. startup(String hostId)
Startup a host.boolean
HostAdministrationApi. stopMaintenance(String hostId)
Stop host maintenance window. -
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.features with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description String
ServerApi. createImageFromServer(String name, String id)
Create an image from a<Map<String,String>>
ServerApi. getDiagnostics(String id)
Get usage information about the server such as CPU usage, Memory and IO.String
ImageApi. getMetadata(String id, String key)
Update the metadata for an image.String
ServerApi. getMetadata(String id, String key)
Update the metadata for a server.PagedIterable<Resource>
FlavorApi. list()
List all flavors (IDs, names, links)PaginatedCollection<Resource>
FlavorApi. list(PaginationOptions options)
ImageApi. list()
List all images (IDs, names, links)PaginatedCollection<Resource>
ImageApi. list(PaginationOptions options)
ServerApi. list()
List all servers (IDs, names, links)PaginatedCollection<Resource>
ServerApi. list(PaginationOptions options)
FlavorApi. listInDetail()
List all flavors (all details)PaginatedCollection<Flavor>
FlavorApi. listInDetail(PaginationOptions options)
ImageApi. listInDetail()
List all images (all details)PaginatedCollection<Image>
ImageApi. listInDetail(PaginationOptions options)
ServerApi. listInDetail()
List all servers (all details)PaginatedCollection<Server>
ServerApi. listInDetail(PaginationOptions options)
ImageApi. updateMetadata(String id, String key, String value)
Set a metadata item for an image.String
ServerApi. updateMetadata(String id, String key, String value)
Set a metadata item for a server. -
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.openstack.swift.v1.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.swift.v1.features with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
ContainerApi. create(String containerName)
Creates a container, if not already present.boolean
ContainerApi. create(String containerName, CreateContainerOptions options)
Creates a container, if not already present.Account
AccountApi. get()
Gets theAccount
ContainerApi. get(String containerName)
Gets theContainer
ObjectApi. get(String objectName)
Gets theSwiftObject
including itsbody
ObjectApi. get(String objectName, GetOptions options)
Gets theSwiftObject
including itsbody
ObjectApi. getWithoutBody(String objectName)
Gets theSwiftObject
metadata without itsbody
ObjectApi. list()
Lists up to 10,000 objects.ObjectList
ObjectApi. list(ListContainerOptions options)
Lists up to 10,000 objects.String
ObjectApi. put(String objectName, Payload payload)
Creates or updates aSwiftObject
ObjectApi. put(String objectName, Payload payload, PutOptions options)
Creates or updates aSwiftObject
DynamicLargeObjectApi. putManifest(String objectName, Map<String,String> metadata)
DynamicLargeObjectApi. putManifest(String objectName, Map<String,String> metadata, Map<String,String> headers)
StaticLargeObjectApi. replaceManifest(String objectName, List<Segment> segments, Map<String,String> metadata)
Creates or updates a static large object's manifest.String
StaticLargeObjectApi. replaceManifest(String objectName, List<Segment> segments, Map<String,String> metadata, Map<String,String> headers)
Creates or updates a static large object's manifest. -
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.openstack.trove.v1.features
Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.trove.v1.features with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description String
InstanceApi. enableRoot(String instanceId)
Enables root for an<String>
UserApi. getDatabaseList(String userName)
This operation shows a list of all databases to which a user has<String>
DatabaseApi. list()
This operation lists the databases for the specified database instance. -
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.packet.features
Methods in org.jclouds.packet.features with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description PagedIterable<Device>
DeviceApi. list()
DeviceApi. list(ListOptions options)
FacilityApi. list()
FacilityApi. list(ListOptions options)
OperatingSystemApi. list()
OperatingSystemApi. list(ListOptions options)
PlanApi. list()
PlanApi. list(ListOptions options)
ProjectApi. list()
ProjectApi. list(ListOptions options)
SshKeyApi. list()
SshKeyApi. list(ListOptions options)
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.rackspace.autoscale.v1.features
Methods in org.jclouds.rackspace.autoscale.v1.features with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description Group
GroupApi. create(GroupConfiguration groupConfiguration, LaunchConfiguration launchConfiguration, List<CreateScalingPolicy> scalingPolicies)
Create a scaling<ScalingPolicy>
PolicyApi. create(List<CreateScalingPolicy> scalingPolicies)
Create a scaling policy.Group
GroupApi. get(String id)
This operation gets group details for a groupScalingPolicy
PolicyApi. get(String scalingPolicyId)
This operation returns the details for a single scaling policy.LaunchConfiguration
GroupApi. getLaunchConfiguration(String id)
This operation gets the launch configuration for the scaling<ScalingPolicy>
PolicyApi. list()
This operation lists all scaling policies. -
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.rackspace.clouddns.v1
Methods in org.jclouds.rackspace.clouddns.v1 with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description <T> Job<T>
CloudDNSApi. getJob(String jobId)
Returns the current status of a job. -
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.rackspace.clouddns.v1.features
Methods in org.jclouds.rackspace.clouddns.v1.features with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description Job<Set<Domain>>
DomainApi. create(Iterable<CreateDomain> createDomains)
Provisions one or more new DNS domains based on the configuration defined in CreateDomain.Job<Set<RecordDetail>>
RecordApi. create(Iterable<Record> createRecords)
Create Records for a Domain or Subdomain.Job<Set<RecordDetail>>
ReverseDNSApi. create(URI deviceURI, Iterable<Record> records)
Create Reverse DNS (PTR) records for a device.Job<Void>
DomainApi. delete(Iterable<Integer> ids, boolean deleteSubdomains)
This call removes one or more specified domains from the account; when a domain is deleted, its immediate resource records are also deleted from the account.Job<Void>
RecordApi. delete(Iterable<String> recordId)
Delete the specified records in the specified domain.Job<Void>
RecordApi. delete(String recordId)
Delete the specified record in the specified domain.Job<Void>
ReverseDNSApi. delete(URI deviceURI, String ipAddress)
Delete the Reverse DNS (PTR) record with the specified IP address for a device.Job<Void>
ReverseDNSApi. deleteAll(URI deviceURI)
Delete all Reverse DNS (PTR) records for a device.Job<List<String>>
DomainApi. exportFormat(int id, Domain.Format format)
This call provides the BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) 9 formatted contents of the requested domain.Domain
DomainApi. get(int id)
Get all information for a Domain, including records and subdomains.RecordDetail
RecordApi. get(String recordId)
Get the details for the specified record in the specified domain.RecordDetail
ReverseDNSApi. get(URI deviceURI, String recordId)
List all of the Reverse DNS (PTR) records for a device.RecordDetail
RecordApi. getByNameAndTypeAndData(String nameFilter, String typeFilter, String dataFilter)
RecordDetails filtered by name and type and data.Job<Domain>
DomainApi. importFormat(List<String> contents, Domain.Format format)
This call provisions a new DNS domain under the account specified by the BIND 9 formatted file configuration contents.PagedIterable<Domain>
DomainApi. list()
The resulting list is flat, and does not break the domains down hierarchically by subdomain.PaginatedCollection<Domain>
DomainApi. list(PaginationOptions options)
The resulting list is flat, and does not break the domains down hierarchically by subdomain.PagedIterable<RecordDetail>
RecordApi. list()
This call lists all records configured for the specified domain.PaginatedCollection<RecordDetail>
RecordApi. list(PaginationOptions options)
Use PaginationOptions to manually control the list of RecordDetail pages returned.PagedIterable<RecordDetail>
ReverseDNSApi. list(URI deviceURI)
List all of the Reverse DNS (PTR) records for a device.PagedIterable<RecordDetail>
RecordApi. listByNameAndType(String nameFilter, String typeFilter)
RecordDetails filtered by name and type.PagedIterable<RecordDetail>
RecordApi. listByType(String typeFilter)
RecordDetails filtered by type.PagedIterable<RecordDetail>
RecordApi. listByTypeAndData(String typeFilter, String dataFilter)
RecordDetails filtered by type and data.PagedIterable<Subdomain>
DomainApi. listSubdomains(int domainId)
List the subdomains of a domain.PaginatedCollection<Subdomain>
DomainApi. listSubdomains(int domainId, PaginationOptions options)
List the subdomains of a domain and manually control pagination.PagedIterable<Domain>
DomainApi. listWithFilterByNamesMatching(String nameFilter)
Filtering the search to limit the results returned can be performed by using the nameFilter parameter.Job<Void>
DomainApi. update(int id, UpdateDomain updateDomain)
This call modifies the domain attributes only.Job<Void>
RecordApi. update(String recordId, Record record)
Update the configuration of the specified record in the specified domain.Job<Void>
RecordApi. update(Map<String,Record> idsToRecords)
Update the configuration of the specified records in the specified domain.Job<Void>
ReverseDNSApi. update(URI deviceURI, Map<String,Record> idsToRecords)
Update Reverse DNS (PTR) records for a device.Job<Void>
DomainApi. updateEmail(Iterable<Integer> ids, String email)
This call modifies the domain's email only.Job<Void>
DomainApi. updateTTL(Iterable<Integer> ids, int ttl)
This call modifies the domain's TTL only. -
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudfiles.v1.features
Methods in org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudfiles.v1.features with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description URI
CDNApi. enable(String containerName)
Enables theCDNContainer
CDNApi. enable(String containerName, int ttl)
Enables theCDNContainer
with a TTL.CDNContainer
CDNApi. get(String containerName)
Gets the specified CDN Container. -
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudloadbalancers.v1.features
Methods in org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudloadbalancers.v1.features with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description LoadBalancer
LoadBalancerApi. create(CreateLoadBalancer createLB)
Create a new load balancer with the configuration defined by the request.Metadata
LoadBalancerApi. createMetadata(int id, Map<String,String> metadata)
When a metadata item is added, it is assigned a unique identifier that can be used for mutating operations such as changing the value attribute or removing it.Metadata
NodeApi. createMetadata(int id, Map<String,String> metadata)
When a metadata item is added, it is assigned a unique identifier that can be used for mutating operations such as changing the value attribute or removing it.String
ErrorPageApi. get()
Get the error page HTML content.LoadBalancer
LoadBalancerApi. get(int id)
Get a load balancer.Node
NodeApi. get(int id)
Get a node.SessionPersistence
SessionPersistenceApi. get()
Get the current session persistence.Metadata
LoadBalancerApi. getMetadata(int id)
List a load balancer's metadata.Metadata
NodeApi. getMetadata(int lb)
List a load balancer's metadata.boolean
ConnectionApi. isConnectionLogging()
Determine if the load balancer is logging connections.boolean
ContentCachingApi. isContentCaching()
Determine if the load balancer is content caching.PagedIterable<LoadBalancer>
LoadBalancerApi. list()
List the load balancers.IterableWithMarker<LoadBalancer>
LoadBalancerApi. list(PaginationOptions options)
List the load balancers with full control of pagination.PagedIterable<Node>
NodeApi. list()
List the nodes.IterableWithMarker<Node>
NodeApi. list(PaginationOptions options)
List the nodes with full control of pagination.Iterable<String>
ReportApi. listAlgorithms()
Get all of the possible algorthims usable by load balancers.PagedIterable<LoadBalancer>
ReportApi. listBillableLoadBalancers(Date startTime, Date endTime)
List billable load balancers for the given date range.IterableWithMarker<LoadBalancer>
ReportApi. listBillableLoadBalancers(PaginationOptions options)
ReportApi. listCurrentLoadBalancerUsage(int loadBalancerId)
Current usage represents all usage recorded within the preceding 24 hours.IterableWithMarker<LoadBalancerUsage>
ReportApi. listCurrentLoadBalancerUsage(PaginationOptions options)
ReportApi. listLoadBalancerUsage(int loadBalancerId, Date startTime, Date endTime)
Historical usage data is available for up to 90 days of service activity.IterableWithMarker<LoadBalancerUsage>
ReportApi. listLoadBalancerUsage(PaginationOptions options)
LoadBalancerApi. update(int id, UpdateLoadBalancer updateLB)
Update the properties of a load balancer. -
Uses of ResponseParser in
Methods in with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description String
HttpClient. post(URI location, Payload payload)
HttpClient. put(URI location, Payload payload)
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.s3
Methods in org.jclouds.s3 with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description String
S3Client. completeMultipartUpload(String bucketName, String key, String uploadId, Map<Integer,String> parts)
This operation completes a multipart upload by assembling previously uploaded parts.S3Object
S3Client. getObject(String bucketName, String key, GetOptions... options)
Retrieves the S3Object associated with the Key or KeyNotFoundException if not available;ObjectMetadata
S3Client. headObject(String bucketName, String key)
Retrieves themetadata
of the object associated with the key or null if not available.String
S3Client. initiateMultipartUpload(String bucketName, ObjectMetadata objectMetadata, PutObjectOptions... options)
This operation initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID.String
S3Client. putObject(String bucketName, S3Object object, PutObjectOptions... options)
Store data by creating or overwriting an object.String
S3Client. uploadPart(String bucketName, String key, int partNumber, String uploadId, Payload part)
This operation uploads a part in a multipart upload.String
S3Client. uploadPartCopy(String bucketName, String key, int partNumber, String uploadId, String sourceBucket, String sourceObject, long startOffset, long endOffset)
Uses of ResponseParser in org.jclouds.sqs.features
Methods in org.jclouds.sqs.features with annotations of type ResponseParser Modifier and Type Method Description URI
QueueApi. create(String queueName)
The CreateQueue action creates a new queue.URI
QueueApi. create(String queueName, CreateQueueOptions options)
same as#create(String, String)
except you can control options such as delay seconds.URI
QueueApi. get(String queueName)
The GetQueueUrl action returns the Uniform Resource Locater (URL) of a queue.URI
QueueApi. getInAccount(String queueName, String accountId)
, except specifying the owner of the<URI>
QueueApi. list()
The ListQueues action returns a list of your<URI>
QueueApi. list(ListQueuesOptions options)
MessageApi. send(String message)
The SendMessage action delivers a message to the specified queue.MessageIdAndMD5
MessageApi. send(String message, SendMessageOptions options)
same as#sendMessage(URI, String)
except you can control options such as delay seconds.BatchResult<? extends MessageIdAndMD5>
MessageApi. sendWithDelays(<String,String,Integer> idMessageBodyDelaySeconds)
Same asMessageApi.send(Map)
except you can set a delay for each message in the request.BatchResult<? extends MessageIdAndMD5>
MessageApi. sendWithDelays(Map<String,Integer> messageBodyDelaySeconds)
Same asMessageApi.sendWithDelays(Table)
, except that we generate numeric ids starting with1